author Walther Neuper <>
Mon, 11 May 2020 20:49:27 +0200
changeset 59965 0763aec4c5b6
parent 59963 e3cf90168a49
child 59968 5dd1d96cb467
permissions -rw-r--r--
prep. remove Specify/mstools.sml
     1 (* Title:  Specify/refine.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper 110226
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 Operations on models.
     6 *)
     8 signature REFINE_PROBLEM =
     9 sig
    10   val problem: theory -> -> I_Model.T ->
    11     ( * (I_Model.T * Pre_Conds.T)) option
    13 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    14   (*NONE*)
    15 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    16   (*NONE*)
    17 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    18 end
    20 (**)
    21 structure Refine(**) : REFINE_PROBLEM(**) =
    22 struct
    23 (**)
    25 datatype match_ = 
    26   Match_ of * (( I_Model.T) * (Pre_Conds.T))
    27 | NoMatch_;
    29 fun is_matches_ (Match_ _) = true
    30   | is_matches_ _ = false;
    32 fun refined_ ms = ((find_first is_matches_) o rev) ms;
    34 fun eq1 d (_, (d', _)) = (d = d');
    36 fun chk_ (_: theory) pbt (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, vs), _)) =
    37       (case find_first (eq1 d) pbt of 
    38         SOME (_, (_, id)) => (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, vs), (id, I_Model.pbl_ids' d vs)))
    39       | NONE =>  (i, vats, false, f, I_Model.Sup (d, vs)))
    40   | chk_ _ pbt (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Inc ((d, vs), _)) =
    41       (case find_first (eq1 d) pbt of 
    42         SOME (_, (_, id)) => (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, vs), (id, I_Model.pbl_ids' d vs)))
    43       | NONE => (i, vats, false, f, I_Model.Sup (d, vs)))
    44   | chk_ _ _ (itm as (_, _, _, _, I_Model.Syn _)) = itm
    45   | chk_ _ _ (itm as (_, _, _, _, I_Model.Typ _)) = itm
    46   | chk_ _ pbt (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Sup (d, vs)) =
    47       (case find_first (eq1 d) pbt of 
    48         SOME (_, (_, id)) => (i, vats, b, f, I_Model.Cor ((d,vs), (id, I_Model.pbl_ids' d vs)))
    49       | NONE => (i, vats, false, f, I_Model.Sup (d, vs)))
    50   | chk_ _ pbt (i, vats, _, f, I_Model.Mis (d, vs)) =
    51       (case find_first (eq1 d) pbt of
    52         SOME (_, _) => raise ERROR "chk_: ((i,vats,b,f,I_Model.Cor ((d,vs),(id, I_Model.pbl_ids' d vs))):itm)"
    53       | NONE => (i, vats, false, f, I_Model.Sup (d, [vs])))
    54   | chk_ _ _ _ = raise ERROR "chk_: uncovered fun def.";
    56 fun eq2 (_, (d, _)) (_, _, _, _, itm_) = d = I_Model.d_in itm_;
    57 fun eq0 (0, _, _, _, _) = true
    58   | eq0 _ = false;
    59 fun max_i i [] = i
    60   | max_i i ((id, _, _, _, _) :: is) = if i > id then max_i i is else max_i id is;
    61 fun max_id [] = 0
    62   | max_id ((id, _, _, _, _) :: is) = max_i id is;
    63 fun add_idvat itms _ _ [] = itms
    64   | add_idvat itms i mvat ((_, _, b, f, itm_) :: its) =
    65     add_idvat (itms @ [(i, [], b, f, itm_)]) (i + 1) mvat its;
    67 (* find elements of pbt not contained in itms;
    68    if such one is untouched, return this one, otherwise create new itm *)
    69 fun chk_m itms untouched (p as (f, (d, id))) = 
    70   case find_first (eq2 p) itms of
    71 	  SOME _ => []
    72   | NONE =>
    73       (case find_first (eq2 p) untouched of
    74         SOME itm => [itm]
    75       | NONE => [(0, [], false, f, I_Model.Mis (d, id))]);
    77 fun chk_mis mvat itms untouched pbt = 
    78     let val mis = (flat o (map (chk_m itms untouched))) pbt; 
    79         val mid = max_id itms;
    80     in add_idvat [] (mid + 1) mvat mis end;
    82 (* check a problem (ie. itm list) for matching a problemtype, 
    83    takes the I_Model.max_vt for concluding completeness (could be another!) *)
    84 fun match_itms thy itms (pbt, pre, prls) = 
    85   let
    86     fun okv mvat (_, vats, b, _, _) = member op = vats mvat andalso b;
    87     val itms' = map (chk_ thy pbt) itms; (* all found are #3 true *)
    88     val mvat = I_Model.max_vt itms';
    89 	  val itms'' = filter (okv mvat) itms';
    90 	  val untouched = filter eq0 itms; (* i.e. dsc only (from init)*)
    91 	  val mis = chk_mis mvat itms'' untouched pbt;
    92 	  val pre' = Pre_Conds.check prls pre itms'' mvat
    93 	  val pb = foldl and_ (true, map fst pre')
    94   in (length mis = 0 andalso pb, (itms'@ mis, pre')) end;
    96 (* refine a problem; version for tactic Refine_Problem *)
    97 fun refin'' _ (pblRD: itms pbls (Store.Node (pI, [py], [])) =
    98     let
    99 	    val {thy, ppc, where_, prls, ...} = py 
   100 	    val (b, (itms', pre')) = match_itms thy itms (ppc, where_, prls);
   101     in
   102       if b
   103       then pbls @ [Match_ (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), (itms', pre'))]
   104       else pbls @ [NoMatch_] 
   105     end
   106   | refin'' _ pblRD itms pbls (Store.Node (pI, [py], pys)) =
   107     let
   108       val {thy, ppc, where_, prls, ...} = py 
   109       val (b, (itms', pre')) = match_itms thy itms (ppc, where_, prls);
   110     in if b 
   111        then let val pbl = Match_ (rev (pblRD @ [pI]), (itms', pre'))
   112 	    in refins'' thy (pblRD @ [pI]) itms (pbls @ [pbl]) pys end
   113        else (pbls @ [NoMatch_])
   114     end
   115   | refin'' _ _ _ _ _ = raise ERROR "refin'': uncovered fun def."
   116 and refins'' _ _ _ pbls [] = pbls
   117   | refins'' thy pblRD itms pbls ((p as Store.Node _) :: pts) =
   118     let
   119       val pbls' = refin'' thy pblRD itms pbls p
   120     in case last_elem pbls' of
   121       Match_ _ => pbls'
   122     | NoMatch_ => refins'' thy pblRD itms pbls' pts
   123   end;
   125 fun problem thy pblID itms =
   126   case refined_ ((Store.apply (get_ptyps ())) (refin'' thy ((rev o tl) pblID) itms []) pblID (rev pblID)) of
   127 	  NONE => NONE
   128   | SOME (Match_ (rfd as (pI', _))) => if pblID = pI' then NONE else SOME rfd
   129   | _ => raise ERROR "Refine.problem: uncovered case refined_";
   131 (**)end(**)