author Walther Neuper <>
Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:32:05 +0200
changeset 55487 06883b595617
parent 55461 3a7dff5713d6
child 59108 419308245588
permissions -rw-r--r--
collected updates since changeset 066b35da6c97
     1 (* isac's rewriter
     2    (c) Walther Neuper 2000
     4 use"ProgLang/rewrite.sml"; 
     5 use"rewrite.sml";
     6 *)
     9 exception NO_REWRITE;
    10 exception STOP_REW_SUB; (*WN050820 quick and dirty*)
    12 fun trace i str = 
    13   if ! trace_rewrite andalso i < ! depth then tracing (idt "#" i ^ str) else ()
    14 fun trace1 i str = 
    15   if ! trace_rewrite andalso i < ! depth then tracing (idt "#" (i + 1) ^ str) else ()
    17 (* 
    18 Synopsis rewriting (prep for reference manual):
    19 ----------------------------------------------
    20 Rewriting uses theorems for transforming terms. However, not all kinds
    21 of such transformations can be done by rewriting. Examples are
    22 calculation with numerals or cancellation of fractions. 
    24 Isac tries to present transformations like calculations or cancellation 
    25 as simple rewrite steps for the naive user. However, some of such
    26 transformations should be transparent to the user by single-stepping.
    27 For instance, cancellation involves interesting CA algorithms like 
    28 GCD of multivariate polynomials.
    30 Thus Isac has two mechanisms for including SML code, "thm Calc" and "Rrls",
    31 the former for steps which are not meant to be inspected by single-stepping
    32 the latter meant for single-stepping and providing respective mechanisms.
    34 (1) Inclusion by "thm Calc" for 1-step execution
    35 TODO
    37 (2) Inclusion by "Rrls" for multi-step execution
    38 TODO
    39 In multi-step execution "reverse rewriting" worked only as passive presentation
    40 without any interaction. So the functions init_state, locate_rule etc are just dummies.
    41 TODO
    42 ? multi-step execution did never work.
    43 what worked is "reverse rewriting", 
    44 i.e. presentation of intermediate steps *without* interaction
    45 TODO
    46 # type rule and scr | Rfuns
    47 # type rrlsstate = (*state for reverse rewriting*) 
    48 # type and rls | Rrls
    49 all in calcelems.sml
    50 TODO
    51 *)
    52 fun rewrite__ thy i bdv tless rls put_asm thm ct =
    53   (let
    54     val (t',asms,lrd,rew) = 
    55 	rew_sub thy i bdv tless rls put_asm [(*root of the term*)]
    56 		(((inst_bdv bdv) o norm o #prop o rep_thm) thm) ct;
    57   in if rew then SOME (t', distinct asms)
    58      else NONE end)
    59 (* one rewrite (possibly conditional, ordered) EXOR exn EXOR go into subterms *)
    60 and rew_sub thy i bdv tless rls put_asm lrd r t = 
    61   ((*tracing ("@@@ rew_sub begin: t = "^(term2str t));
    62    tracing ("@@@ rew_sub begin: bdv = "^(PolyML.makestring bdv));
    63    tracing ("@@@ rew_sub begin: r = "^(term2str r));*)
    64     let                  (* copy from Pure/thm.ML: fun rewritec *)
    65      val (lhs, rhs) = (HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
    66                        o Logic.strip_imp_concl) r;
    67      val r' = Envir.subst_term (Pattern.match thy (lhs, t) 
    68 					      (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)) r;
    69      val p' = map HOLogic.dest_Trueprop ((fst o Logic.strip_prems) 
    70                                              (Logic.count_prems r', [], r'));
    71      val t' = (snd o HOLogic.dest_eq o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop 
    72                o Logic.strip_imp_concl) r';
    73      (*val _= tracing("@@@ rew_sub match: t'= "^(term2str t'));*)
    74      val _= if ! trace_rewrite andalso i < ! depth andalso p' <> []
    75 	    then tracing((idt"#"(i+1))^" eval asms: "^(term2str r')) else();
    76      val (t'',p'') =                                   (*conditional rewriting*)
    77 	 let val (simpl_p', nofalse) = eval__true thy (i+1) p' bdv rls 	     
    78 	 in if nofalse
    79 	    then (if ! trace_rewrite andalso i < ! depth andalso p' <> []
    80 		  then tracing((idt"#"(i+1))^" asms accepted: "^(terms2str p')^
    81 			       "   stored: "^(terms2str simpl_p'))
    82 		  else(); (t',simpl_p'))             (* uncond.rew. from above*)
    83 	    else 
    84 		(if ! trace_rewrite andalso i < ! depth 
    85 		 then tracing((idt"#"(i+1))^" asms false: "^(terms2str p')) 
    86 		 else(); raise STOP_REW_SUB (*dont go into subterms of cond*))
    87 	 end
    88    in if perm lhs rhs andalso not (tless bdv (t',t))       (*ordered rewriting*)
    89 	then (if ! trace_rewrite andalso i < ! depth 
    90 	      then tracing((idt"#"i)^" not: \""^
    91 	      (term2str t)^"\" > \""^
    92 	      (term2str t')^"\"") else (); 
    93 	      raise NO_REWRITE )
    94 	else ((*tracing("##@ rew_sub: (t''= "^(term2str t'')^
    95 		      ", p'' ="^(terms2str p'')^", true)");*)
    96 	      (t'',p'',[],true))
    97    end
    98    ) handle _ (*NO_REWRITE WN050820 causes diff.behav. in tests + MATCH!*) => 
    99      ((*tracing ("@@@ rew_sub gosub: t = "^(term2str t));*)
   100       case t of
   101 	Const(s,T) => (Const(s,T),[],lrd,false)
   102       | Free(s,T) => (Free(s,T),[],lrd,false)
   103       | Var(n,T) => (Var(n,T),[],lrd,false)
   104       | Bound i => (Bound i,[],lrd,false)
   105       | Abs(s,T,body) => 
   106 	  let val (t', asms, lrd, rew) = 
   107 		  rew_sub thy i bdv tless rls put_asm (lrd@[D]) r body
   108 	  in (Abs(s,T,t'), asms, [], rew) end
   109       | t1 $ t2 => 
   110 	  let val (t2', asm2, lrd, rew2) = 
   111 		  rew_sub thy i bdv tless rls put_asm (lrd@[R]) r t2
   112 	  in if rew2 then (t1 $ t2', asm2, lrd, true)
   113 	     else let val (t1', asm1, lrd, rew1) = 
   114 	       rew_sub thy i bdv tless rls put_asm (lrd@[L]) r t1
   115 		  in if rew1 then (t1' $ t2, asm1, lrd, true)
   116 		     else (t1 $ t2,[], lrd, false) end
   117 	  end)
   118 (* simplify asumptions until one evaluates to false, store intermined's (x~=0)*)
   119 and eval__true thy i asms bdv rls =
   120   if asms = [@{term True}] orelse asms = [] then ([], true)
   121   (* this allows to check Rrls with prepat = ([@{term True}], pat) *)
   122   else if asms = [@{term False}] then ([], false) else
   123     let                            
   124       fun chk indets [] = (indets, true)(*return asms<>True until false*)
   125         | chk indets (a::asms) =
   126           (case rewrite__set_ thy (i + 1) false bdv rls a of
   127             NONE => (chk (indets @ [a]) asms)
   128           | SOME (t, a') =>
   129             if t = @{term True} then (chk (indets @ a') asms) 
   130             else if t = @{term False} then ([], false)
   131           (*asm false .. thm not applied ^^^; continue until False vvv*)
   132           else chk (indets @ [t] @ a') asms);
   133     in chk [] asms end
   134 (* rewrite with a rule set, which must not be the empty Erls *)
   135 and rewrite__set_ _ _ __ Erls t = 
   136     error ("rewrite__set_ called with 'Erls' for '" ^ term2str t ^ "'")
   137   (* rewrite with a 'reverse rule set' implemented by ML code *)
   138   | rewrite__set_ thy i _ _ (rrls as Rrls _) t =
   139     let
   140       val _= trace i (" rls: " ^ id_rls rrls ^ " on: " ^ term2str t)
   141 	    val (t', asm, rew) = app_rev thy (i + 1) rrls t
   142     in if rew then SOME (t', distinct asm) else NONE end
   143   (* rewrite with a rule set containing Thms or Calculations *)
   144   | rewrite__set_ thy i put_asm bdv rls ct =
   145     let
   146       datatype switch = Appl | Noap;
   147       fun rew_once ruls asm ct Noap [] = (ct, asm)
   148         | rew_once ruls asm ct Appl [] = 
   149           (case rls of Rls _ => rew_once ruls asm ct Noap ruls
   150           | Seq _ => (ct, asm))
   151         | rew_once ruls asm ct apno (rul::thms) =
   152           case rul of
   153             Thm (thmid, thm) =>
   154               (trace1 i (" try thm: " ^ thmid);
   155               case rewrite__ thy (i + 1) bdv ((snd o #rew_ord o rep_rls) rls)
   156                   ((#erls o rep_rls) rls) put_asm thm ct of
   157                 NONE => rew_once ruls asm ct apno thms
   158               | SOME (ct',asm') => 
   159                 (trace1 i (" rewrites to: " ^ term2str ct');
   160                 rew_once ruls (union (op =) asm asm') ct' Appl (rul::thms)))
   161           | Calc (cc as (op_, _)) => 
   162             let val _= trace1 i (" try calc: " ^ op_ ^ "'")
   163               val ct = uminus_to_string ct
   164             in case get_calculation_ thy cc ct of
   165                 NONE => rew_once ruls asm ct apno thms
   166               | SOME (thmid, thm') => 
   167                 let 
   168                   val pairopt = rewrite__ thy (i + 1) bdv ((snd o #rew_ord o rep_rls) rls)
   169                     ((#erls o rep_rls) rls) put_asm thm' ct;
   170                   val _ = if pairopt <> NONE then () else error ("rewrite_set_, rewrite_ \"" ^ 
   171                     string_of_thmI thm' ^ "\" " ^ term2str ct ^ " = NONE")
   172                   val _ = trace1 i (" calc. to: " ^ term2str ((fst o the) pairopt))
   173                 in rew_once ruls asm ((fst o the) pairopt) Appl (rul :: thms) end
   174             end
   175           | Cal1 (cc as (op_, _)) => 
   176             let val _= trace1 i (" try cal1: " ^ op_ ^ "'");
   177               val ct = uminus_to_string ct
   178             in case get_calculation1_ thy cc ct of
   179                 NONE => (ct, asm)
   180               | SOME (thmid, thm') =>
   181                 let 
   182                   val pairopt = rewrite__ thy (i + 1) bdv ((snd o #rew_ord o rep_rls) rls)
   183                     ((#erls o rep_rls) rls) put_asm thm' ct;
   184                   val _ = if pairopt <> NONE then () else error ("rewrite_set_, rewrite_ \"" ^
   185                      string_of_thmI thm' ^ "\" " ^ term2str ct ^ " = NONE")
   186                   val _ = trace1 i (" cal1. to: " ^ term2str ((fst o the) pairopt))
   187                 in the pairopt end
   188             end
   189           | Rls_ rls' => 
   190             (case rewrite__set_ thy (i + 1) put_asm bdv rls' ct of
   191               SOME (t', asm') => rew_once ruls (union (op =) asm asm') t' Appl thms
   192             | NONE => rew_once ruls asm ct apno thms);
   193       val ruls = (#rules o rep_rls) rls;
   194       val _= trace i (" rls: " ^ id_rls rls ^ " on: " ^ term2str ct)
   195       val (ct', asm') = rew_once ruls [] ct Noap ruls;
   196 	  in if ct = ct' then NONE else SOME (ct', distinct asm') end
   198 (* apply an Rrls; if not applicable proceed with subterms *)
   199 and app_rev thy i rrls t = 
   200   let (* check a (precond, pattern) of a rev-set; stops with 1st true *)
   201     fun chk_prepat thy erls [] t = true
   202       | chk_prepat thy erls prepat t =
   203         let
   204           fun chk (pres, pat) =
   205             (let 
   206               val subst: Type.tyenv * Envir.tenv =
   207                 Pattern.match thy (pat, t) (Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty)
   208              in
   209               snd (eval__true thy (i + 1) (map (Envir.subst_term subst) pres) [] erls)
   210              end) handle _ => false
   211            fun scan_ f [] = false (*scan_ NEVER called by []*)
   212              | scan_ f (pp::pps) =
   213                if f pp then true else scan_ f pps;
   214         in scan_ chk prepat end;
   215     (* apply the normal_form of a rev-set *)
   216     fun app_rev' thy (Rrls {erls, prepat, scr = Rfuns {normal_form, ...}, ...}) t =
   217       if chk_prepat thy erls prepat t then normal_form t else NONE;
   218     val opt = app_rev' thy rrls t
   219   in
   220     case opt of
   221       SOME (t', asm) => (t', asm, true)
   222     | NONE => app_sub thy i rrls t
   223   end
   225 (* apply an Rrls to subterms *)
   226 and app_sub thy i rrls t =
   227   ((*tracing("### app_sub: subterm = "^(term2str t));*)
   228   case t of
   229     Const (s, T) => (Const(s, T), [], false)
   230   | Free (s, T) => (Free(s, T), [], false)
   231   | Var (n, T) => (Var(n, T), [], false)
   232   | Bound i => (Bound i, [], false)
   233   | Abs (s, T, body) => 
   234 	  let val (t', asm, rew) = app_rev thy i rrls body
   235 	  in (Abs(s, T, t'), asm, rew) end
   236   | t1 $ t2 => 
   237     let val (t2', asm2, rew2) = app_rev thy i rrls t2
   238     in
   239       if rew2 then (t1 $ t2', asm2, true)
   240       else
   241         let val (t1', asm1, rew1) = app_rev thy i rrls t1
   242         in if rew1 then (t1' $ t2, asm1, true)
   243            else (t1 $ t2, [], false)
   244         end
   245     end);
   249 (*.rewriting without argument [] for rew_ord.*)
   250 (*WN.11.6.03: shouldnt asm<>[] lead to false ????*)
   251 fun eval_true thy terms rls = (snd o (eval__true thy 1 terms [])) rls;
   253 (* rewriting without internal argument [] *)
   254 fun rewrite_ thy rew_ord erls bool thm term = rewrite__ thy 1 [] rew_ord erls bool thm term;
   255 fun rewrite_set_ thy bool rls term = rewrite__set_ thy 1 bool [] rls term;
   257 fun subs'2subst thy (s:subs') = 
   258     (((map (apfst (term_of o the o (parse thy)))) 
   259      o (map (apsnd (term_of o the o (parse thy))))) s):subst;
   261 (*.variants of rewrite.*)
   262 (*FIXME 12.8.02: put_asm = true <==> rewrite_inst,
   263   thus the argument put_asm  IS NOT NECESSARY -- FIXME*)
   264 (* val (rew_ord,rls,put_asm,thm,ct)=
   265        (e_rew_ord,poly_erls,false,num_str d1_isolate_add2,t);
   266    *)
   267 fun rewrite_inst_ (thy:theory) rew_ord (rls:rls) (put_asm:bool) 
   268 		  (subst:(term * term) list) (thm:thm) (ct:term) =
   269     rewrite__ thy 1 subst rew_ord rls put_asm thm ct;
   271 fun rewrite_set_inst_ (thy:theory) 
   272   (put_asm:bool) (subst:(term * term) list) (rls:rls) (ct:term) =
   273   (*let 
   274     val subst = subs'2subst thy subs';
   275     val subrls = instantiate_rls subs' rls
   276   in*) rewrite__set_ thy 1 put_asm subst (*sub*)rls ct
   277   (*end*);
   279 (* given a list of equalities (lhs = rhs) and a term, 
   280    replace all occurrences of lhs in the term with rhs;
   281    thus the order or equalities matters: put variables in lhs first. *)
   282 fun rewrite_terms_ thy ord erls equs t =
   283   let
   284 	  fun rew_ (t', asm') [] _ = (t', asm')
   285 	    | rew_ (t', asm') (rules as r::rs) t =
   286 	        let
   287 	          val (t'', asm'', lrd, rew) = rew_sub thy 1 [] ord erls false [] (Trueprop $ r) t
   288 	        in 
   289 	          if rew 
   290 	          then rew_ (t'', asm' @ asm'') rules t''
   291 	          else rew_ (t', asm') rs t'
   292 	        end
   293 	  val (t'', asm'') = rew_ (e_term, []) equs t
   294     in if t'' = e_term then NONE else SOME (t'', asm'')
   295     end;
   297 (*. search ct for adjacent numerals and calculate them by operator isa_fn .*)
   298 fun calculate_ thy isa_fn ct =
   299   let val ct = uminus_to_string ct
   300     in case get_calculation_ thy isa_fn ct of
   301 	   NONE => NONE
   302 	 | SOME (thmID, thm) => 
   303 	   (let val SOME (rew,_) = rewrite_ thy dummy_ord e_rls false thm ct
   304     in SOME (rew,(thmID, thm)) end)
   305 	   handle _ => error ("calculate_: "^thmID^" does not rewrite")
   306   end;
   307 (*
   308 > val thy = InsSort.thy;
   309 > val op_ = "le";      (* < *)
   310 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) 
   311    "foldr ins [#2] (if #1 < #3 then #1 # ins [] #3 else [#3, #1])";
   312 > calculate_ thy op_ ct;
   313   SOME
   314     ("foldr ins [#2] (if True then #1 # ins [] #3 else [#3, #1])",
   315      "(#1 < #3) = True") : (cterm * thm) option  *)
   317 fun get_rls_scr rls' = ((#scr o rep_rls o assoc_rls) rls')
   318   handle _ => error ("get_rls_scr: no script for " ^ rls');
   320 (*make_thm added to Pure/thm.ML*)
   321 fun mk_thm thy str = 
   322     let val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) str
   323 	val t' = case t of
   324 		     Const ("==>",_) $ _ $ _ => t
   325 		   | _ => Trueprop $ t
   326     in make_thm (cterm_of thy t') end;
   327 (*
   328   val str = "?r ^^^ 2 = ?r * ?r";
   329   val thm = realpow_twoI;
   331   val t1 = (#prop o rep_thm) (num_str thm);
   332   val t2 = Trueprop $ ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) str);
   333   t1 = t2;
   334 val it = true : bool      ... !!!
   335   val th1 = (num_str thm);
   336   val th2 = ((*num_str*) (mk_thm thy str)) handle e => print_exn e;
   337   th1 = th2;
   338 ML> val it = false : bool ... HIDDEN DIFFERENCES IRRELEVANT FOR ISAC ?!
   340 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
   341   val str = "k ~= 0 ==> m * k / (n * k) = m / n";
   342   val thm = real_mult_div_cancel2;
   344   val t1 = (#prop o rep_thm) (num_str thm);
   345   val t2 = ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) str);
   346   t1 = t2;
   347 val it = false : bool     ... Var .. Free
   348   val th1 = (num_str thm);
   349   val th2 = ((*num_str*) (mk_thm thy str)) handle e => print_exn e;
   350   th1 = th2;
   351 ML> val it = false : bool ... PLUS HIDDEN DIFFERENCES IRRELEVANT FOR ISAC ?!
   352 *)
   355 (*prints subgoal etc. 
   356 ((goal thy);(topthm()) o ) str;                      *)
   357 (*assume rejects scheme variables 
   358   assume ((cterm_of thy) (Trueprop $ 
   359 		(term_of o the o (parse thy)) str)); *)
   362 (* outcommented 18.11.xx, xx < 02 -------
   363 fun rul2rul' (Thm (thmid, thm)) = Thm'(thmid, string_of_thmI thm)
   364   | rul2rul' (Calc op_)         = Calc' op_;
   365 fun rul'2rul thy (Thm'(thmid, ct')) = 
   366        Thm (thmid, mk_thm thy ct')
   367   | rul'2rul thy' (Calc' op_)        = Calc op_;
   370 fun rls2rls' (Rls{preconds=preconds,rew_ord=rew_ord,rules=rules}:rls) =
   371   Rls'{preconds'= map string_of_cterm preconds,
   372        rew_ord' = fst rew_ord,
   373        rules'   = map rul2rul' rules}:rlsdat';
   375 fun rls'2rls thy' (Rls'{preconds'=preconds,rew_ord'=rew_ord,
   376 		   rules'=rules}:rlsdat') =
   377   let val thy = assoc_thy thy';
   378   in Rls{preconds = map (the o (parse thy)) preconds,
   379 	 rew_ord  = (rew_ord, the (assoc'(rew_ord',rew_ord))),
   380 	 rules    = map (rul'2rul thy) rules}:rls end;
   381 ------- *)
   383 (*.get the theorem associated with the xstring-identifier;
   384    if the identifier starts with "sym_" then swap lhs = rhs around =
   385    (ATTENTION: "RS sym" attaches a [.] -- remove it with string_of_thmI);
   386    identifiers starting with "#" come from Calc and
   387    get a hand-made theorem (containing numerals only).*)
   388 fun assoc_thm' (thy:theory) ((thmid, ct'):thm') =
   389   (case Symbol.explode thmid of
   390     "s"::"y"::"m"::"_"::id => 
   391       if hd id = "#" 
   392       then mk_thm thy ct'
   393       else ((num_str o (Global_Theory.get_thm thy)) (implode id)) RS sym
   394   | id => 
   395     if hd id = "#" 
   396     then mk_thm thy ct'
   397     else (num_str o (Global_Theory.get_thm thy)) thmid
   398   ) handle _ => 
   399     error ("assoc_thm': \"" ^ thmid ^ "\" not in \"" ^ theory2domID thy ^ "\" (and parents)")
   400 (*> assoc_thm' (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac") ("sym_#mult_2_3","6 = 2 * 3");
   401 val it = "6 = 2 * 3" : thm          
   403 > assoc_thm' (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac") ("add_0_left","");
   404 val it = "0 + ?z = ?z" : thm
   406 > assoc_thm' (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac") ("sym_real_add_zero_left","");
   407 val it = "?t = 0 + ?t"  [.] : thm
   409 > assoc_thm' @{theory HOL} ("sym_real_add_zero_left","");
   410 *** Unknown theorem(s) "add_0_left"
   411 *** assoc_thm': 'sym_real_add_zero_left' not in 'HOL.thy' (and parents)
   412  uncaught exception ERROR*)
   415 fun parse' (thy:theory') (ct:cterm') =
   416     case parse (assoc_thy thy) ct of
   417 	NONE => NONE
   418       | SOME ct => SOME ((term2str (term_of ct)):cterm');
   421 (*FIXME 12.8.02: put_asm = true <==> rewrite_inst, rewrite_set_inst
   422   thus the argument put_asm  IS NOT NECESSARY -- FIXME        ~~~~~*)
   423 fun rewrite (thy':theory') (rew_ord:rew_ord') (rls:rls') (put_asm:bool) (thm:thm') (ct:cterm') =
   424   let val thy = assoc_thy thy';
   425   in
   426     case rewrite_ thy ((the o assoc')(!rew_ord',rew_ord))(assoc_rls rls)
   427       put_asm ((assoc_thm' thy) thm) ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) ct) of
   428       NONE => NONE
   429     | SOME (t, ts) => SOME (term2str t, terms2str ts)
   430   end;
   432 (*FIXME 12.8.02: put_asm = true <==> rewrite_inst, rewrite_set_inst
   433   thus the argument put_asm  IS NOT NECESSARY -- FIXME        ~~~~~*)
   434 fun rewrite_set (thy':theory') (put_asm:bool) (rls:rls') (ct:cterm') =
   435   let val thy = (assoc_thy thy');
   436   in
   437     case rewrite_set_ thy put_asm (assoc_rls rls) ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) ct) of
   438       NONE => NONE
   439     | SOME (t, ts) => SOME (term2str t, terms2str ts)
   440   end;
   442 fun eval_listexpr_ thy srls t =
   443   let val rew = rewrite_set_ thy false srls t;
   444   in case rew of SOME (res,_) => res | NONE => t end;
   446 fun get_calculation' (thy:theory') op_ (ct:cterm') =
   447    case get_calculation_ (assoc_thy thy) op_
   448     ((uminus_to_string o term_of o the o 
   449       (parse (assoc_thy thy))) ct) of
   450 	NONE => NONE
   451       | SOME (thmid, thm) => 
   452 	    SOME ((thmid, string_of_thmI thm):thm');
   454 fun calculate (thy':theory') op_ (ct:cterm') =
   455     let val thy = (assoc_thy thy');
   456     in
   457 	case calculate_ thy op_
   458 			((term_of o the o (parse thy)) ct) of
   459 	    NONE => NONE
   460 	  | SOME (ct,(thmID,thm)) => 
   461 	    SOME (term2str ct, 
   462 		  (thmID, string_of_thmI thm):thm')
   463     end;
   465 (*FIXME 12.8.02: put_asm = true <==> rewrite_inst, rewrite_set_inst
   466   thus the argument put_asm  IS NOT NECESSARY -- FIXME        ~~~~~*)
   467 fun rewrite_inst (thy':theory') (rew_ord:rew_ord') (rls:rls') 
   468   (put_asm:bool) subs (thm:thm') (ct:cterm') =
   469   let
   470     val thy = assoc_thy thy';
   471     val thm = assoc_thm' thy thm; (*28.10.02*)
   472     (*val subthm = read_instantiate subs ((assoc_thm' thy) thm)*)
   473   in
   474     case rewrite_ thy
   475       ((the o assoc')(!rew_ord',rew_ord)) (assoc_rls rls)
   476       put_asm (*sub*)thm ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) ct) of
   477       NONE => NONE
   478     | SOME (ctm, ctms) => 
   479       SOME ((term2str ctm):cterm', (map term2str ctms):cterm' list)
   480   end;
   482 (*FIXME 12.8.02: put_asm = true <==> rewrite_inst, rewrite_set_inst
   483   thus the argument put_asm  IS NOT NECESSARY -- FIXME        ~~~~~*)
   484 fun rewrite_set_inst (thy':theory') (put_asm:bool)
   485   subs' (rls:rls') (ct:cterm') =
   486   let
   487     val thy = assoc_thy thy';
   488     val rls = assoc_rls rls
   489     val subst = subs'2subst thy subs'
   490   in case rewrite_set_inst_ thy put_asm subst (*sub*)rls
   491 			    ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) ct) of
   492 	 NONE => NONE
   493        | SOME (t, ts) => SOME (term2str t, terms2str ts)
   494   end;
   497 (*vor check_elementwise: SqRoot_eval_rls .. wie *_simplify ?! TODO *)
   498 fun eval_true' (thy':theory') (rls':rls') (Const ("HOL.True",_)) = true
   500   | eval_true' (thy':theory') (rls':rls') (t:term) =
   501 (* val thy'="Isac"; val rls'="eval_rls"; val t=hd pres';
   502    *)
   503     let val ct' = term2str t;
   504     in case rewrite_set thy' false rls' ct' of
   505 	   SOME ("HOL.True",_) => true
   506 	 | _ => false 
   507     end;
   508 fun eval_true_ _ _ (Const ("HOL.True",_)) = true
   509   | eval_true_ (thy':theory') rls t =
   510     case rewrite_set_ (assoc_thy thy') false rls t of
   511 	   SOME (Const ("HOL.True",_),_) => true
   512 	 | _ => false;
   514 (*
   515 val test_rls = 
   516   Rls{preconds = [], rew_ord = ("sqrt_right",sqrt_right), 
   517       rules = [Calc ("matches",eval_matches "")
   518 	       ],
   519       scr = Prog ((term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   520       "empty_script")
   521       }:rls;      
   525   rewrite_set_ (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac") eval_rls false test_rls 
   526         ((the o (parse thy)) "matches (?a = ?b) (x = #0)");
   527   val xxx = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   528 	       "matches (?a = ?b) (x = #0)";
   529   eval_matches """" xxx thy;
   530 SOME ("matches (?a = ?b) (x + #1 + #-1 * #2 = #0) = True",
   531      Const ("HOL.Trueprop","bool => prop") $ (Const # $ (# $ #) $ Const (#,#)))
   535   rewrite_set_ (Thy_Info.get_theory "Isac") eval_rls false eval_rls 
   536         ((the o (parse thy)) "contains_root (sqrt #0)");
   537 val it = SOME ("HOL.True",[]) : (cterm * cterm list) option
   539 *)
   542 (*----------WN:16.5.03 stuff below considered illdesigned, thus coded from scratch in appl.sml fun check_elementwise
   543 datatype det = TRUE  | FALSE | INDET;(*FIXXME.WN:16.5.03
   544 				     introduced with quick-and-dirty code*)
   545 fun determine dts =
   546     let val false_indet = 
   547 	    filter_out ((curry op= TRUE) o (#1:det * term -> det)) dts
   548         val ts = map (#2: det * term -> term) dts
   549     in if nil = false_indet then (TRUE, ts)
   550        else if nil = filter ((curry op= FALSE) o (#1:det * term -> det))
   551 			    false_indet
   552        then (INDET, ts)
   553        else (FALSE, ts) end;
   554 (* val dts = [(INDET,e_term), (FALSE,@{term False}), 
   555 	      (INDET,e_term), (TRUE,@{term True})];
   556   determine dts;
   557 val it =
   558   (FALSE,
   559    [Const ("empty","'a"),Const ("HOL.False","bool"),Const ("empty","'a"),
   560     Const ("HOL.True","bool")]) : det * term list*)
   562 fun eval__indet_ thy cs rls = (*FIXXME.WN:16.5.03 pull into eval__true_, update check (check_elementwise), and regard eval_true_ + eval_true*)
   563 if cs = [@{term True}] orelse cs = [] then (TRUE, [])
   564     else if cs = [@{term False}] then (FALSE, cs)
   565     else
   566 	let fun eval t = 
   567 		let val taopt = rewrite__set_ thy 1 false [] rls t
   568 		in case taopt of
   569 		       SOME (t,_) =>
   570 		       if t = @{term True} then (TRUE, t)
   571 		       else if t = @{term False} then (FALSE, t)
   572 		       else (INDET, t)
   573 		     | NONE => (INDET, t) end
   574 	in (determine o (map eval)) cs end;
   575 WN.16.5.0-------------------------------------------------------------*)