author blanchet
Fri, 18 Nov 2011 11:47:12 +0100
changeset 46429 0939c38b1fc9
parent 46392 0cd6e59bd0b5
child 46430 22d6fb988306
permissions -rw-r--r--
eta-contract to avoid needless "lambda" wrappers
     1 (*  Title:      HOL/Tools/Metis/metis_tactic.ML
     2     Author:     Kong W. Susanto, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     3     Author:     Lawrence C. Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory
     4     Author:     Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen
     5     Copyright   Cambridge University 2007
     7 HOL setup for the Metis prover.
     8 *)
    10 signature METIS_TACTIC =
    11 sig
    12   val trace : bool Config.T
    13   val verbose : bool Config.T
    14   val new_skolemizer : bool Config.T
    15   val type_has_top_sort : typ -> bool
    16   val metis_tac :
    17     string list -> string -> Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic
    18   val metis_lam_transs : string list
    19   val parse_metis_options : (string list option * string option) parser
    20   val setup : theory -> theory
    21 end
    23 structure Metis_Tactic : METIS_TACTIC =
    24 struct
    26 open ATP_Translate
    27 open ATP_Reconstruct
    28 open Metis_Translate
    29 open Metis_Reconstruct
    31 val new_skolemizer =
    32   Attrib.setup_config_bool @{binding metis_new_skolemizer} (K false)
    34 (* Designed to work also with monomorphic instances of polymorphic theorems. *)
    35 fun have_common_thm ths1 ths2 =
    36   exists (member (Term.aconv_untyped o pairself prop_of) ths1)
    37          (map Meson.make_meta_clause ths2)
    39 (*Determining which axiom clauses are actually used*)
    40 fun used_axioms axioms (th, Metis_Proof.Axiom _) = SOME (lookth axioms th)
    41   | used_axioms _ _ = NONE
    43 (* Lightweight predicate type information comes in two flavors, "t = t'" and
    44    "t => t'", where "t" and "t'" are the same term modulo type tags.
    45    In Isabelle, type tags are stripped away, so we are left with "t = t" or
    46    "t => t". Type tag idempotence is also handled this way. *)
    47 fun reflexive_or_trivial_from_metis ctxt type_enc sym_tab concealed mth =
    48   let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt in
    49     case hol_clause_from_metis ctxt type_enc sym_tab concealed mth of
    50       Const (@{const_name HOL.eq}, _) $ _ $ t =>
    51       let
    52         val ct = cterm_of thy t
    53         val cT = ctyp_of_term ct
    54       in refl |> Drule.instantiate' [SOME cT] [SOME ct] end
    55     | Const (@{const_name disj}, _) $ t1 $ t2 =>
    56       (if can HOLogic.dest_not t1 then t2 else t1)
    57       |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop |> cterm_of thy |> Thm.trivial
    58     | _ => raise Fail "expected reflexive or trivial clause"
    59   end
    60   |> Meson.make_meta_clause
    62 fun lambda_lifted_from_metis ctxt type_enc sym_tab concealed mth =
    63   let
    64     val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
    65     val tac = rewrite_goals_tac @{thms lambda_def_raw} THEN rtac refl 1
    66     val t = hol_clause_from_metis ctxt type_enc sym_tab concealed mth
    67     val ct = cterm_of thy (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop t)
    68   in Goal.prove_internal [] ct (K tac) |> Meson.make_meta_clause end
    70 fun introduce_lambda_wrappers_in_theorem ctxt th =
    71   if Meson_Clausify.is_quasi_lambda_free (prop_of th) then
    72     th
    73   else
    74     let
    75       val th = th |> Drule.eta_contraction_rule
    76       fun conv wrap ctxt ct =
    77         if Meson_Clausify.is_quasi_lambda_free (term_of ct) then
    78           Thm.reflexive ct
    79         else case term_of ct of
    80           Abs _ =>
    81           Conv.abs_conv (conv false o snd) ctxt ct
    82           |> wrap ? (fn th => th RS @{thm Metis.eq_lambdaI})
    83         | _ => Conv.comb_conv (conv true ctxt) ct
    84       val eqth = conv true ctxt (cprop_of th)
    85     in Thm.equal_elim eqth th end
    87 val clause_params =
    88   {ordering = Metis_KnuthBendixOrder.default,
    89    orderLiterals = Metis_Clause.UnsignedLiteralOrder,
    90    orderTerms = true}
    91 val active_params =
    92   {clause = clause_params,
    93    prefactor = #prefactor Metis_Active.default,
    94    postfactor = #postfactor Metis_Active.default}
    95 val waiting_params =
    96   {symbolsWeight = 1.0,
    97    variablesWeight = 0.0,
    98    literalsWeight = 0.0,
    99    models = []}
   100 val resolution_params = {active = active_params, waiting = waiting_params}
   102 (* Main function to start Metis proof and reconstruction *)
   103 fun FOL_SOLVE (type_enc :: fallback_type_encs) lam_trans ctxt cls ths0 =
   104   let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
   105       val new_skolemizer =
   106         Config.get ctxt new_skolemizer orelse null (Meson.choice_theorems thy)
   107       val th_cls_pairs =
   108         map2 (fn j => fn th =>
   109                 (Thm.get_name_hint th,
   110                  Meson_Clausify.cnf_axiom ctxt new_skolemizer
   111                                           (lam_trans = combinatorsN) j th))
   112              (0 upto length ths0 - 1) ths0
   113       val ths = maps (snd o snd) th_cls_pairs
   114       val dischargers = map (fst o snd) th_cls_pairs
   115       val _ = trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "FOL_SOLVE: CONJECTURE CLAUSES")
   116       val _ = app (fn th => trace_msg ctxt (fn () => Display.string_of_thm ctxt th)) cls
   117       val _ = trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "type_enc = " ^ type_enc)
   118       val type_enc = type_enc_from_string Sound type_enc
   119       val (sym_tab, axioms, concealed) =
   120         prepare_metis_problem ctxt type_enc lam_trans cls ths
   121       fun get_isa_thm mth Isa_Reflexive_or_Trivial =
   122           reflexive_or_trivial_from_metis ctxt type_enc sym_tab concealed mth
   123         | get_isa_thm mth Isa_Lambda_Lifted =
   124           lambda_lifted_from_metis ctxt type_enc sym_tab concealed mth
   125         | get_isa_thm _ (Isa_Raw ith) =
   126           ith |> lam_trans = lam_liftingN
   127                  ? introduce_lambda_wrappers_in_theorem ctxt
   128       val axioms = axioms |> map (fn (mth, ith) => (mth, get_isa_thm mth ith))
   129       val _ = trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "THEOREM CLAUSES")
   130       val _ = app (fn (_, th) => trace_msg ctxt (fn () => Display.string_of_thm ctxt th)) axioms
   131       val _ = trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "CLAUSES GIVEN TO METIS")
   132       val thms = axioms |> map fst
   133       val _ = app (fn th => trace_msg ctxt (fn () => Metis_Thm.toString th)) thms
   134       val _ = trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "START METIS PROVE PROCESS")
   135   in
   136       case filter (fn t => prop_of t aconv @{prop False}) cls of
   137           false_th :: _ => [false_th RS @{thm FalseE}]
   138         | [] =>
   139       case resolution_params
   140                                 {axioms = thms, conjecture = []}
   141            |> Metis_Resolution.loop of
   142           Metis_Resolution.Contradiction mth =>
   143             let val _ = trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "METIS RECONSTRUCTION START: " ^
   144                           Metis_Thm.toString mth)
   145                 val ctxt' = fold Variable.declare_constraints (map prop_of cls) ctxt
   146                              (*add constraints arising from converting goal to clause form*)
   147                 val proof = Metis_Proof.proof mth
   148                 val result =
   149                   axioms
   150                   |> fold (replay_one_inference ctxt' type_enc concealed sym_tab) proof
   151                 val used = map_filter (used_axioms axioms) proof
   152                 val _ = trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "METIS COMPLETED...clauses actually used:")
   153                 val _ = app (fn th => trace_msg ctxt (fn () => Display.string_of_thm ctxt th)) used
   154                 val names = th_cls_pairs |> map fst
   155                 val used_names =
   156                   th_cls_pairs
   157                   |> map_filter (fn (name, (_, cls)) =>
   158                                     if have_common_thm used cls then SOME name
   159                                     else NONE)
   160                 val unused_names = names |> subtract (op =) used_names
   161             in
   162                 if not (null cls) andalso not (have_common_thm used cls) then
   163                   verbose_warning ctxt "The assumptions are inconsistent"
   164                 else
   165                   ();
   166                 if not (null unused_names) then
   167                   "Unused theorems: " ^ commas_quote unused_names
   168                   |> verbose_warning ctxt
   169                 else
   170                   ();
   171                 case result of
   172                     (_,ith)::_ =>
   173                         (trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "Success: " ^ Display.string_of_thm ctxt ith);
   174                          [discharge_skolem_premises ctxt dischargers ith])
   175                   | _ => (trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "Metis: No result"); [])
   176             end
   177         | Metis_Resolution.Satisfiable _ =>
   178             (trace_msg ctxt (fn () => "Metis: No first-order proof with the lemmas supplied");
   179              if null fallback_type_encs then
   180                ()
   181              else
   182                raise METIS ("FOL_SOLVE",
   183                             "No first-order proof with the lemmas supplied");
   184              [])
   185   end
   186   handle METIS (loc, msg) =>
   187          case fallback_type_encs of
   188            [] => error ("Failed to replay Metis proof in Isabelle." ^
   189                         (if Config.get ctxt verbose then "\n" ^ loc ^ ": " ^ msg
   190                          else ""))
   191          | first_fallback :: _ =>
   192            (verbose_warning ctxt
   193                 ("Falling back on " ^
   194                  quote (metis_call first_fallback lam_trans) ^ "...");
   195             FOL_SOLVE fallback_type_encs lam_trans ctxt cls ths0)
   197 fun neg_clausify ctxt combinators =
   198   single
   199   #> Meson.make_clauses_unsorted ctxt
   200   #> combinators ? map Meson_Clausify.introduce_combinators_in_theorem
   201   #> Meson.finish_cnf
   203 fun preskolem_tac ctxt st0 =
   204   (if exists (Meson.has_too_many_clauses ctxt)
   205              (Logic.prems_of_goal (prop_of st0) 1) then
   206      Simplifier.full_simp_tac (Meson_Clausify.ss_only @{thms not_all not_ex}) 1
   207      THEN cnf.cnfx_rewrite_tac ctxt 1
   208    else
   209      all_tac) st0
   211 val type_has_top_sort =
   212   exists_subtype (fn TFree (_, []) => true | TVar (_, []) => true | _ => false)
   214 fun generic_metis_tac type_encs lam_trans ctxt ths i st0 =
   215   let
   216     val _ = trace_msg ctxt (fn () =>
   217         "Metis called with theorems\n" ^
   218         cat_lines (map (Display.string_of_thm ctxt) ths))
   219     val type_encs = type_encs |> maps unalias_type_enc
   220     fun tac clause =
   221       resolve_tac (FOL_SOLVE type_encs lam_trans ctxt clause ths) 1
   222   in
   223     if exists_type type_has_top_sort (prop_of st0) then
   224       verbose_warning ctxt "Proof state contains the universal sort {}"
   225     else
   226       ();
   227     Meson.MESON (preskolem_tac ctxt)
   228         (maps (neg_clausify ctxt (lam_trans = combinatorsN))) tac ctxt i st0
   229   end
   231 fun metis_tac [] = generic_metis_tac partial_type_encs
   232   | metis_tac type_encs = generic_metis_tac type_encs
   234 (* Whenever "X" has schematic type variables, we treat "using X by metis" as
   235    "by (metis X)" to prevent "Subgoal.FOCUS" from freezing the type variables.
   236    We don't do it for nonschematic facts "X" because this breaks a few proofs
   237    (in the rare and subtle case where a proof relied on extensionality not being
   238    applied) and brings few benefits. *)
   239 val has_tvar =
   240   exists_type (exists_subtype (fn TVar _ => true | _ => false)) o prop_of
   242 fun method default_type_encs ((override_type_encs, lam_trans), ths) ctxt facts =
   243   let
   244     val _ =
   245       if default_type_encs = full_type_encs then
   246         legacy_feature "Old \"metisFT\" method -- use \"metis (full_types)\" instead"
   247       else
   248         ()
   249     val (schem_facts, nonschem_facts) = List.partition has_tvar facts
   250     val type_encs = override_type_encs |> the_default default_type_encs
   251     val lam_trans = lam_trans |> the_default metis_default_lam_trans
   252   in
   253     HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac nonschem_facts THEN'
   254               CHANGED_PROP o generic_metis_tac type_encs lam_trans ctxt
   255                                                (schem_facts @ ths))
   256   end
   258 val metis_lam_transs = [hide_lamsN, lam_liftingN, combinatorsN]
   260 fun consider_opt s =
   261   if member (op =) metis_lam_transs s then apsnd (K (SOME s))
   262   else apfst (K (SOME [s]))
   264 val parse_metis_options =
   265   Scan.optional
   266       (Args.parens (Parse.short_ident
   267                     -- Scan.option (Parse.$$$ "," |-- Parse.short_ident))
   268        >> (fn (s, s') =>
   269               (NONE, NONE) |> consider_opt s
   270                            |> (case s' of SOME s' => consider_opt s' | _ => I)))
   271       (NONE, NONE)
   273 fun setup_method (binding, type_encs) =
   274   Scan.lift parse_metis_options -- Attrib.thms >> (METHOD oo method type_encs)
   275   |> Method.setup binding
   277 val setup =
   278   [((@{binding metis}, partial_type_encs),
   279     "Metis for FOL and HOL problems"),
   280    ((@{binding metisFT}, full_type_encs),
   281     "Metis for FOL/HOL problems with fully-typed translation")]
   282   |> fold (uncurry setup_method)
   284 end;