author Walther Neuper <neuper@ist.tugraz.at>
Sat, 19 Mar 2011 15:03:36 +0100
changeset 41940 0af380e9bed0
parent 41929 e4b645e5f25b
child 41943 f33f6959948b
child 41949 c1859b72ae8d
permissions -rw-r--r--
intermed. usecase Diophant: usecase1 shifted into test/../mathengine.sml
     1 (* test for sml/ME/mathengine.sml
     2    authors: Walther Neuper 2000, 2006
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     4 *)
     5 (*-.-.-.-.-.-isolate response.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
     7 "--------------------------------------------------------";
     8 "table of contents --------------------------------------";
     9 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    10 "----------- change to parse ctxt -----------------------";
    11 "----------- debugging setContext..pbl_ -----------------";
    12 "----------- tryrefine ----------------------------------";
    13 "----------- fun step -----------------------------------";
    14 "----------- fun autocalc -------------------------------";
    15 "----------- fun autoCalculate --------------------------";
    16 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    17 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    18 "--------------------------------------------------------";
    20 "----------- change to parse ctxt -----------------------";
    21 "----------- change to parse ctxt -----------------------";
    22 "----------- change to parse ctxt -----------------------";
    23 -.-.-.-.-.-.-isolate response.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.*)
    24 "===== start calculation: from problem description (fmz) to origin";
    25 val fmz = ["realTestGiven (((1+2)*4/3)^^^2)","realTestFind s"];
    26 val (thyID, pblID, metID) =
    27   ("Test", ["calculate", "test"], ["Test", "test_calculate"]);
    28 val (p,_,_,nxt,_,pt) = CalcTreeTEST [(fmz, (thyID, pblID, metID))];
    29 "----- ";
    30 (* call sequence: CalcTreeTEST 
    31                 > nxt_specify_init_calc 
    32                 > prep_ori
    33 *)
    34 val (thy, pbt) = (Thy_Info.get_theory thyID, (#ppc o get_pbt) pblID);
    35 "----- in  prep_ori";
    36 val ctxt = ProofContext.init_global thy;
    38     val ctopts = map (parse thy) fmz;
    39     val dts = map ((split_dts thy) o term_of o the) ctopts;
    40 (*split_dts:
    41 (term * term list) list
    42         formulas: e.g. ((1+2)*4/3)^^^2
    43  description: e.g. realTestGiven
    44 *)
    45  prep_ori;
    46 (* FROM
    47 val it = fn:
    48    string list -> theory -> (string * (term * 'a)) list -> ori list
    49 TO
    50 val it = fn:
    51    string list -> theory -> (string * (term * 'a)) list -> (ori list * ctxt)
    52 AND
    53 FROM val oris = prep_ori...
    54 TO   val (oris, _) = prep_ori...
    55 *)
    56 "----- insert ctxt in ptree";
    57 (* datatype ppobj
    58 FROM loc   : istate option * istate option,
    59 TO   loc   : (istate * ctxt) option * (istate * ctxt) option,
    60 e.g.
    61 FROM val pt = Nd (PblObj
    62        {.., loc = (SOME (ScrState ([], [], NONE, Const ("empty", "'a"), Sundef, false)),
    63           NONE),
    64 TO   val pt = Nd (PblObj
    65        {.., loc = 
    66         ((SOME (ScrState ([], [], NONE, Const ("empty", "'a"), Sundef, false)), ctxt),
    67           NONE),
    68 *)
    70 "===== interactive specification: from origin to specification (probl)";
    71 val (p,_,_,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt; 
    72   (*nxt =("Add_Given", Model_Problem)*)
    73 val (p,_,_,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    74   (*nxt = ("Add_Find",Add_Find "realTestFind s") : string * tac*)
    75 "----- ";
    76 (* call sequence: me Model_Problem 
    77                 > me ("Add_Given", Add_Given "realTestGiven (((1 + 2) * 4 / 3) ^^^ 2)")
    78                 > locatetac tac
    79                 > loc_specify_
    80                 > specify          GET ctxt (stored in ctree)
    81                 > specify_additem
    82                 > appl_add
    84 *)
    85 "----- in appl_add";
    86 (* FROM appl_add thy
    87    TO   appl_add ctxt
    88    FROM parse thy str
    89    TO   parseNEW ctxt str
    90 *)
    91 val (p,_,_,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt; 
    92   (*nxt = ("Specify_Theory",Specify_Theory "Test") : string * tac*)
    93 val (p,_,_,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt; 
    94   (*nxt = ("Specify_Problem",Specify_Problem ["calculate","test"])*)
    96 "===== end specify: from specification (probl) to guard (method)";
    97 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
    98   (*nxt = ("Specify_Method",Specify_Method ("Test","test_calculate"))*)
   100 "===== start interpretation: from guard to environment";
   101 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   102   (*nxt = ("Apply_Method",Apply_Method ("Test","test_calculate"))*)
   103 "----- ";
   104 (* call sequence: me ("Apply_Method",...
   105                 > locatetac
   106                 > loc_solve_
   107                 > solve ("Apply_Method",...
   108 *)
   109 val ((_,tac), ptp) = (nxt, (pt, p));
   110 locatetac tac (pt,p);
   111   val (mI, m) = mk_tac'_ tac;
   112   val Appl m = applicable_in p pt m;
   113   member op = specsteps mI;
   114   loc_solve_ (mI,m) ptp;
   115     val (m, (pt, pos)) = ((mI,m), ptp);
   116     solve m (pt, pos);
   117       val ((_, m as Apply_Method' (mI, _, _)), (pt, (pos as (p,_)))) = 
   118         (m, (pt, pos));
   119       val {srls,...} = get_met mI;
   120       val PblObj{meth=itms,...} = get_obj I pt p;
   121       val thy' = get_obj g_domID pt p;
   122       val thy = assoc_thy thy';
   123       val (is as ScrState (env,_,_,_,_,_), sc) = init_scrstate thy itms mI;
   125 "----- go on in the calculation";
   126 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt pos [1] pt;
   127   (*nxt = ("Calculate",Calculate "PLUS")*)
   128 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   129   (*nxt = ("Calculate",Calculate "TIMES")*)
   131 "===== input a formula to be derived from previous istate";
   132 "----- appendFormula TODO: first repair error";
   133   val cs = ((pt,p),[]);
   134   val ("ok", cs' as (_,_,(pt,p))) = step p cs;
   135   val ifo = (* encode "4^^^2" \<longrightarrow>*) "4^2"; val encode = I;
   136 (*
   137   val ("no derivation found", (_,_,(pt, p))) = inform cs' (encode ifo);
   138   here ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ should be "ok"
   139 *)
   141 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   142 (*nxt = ("Calculate",Calculate "DIVIDE")*)
   143 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   144 (*nxt = ("Calculate",Calculate "POWER")*)
   145 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   146 (*nxt = ("Check_Postcond",Check_Postcond ["calculate","test"])*)
   147 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = me nxt p [1] pt;
   148 (*nxt = ("End_Proof'",End_Proof')*)
   149 if f = Form' (FormKF (~1,EdUndef,0,Nundef,"16")) then ()
   150 else error "calculate.sml: script test_calculate changed behaviour";
   152 "===== tactic Subproblem: from environment to origin";
   153 "----- TODO";
   157 (*-.-.-.-.-.-isolate response.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
   159 (*=== inhibit exn ?=============================================================
   161 "----------- debugging setContext..pbl_ -----------------";
   162 "----------- debugging setContext..pbl_ -----------------";
   163 "----------- debugging setContext..pbl_ -----------------";
   164 states:=[];
   165 CalcTree
   166 [(["equality (x+1=2)", "solveFor x","solutions L"], 
   167   ("Test", 
   168    ["sqroot-test","univariate","equation","test"],
   169    ["Test","squ-equ-test-subpbl1"]))];
   170 Iterator 1;
   171 moveActiveRoot 1; modelProblem 1;
   173 val pos as (p,_) = ([],Pbl);
   174 val guh = "pbl_equ_univ";
   175 checkContext 1 pos guh;
   176 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   177 val pp = par_pblobj pt p;
   178 val keID = guh2kestoreID guh;
   179 case context_pbl keID pt pp of (true,["univariate", "equation"],_,_,_)=>()
   180 | _ => error "mathengine.sml: context_pbl .. pbl_equ_univ checked";
   182 case get_obj g_spec pt p of (_, ["e_pblID"], _) => ()
   183 | _ => error "mathengine.sml: context_pbl .. pbl still empty";
   184 setContext 1 pos guh;
   185 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   186 case get_obj g_spec pt p of (_, ["univariate", "equation"], _) => ()
   187 | _ => error "mathengine.sml: context_pbl .. pbl set";
   190 setContext 1 pos "met_eq_lin";
   191 val ((pt,_),_) = get_calc 1;
   192 case get_obj g_spec pt p of (_,  _, ["LinEq", "solve_lineq_equation"]) => ()
   193 | _ => error "mathengine.sml: context_pbl .. pbl set";
   196 "----------- tryrefine ----------------------------------";
   197 "----------- tryrefine ----------------------------------";
   198 "----------- tryrefine ----------------------------------";
   199 states:=[];
   200 CalcTree [(["equality (x/(x^2 - 6*x+9) - 1/(x^2 - 3*x) =1/x)", 
   201 	    "solveFor x", "solutions L"],
   202 	   ("RatEq",["univariate","equation"],["no_met"]))];
   203 Iterator 1;
   204 moveActiveRoot 1; autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
   206 refineProblem 1 ([1],Res) "pbl_equ_univ" 
   207 (*gives "pbl_equ_univ_rat" correct*);
   209 refineProblem 1 ([1],Res) (pblID2guh ["linear","univariate","equation"])
   210 (*gives "pbl_equ_univ_lin" incorrect*);
   212 ===== inhibit exn ?===========================================================*)
   215 "----------- fun step -----------------------------------";
   216 "----------- fun step -----------------------------------";
   217 "----------- fun step -----------------------------------";
   218 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
   219 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = 
   220     CalcTreeTEST 
   221         [(["functionTerm (x^^^2 + 1)", "integrateBy x", "antiDerivative FF"], 
   222           ("Integrate", ["integrate","function"], ["diff","integration"]))];
   223 "----- step 1: returns tac = Model_Problem ---";
   224 val (str, ([(tac, _, _)], _, (pt, p))) = step p ((pt, e_pos'), []);
   225 "----- step 2: returns tac =  ---";
   226 val (str, ([(tac, _, _)], _, (pt, p))) = step p ((pt, e_pos'), []);
   227 "----- step 3: returns tac =  ---";
   228 val (str, ([(tac, _, _)], _, (pt, p))) = step p ((pt, e_pos'), []);
   229 "----- step 4: returns tac =  ---";
   230 val (str, ([(tac, _, _)], _, (pt, p))) = step p ((pt, e_pos'), []);
   231 "----- step 5: returns tac =  ---";
   233 (*========== inhibit exn =======================================================
   234 2002 stops here as well: TODO review actual arguments:
   235 val (str, ([(tac, _, _)], _, (pt, p))) = step p ((pt, e_pos'), []);
   236 "----- step 6: returns tac =  ---";
   237 val (str, ([(tac, _, _)], _, (pt, p))) = step p ((pt, e_pos'), []);
   238 "----- step 7: returns tac =  ---";
   239 val (str, ([(tac, _, _)], _, (pt, p))) = step p ((pt, e_pos'), []);
   240 "----- step 8: returns tac =  ---";
   241 val (str, ([(tac, _, _)], _, (pt, p))) = step p ((pt, e_pos'), []);
   242 ============ inhibit exn =====================================================*)
   245 "----------- fun autocalc -------------------------------";
   246 "----------- fun autocalc -------------------------------";
   247 "----------- fun autocalc -------------------------------";
   248 val p = e_pos'; val c = []; 
   249 val (p,_,f,nxt,_,pt) = 
   250     CalcTreeTEST 
   251         [(["functionTerm (x^^^2 + 1)", "integrateBy x", "antiDerivative FF"], 
   252           ("Integrate",["integrate","function"], ["diff","integration"]))];
   253 (*-----since Model_Problem + complete_mod_ in case cas of SOME-----*
   254 modeling is skipped FIXME 
   255  *-----since Model_Problem + complete_mod_ in case cas of SOME-----*)
   256 tracing "----- step 1 ---";
   257 val (str, cut, (pt, p)) = autocalc [] p ((pt, e_pos'),[]) (Step 1); show_pt pt;
   258 tracing "----- step 2 ---";
   259 val (str, cut, (pt, p)) = autocalc [] p ((pt, e_pos'),[]) (Step 1); show_pt pt;
   260 tracing "----- step 3 ---";
   261 val (str, cut, (pt, p)) = autocalc [] p ((pt, e_pos'),[]) (Step 1); show_pt pt;
   262 tracing "----- step 4 ---";
   263 val (str, cut, (pt, p)) = autocalc [] p ((pt, e_pos'),[]) (Step 1); show_pt pt;
   264 tracing "----- step 5 ---";
   265 val (str, cut, (pt, p)) = autocalc [] p ((pt, e_pos'),[]) (Step 1); show_pt pt;
   266 tracing "----- step 6 ---";
   267 val (str, cut, (pt, p)) = autocalc [] p ((pt, e_pos'),[]) (Step 1); show_pt pt;
   268 tracing "----- step 7 ---";
   269 val (str, cut, (pt, p)) = autocalc [] p ((pt, e_pos'),[]) (Step 1); show_pt pt;
   270 tracing "----- step 8 ---";
   271 val (str, cut, (pt, p)) = autocalc [] p ((pt, e_pos'),[]) (Step 1); show_pt pt;
   272 (*========== inhibit exn 110310 ================================================
   273 if str = "end-of-calculation" andalso 
   274    term2str (get_obj g_res pt (fst p)) = "c + x + 1 / 3 * x ^^^ 3" then ()
   275 else error "mathengine.sml -- fun autocalc -- end";
   276 ============ inhibit exn =====================================================*)
   279 "----------- fun autoCalculate -----------------------------------";
   280 "----------- fun autoCalculate -----------------------------------";
   281 "----------- fun autoCalculate -----------------------------------";
   282 states := [];
   283 CalcTree (*ATTENTION: encode_fmz ... unlike CalcTreeTEST*)
   284     [(["functionTerm (x^2 + 1)", "integrateBy x", "antiDerivative FF"],
   285       ("Integrate", ["integrate", "function"], ["diff", "integration"]))];
   286 Iterator 1;
   287 moveActiveRoot 1;
   288 (*-----since Model_Problem + complete_mod_ in case cas of SOME-----*
   289 modeling is skipped FIXME 
   290 see test/../interface -- solve_linear as rootpbl FE -- for OTHER expl:
   291  setNextTactic 1 (Add_Given "equality (1 + -1 * 2 + x = 0)");
   292  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); refFormula 1 (get_pos 1 1); (*equality added*);
   294  fetchProposedTactic 1;
   295  setNextTactic 1 (Add_Given "solveFor x");
   296  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); refFormula 1 (get_pos 1 1);
   298  fetchProposedTactic 1;
   299  setNextTactic 1 (Add_Find "solutions L");
   300  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); refFormula 1 (get_pos 1 1);
   302  fetchProposedTactic 1;
   303  setNextTactic 1 (Specify_Theory "Test");
   304  autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); refFormula 1 (get_pos 1 1);
   305 *-----since Model_Problem + complete_mod_ in case cas of SOME-----*)
   306 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1); 
   307 "----- step 1 ---";
   308 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   309 "----- step 2 ---";
   310 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   311 "----- step 3 ---";
   312 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   313 "----- step 4 ---";
   314 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   315 "----- step 5 ---";
   316 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   317 "----- step 6 ---";
   318 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   319 "----- step 7 ---";
   320 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   321 "----- step 8 ---";
   322 autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
   323 val (ptp as (_, p), _) = get_calc 1;
   324 val (Form t,_,_) = pt_extract ptp;
   325 (*========== inhibit exn 110310 ================================================
   326 if term2str t = "c + x + 1 / 3 * x ^^^ 3" andalso p = ([], Res) then ()
   327 else error "mathengine.sml -- fun autoCalculate -- end";
   328 ============ inhibit exn =====================================================*)
   330 -.-.-.-.-.-.-isolate response.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.*)