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     1 %% $Id$
     2 \chapter{Simplification} \label{simp-chap}
     3 \index{simplification|(}
     5 This chapter describes Isabelle's generic simplification package, which
     6 provides a suite of simplification tactics.  It performs conditional and
     7 unconditional rewriting and uses contextual information (`local
     8 assumptions').  It provides a few general hooks, which can provide
     9 automatic case splits during rewriting, for example.  The simplifier is set
    10 up for many of Isabelle's logics: {\tt FOL}, {\tt ZF}, {\tt LCF} and {\tt
    11   HOL}.
    14 \section{Simplification sets}\index{simplification sets} 
    15 The simplification tactics are controlled by {\bf simpsets}.  These consist
    16 of five components: rewrite rules, congruence rules, the subgoaler, the
    17 solver and the looper.  The simplifier should be set up with sensible
    18 defaults so that most simplifier calls specify only rewrite rules.
    19 Experienced users can exploit the other components to streamline proofs.
    22 \subsection{Rewrite rules}
    23 \index{rewrite rules|(}
    24 Rewrite rules are theorems expressing some form of equality:
    25 \begin{eqnarray*}
    26   Suc(\Var{m}) + \Var{n} &=&      \Var{m} + Suc(\Var{n}) \\
    27   \Var{P}\conj\Var{P}    &\bimp&  \Var{P} \\
    28   \Var{A} \union \Var{B} &\equiv& \{x.x\in \Var{A} \disj x\in \Var{B}\}
    29 \end{eqnarray*}
    30 {\bf Conditional} rewrites such as $\Var{m}<\Var{n} \Imp \Var{m}/\Var{n} =
    31 0$ are permitted; the conditions can be arbitrary terms.  The infix
    32 operation \ttindex{addsimps} adds new rewrite rules, while
    33 \ttindex{delsimps} deletes rewrite rules from a simpset.
    35 Internally, all rewrite rules are translated into meta-equalities, theorems
    36 with conclusion $lhs \equiv rhs$.  Each simpset contains a function for
    37 extracting equalities from arbitrary theorems.  For example,
    38 $\neg(\Var{x}\in \{\})$ could be turned into $\Var{x}\in \{\} \equiv
    39 False$.  This function can be installed using \ttindex{setmksimps} but only
    40 the definer of a logic should need to do this; see \S\ref{sec:setmksimps}.
    41 The function processes theorems added by \ttindex{addsimps} as well as
    42 local assumptions.
    45 \begin{warn}
    46   The left-hand side of a rewrite rule must look like a first-order term:
    47   none of its unknowns should have arguments.  Hence
    48   ${\Var{i}+(\Var{j}+\Var{k})} = {(\Var{i}+\Var{j})+\Var{k}}$ is
    49   acceptable.  Even $\neg(\forall x.\Var{P}(x)) \bimp (\exists
    50   x.\neg\Var{P}(x))$ is acceptable because its left-hand side is
    51   $\neg(All(\Var{P}))$ after $\eta$-contraction.  But ${\Var{f}(\Var{x})\in
    52     {\tt range}(\Var{f})} = True$ is not acceptable.  However, you can
    53   replace the offending subterms by adding new variables and conditions:
    54   $\Var{y} = \Var{f}(\Var{x}) \Imp \Var{y}\in {\tt range}(\Var{f}) = True$
    55   is acceptable as a conditional rewrite rule.
    56 \end{warn}
    58 \index{rewrite rules|)}
    60 \subsection{*Congruence rules}\index{congruence rules}
    61 Congruence rules are meta-equalities of the form
    62 \[ \List{\dots} \Imp
    63    f(\Var{x@1},\ldots,\Var{x@n}) \equiv f(\Var{y@1},\ldots,\Var{y@n}).
    64 \]
    65 This governs the simplification of the arguments of~$f$.  For
    66 example, some arguments can be simplified under additional assumptions:
    67 \[ \List{\Var{P@1} \bimp \Var{Q@1};\; \Var{Q@1} \Imp \Var{P@2} \bimp \Var{Q@2}}
    68    \Imp (\Var{P@1} \imp \Var{P@2}) \equiv (\Var{Q@1} \imp \Var{Q@2})
    69 \]
    70 Given this rule, the simplifier assumes $Q@1$ and extracts rewrite rules
    71 from it when simplifying~$P@2$.  Such local assumptions are effective for
    72 rewriting formulae such as $x=0\imp y+x=y$.  The congruence rule for bounded
    73 quantifiers can also supply contextual information:
    74 \begin{eqnarray*}
    75   &&\List{\Var{A}=\Var{B};\; 
    76           \Forall x. x\in \Var{B} \Imp \Var{P}(x) = \Var{Q}(x)} \Imp{} \\
    77  &&\qquad\qquad
    78     (\forall x\in \Var{A}.\Var{P}(x)) = (\forall x\in \Var{B}.\Var{Q}(x))
    79 \end{eqnarray*}
    80 The congruence rule for conditional expressions can supply contextual
    81 information for simplifying the arms:
    82 \[ \List{\Var{p}=\Var{q};~ \Var{q} \Imp \Var{a}=\Var{c};~
    83          \neg\Var{q} \Imp \Var{b}=\Var{d}} \Imp
    84    if(\Var{p},\Var{a},\Var{b}) \equiv if(\Var{q},\Var{c},\Var{d})
    85 \]
    87 A congruence rule can also suppress simplification of certain arguments.
    88 Here is an alternative congruence rule for conditional expressions:
    89 \[ \Var{p}=\Var{q} \Imp
    90    if(\Var{p},\Var{a},\Var{b}) \equiv if(\Var{q},\Var{a},\Var{b})
    91 \]
    92 Only the first argument is simplified; the others remain unchanged.
    93 This can make simplification much faster, but may require an extra case split
    94 to prove the goal.  
    96 Congruence rules are added using \ttindexbold{addeqcongs}.  Their conclusion
    97 must be a meta-equality, as in the examples above.  It is more
    98 natural to derive the rules with object-logic equality, for example
    99 \[ \List{\Var{P@1} \bimp \Var{Q@1};\; \Var{Q@1} \Imp \Var{P@2} \bimp \Var{Q@2}}
   100    \Imp (\Var{P@1} \imp \Var{P@2}) \bimp (\Var{Q@1} \imp \Var{Q@2}),
   101 \]
   102 Each object-logic should define an operator called \ttindex{addcongs} that
   103 expects object-equalities and translates them into meta-equalities.
   105 \subsection{*The subgoaler}
   106 The subgoaler is the tactic used to solve subgoals arising out of
   107 conditional rewrite rules or congruence rules.  The default should be
   108 simplification itself.  Occasionally this strategy needs to be changed.  For
   109 example, if the premise of a conditional rule is an instance of its
   110 conclusion, as in $Suc(\Var{m}) < \Var{n} \Imp \Var{m} < \Var{n}$, the
   111 default strategy could loop.
   113 The subgoaler can be set explicitly with \ttindex{setsubgoaler}.  For
   114 example, the subgoaler
   115 \begin{ttbox}
   116 fun subgoal_tac ss = assume_tac ORELSE'
   117                      resolve_tac (prems_of_ss ss) ORELSE' 
   118                      asm_simp_tac ss;
   119 \end{ttbox}
   120 tries to solve the subgoal by assumption or with one of the premises, calling
   121 simplification only if that fails; here {\tt prems_of_ss} extracts the
   122 current premises from a simpset.
   124 \subsection{*The solver}
   125 The solver is a tactic that attempts to solve a subgoal after
   126 simplification.  Typically it just proves trivial subgoals such as {\tt
   127   True} and $t=t$.  It could use sophisticated means such as {\tt
   128   fast_tac}, though that could make simplification expensive.  The solver
   129 is set using \ttindex{setsolver}.
   131 Rewriting does not instantiate unknowns.  For example, rewriting cannot
   132 prove $a\in \Var{A}$ since this requires instantiating~$\Var{A}$.  The
   133 solver, however, is an arbitrary tactic and may instantiate unknowns as it
   134 pleases.  This is the only way the simplifier can handle a conditional
   135 rewrite rule whose condition contains extra variables.
   137 \index{assumptions!in simplification}
   138 The tactic is presented with the full goal, including the asssumptions.
   139 Hence it can use those assumptions (say by calling {\tt assume_tac}) even
   140 inside {\tt simp_tac}, which otherwise does not use assumptions.  The
   141 solver is also supplied a list of theorems, namely assumptions that hold in
   142 the local context.
   144 The subgoaler is also used to solve the premises of congruence rules, which
   145 are usually of the form $s = \Var{x}$, where $s$ needs to be simplified and
   146 $\Var{x}$ needs to be instantiated with the result.  Hence the subgoaler
   147 should call the simplifier at some point.  The simplifier will then call the
   148 solver, which must therefore be prepared to solve goals of the form $t =
   149 \Var{x}$, usually by reflexivity.  In particular, reflexivity should be
   150 tried before any of the fancy tactics like {\tt fast_tac}.  
   152 It may even happen that, due to simplification, the subgoal is no longer an
   153 equality.  For example $False \bimp \Var{Q}$ could be rewritten to
   154 $\neg\Var{Q}$.  To cover this case, the solver could try resolving with the
   155 theorem $\neg False$.
   157 \begin{warn}
   158   If the simplifier aborts with the message {\tt Failed congruence proof!},
   159   then the subgoaler or solver has failed to prove a premise of a
   160   congruence rule.  This should never occur and indicates that the
   161   subgoaler or solver is faulty.
   162 \end{warn}
   165 \subsection{*The looper}
   166 The looper is a tactic that is applied after simplification, in case the
   167 solver failed to solve the simplified goal.  If the looper succeeds, the
   168 simplification process is started all over again.  Each of the subgoals
   169 generated by the looper is attacked in turn, in reverse order.  A
   170 typical looper is case splitting: the expansion of a conditional.  Another
   171 possibility is to apply an elimination rule on the assumptions.  More
   172 adventurous loopers could start an induction.  The looper is set with 
   173 \ttindex{setloop}.
   176 \begin{figure}
   177 \index{*simpset ML type}
   178 \index{*simp_tac}
   179 \index{*asm_simp_tac}
   180 \index{*asm_full_simp_tac}
   181 \index{*addeqcongs}
   182 \index{*addsimps}
   183 \index{*delsimps}
   184 \index{*empty_ss}
   185 \index{*merge_ss}
   186 \index{*setsubgoaler}
   187 \index{*setsolver}
   188 \index{*setloop}
   189 \index{*setmksimps}
   190 \index{*prems_of_ss}
   191 \index{*rep_ss}
   192 \begin{ttbox}
   193 infix addsimps addeqcongs delsimps
   194       setsubgoaler setsolver setloop setmksimps;
   196 signature SIMPLIFIER =
   197 sig
   198   type simpset
   199   val simp_tac:          simpset -> int -> tactic
   200   val asm_simp_tac:      simpset -> int -> tactic
   201   val asm_full_simp_tac: simpset -> int -> tactic\smallskip
   202   val addeqcongs:   simpset * thm list -> simpset
   203   val addsimps:     simpset * thm list -> simpset
   204   val delsimps:     simpset * thm list -> simpset
   205   val empty_ss:     simpset
   206   val merge_ss:     simpset * simpset -> simpset
   207   val setsubgoaler: simpset * (simpset -> int -> tactic) -> simpset
   208   val setsolver:    simpset * (thm list -> int -> tactic) -> simpset
   209   val setloop:      simpset * (int -> tactic) -> simpset
   210   val setmksimps:   simpset * (thm -> thm list) -> simpset
   211   val prems_of_ss:  simpset -> thm list
   212   val rep_ss:       simpset -> \{simps: thm list, congs: thm list\}
   213 end;
   214 \end{ttbox}
   215 \caption{The simplifier primitives} \label{SIMPLIFIER}
   216 \end{figure}
   219 \section{The simplification tactics} \label{simp-tactics}
   220 \index{simplification!tactics}
   221 \index{tactics!simplification}
   223 The actual simplification work is performed by the following tactics.  The
   224 rewriting strategy is strictly bottom up, except for congruence rules, which
   225 are applied while descending into a term.  Conditions in conditional rewrite
   226 rules are solved recursively before the rewrite rule is applied.
   228 There are three basic simplification tactics:
   229 \begin{ttdescription}
   230 \item[\ttindexbold{simp_tac} $ss$ $i$] simplifies subgoal~$i$ using the rules
   231   in~$ss$.  It may solve the subgoal completely if it has become trivial,
   232   using the solver.
   234 \item[\ttindexbold{asm_simp_tac}]\index{assumptions!in simplification}
   235   is like \verb$simp_tac$, but extracts additional rewrite rules from the
   236   assumptions.
   238 \item[\ttindexbold{asm_full_simp_tac}] 
   239   is like \verb$asm_simp_tac$, but also simplifies the assumptions one by
   240   one.  Working from left to right, it uses each assumption in the
   241   simplification of those following.
   242 \end{ttdescription}
   243 Using the simplifier effectively may take a bit of experimentation.  The
   244 tactics can be traced with the ML command \verb$trace_simp := true$.  To
   245 remind yourself of what is in a simpset, use the function \verb$rep_ss$ to
   246 return its simplification and congruence rules.
   248 \section{Examples using the simplifier}
   249 \index{examples!of simplification}
   250 Assume we are working within {\tt FOL} and that
   251 \begin{ttdescription}
   252 \item[Nat.thy] 
   253   is a theory including the constants $0$, $Suc$ and $+$,
   254 \item[add_0]
   255   is the rewrite rule $0+\Var{n} = \Var{n}$,
   256 \item[add_Suc]
   257   is the rewrite rule $Suc(\Var{m})+\Var{n} = Suc(\Var{m}+\Var{n})$,
   258 \item[induct]
   259   is the induction rule $\List{\Var{P}(0);\; \Forall x. \Var{P}(x)\Imp
   260     \Var{P}(Suc(x))} \Imp \Var{P}(\Var{n})$.
   261 \item[FOL_ss]
   262   is a basic simpset for {\tt FOL}.%
   263 \footnote{These examples reside on the file {\tt FOL/ex/Nat.ML}.} 
   264 \end{ttdescription}
   266 We create a simpset for natural numbers by extending~{\tt FOL_ss}:
   267 \begin{ttbox}
   268 val add_ss = FOL_ss addsimps [add_0, add_Suc];
   269 \end{ttbox}
   271 \subsection{A trivial example}
   272 Proofs by induction typically involve simplification.  Here is a proof
   273 that~0 is a right identity:
   274 \begin{ttbox}
   275 goal Nat.thy "m+0 = m";
   276 {\out Level 0}
   277 {\out m + 0 = m}
   278 {\out  1. m + 0 = m}
   279 \end{ttbox}
   280 The first step is to perform induction on the variable~$m$.  This returns a
   281 base case and inductive step as two subgoals:
   282 \begin{ttbox}
   283 by (res_inst_tac [("n","m")] induct 1);
   284 {\out Level 1}
   285 {\out m + 0 = m}
   286 {\out  1. 0 + 0 = 0}
   287 {\out  2. !!x. x + 0 = x ==> Suc(x) + 0 = Suc(x)}
   288 \end{ttbox}
   289 Simplification solves the first subgoal trivially:
   290 \begin{ttbox}
   291 by (simp_tac add_ss 1);
   292 {\out Level 2}
   293 {\out m + 0 = m}
   294 {\out  1. !!x. x + 0 = x ==> Suc(x) + 0 = Suc(x)}
   295 \end{ttbox}
   296 The remaining subgoal requires \ttindex{asm_simp_tac} in order to use the
   297 induction hypothesis as a rewrite rule:
   298 \begin{ttbox}
   299 by (asm_simp_tac add_ss 1);
   300 {\out Level 3}
   301 {\out m + 0 = m}
   302 {\out No subgoals!}
   303 \end{ttbox}
   305 \subsection{An example of tracing}
   306 Let us prove a similar result involving more complex terms.  The two
   307 equations together can be used to prove that addition is commutative.
   308 \begin{ttbox}
   309 goal Nat.thy "m+Suc(n) = Suc(m+n)";
   310 {\out Level 0}
   311 {\out m + Suc(n) = Suc(m + n)}
   312 {\out  1. m + Suc(n) = Suc(m + n)}
   313 \end{ttbox}
   314 We again perform induction on~$m$ and get two subgoals:
   315 \begin{ttbox}
   316 by (res_inst_tac [("n","m")] induct 1);
   317 {\out Level 1}
   318 {\out m + Suc(n) = Suc(m + n)}
   319 {\out  1. 0 + Suc(n) = Suc(0 + n)}
   320 {\out  2. !!x. x + Suc(n) = Suc(x + n) ==>}
   321 {\out          Suc(x) + Suc(n) = Suc(Suc(x) + n)}
   322 \end{ttbox}
   323 Simplification solves the first subgoal, this time rewriting two
   324 occurrences of~0:
   325 \begin{ttbox}
   326 by (simp_tac add_ss 1);
   327 {\out Level 2}
   328 {\out m + Suc(n) = Suc(m + n)}
   329 {\out  1. !!x. x + Suc(n) = Suc(x + n) ==>}
   330 {\out          Suc(x) + Suc(n) = Suc(Suc(x) + n)}
   331 \end{ttbox}
   332 Switching tracing on illustrates how the simplifier solves the remaining
   333 subgoal: 
   334 \begin{ttbox}
   335 trace_simp := true;
   336 by (asm_simp_tac add_ss 1);
   337 \ttbreak
   338 {\out Rewriting:}
   339 {\out Suc(x) + Suc(n) == Suc(x + Suc(n))}
   340 \ttbreak
   341 {\out Rewriting:}
   342 {\out x + Suc(n) == Suc(x + n)}
   343 \ttbreak
   344 {\out Rewriting:}
   345 {\out Suc(x) + n == Suc(x + n)}
   346 \ttbreak
   347 {\out Rewriting:}
   348 {\out Suc(Suc(x + n)) = Suc(Suc(x + n)) == True}
   349 \ttbreak
   350 {\out Level 3}
   351 {\out m + Suc(n) = Suc(m + n)}
   352 {\out No subgoals!}
   353 \end{ttbox}
   354 Many variations are possible.  At Level~1 (in either example) we could have
   355 solved both subgoals at once using the tactical \ttindex{ALLGOALS}:
   356 \begin{ttbox}
   357 by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac add_ss));
   358 {\out Level 2}
   359 {\out m + Suc(n) = Suc(m + n)}
   360 {\out No subgoals!}
   361 \end{ttbox}
   363 \subsection{Free variables and simplification}
   364 Here is a conjecture to be proved for an arbitrary function~$f$ satisfying
   365 the law $f(Suc(\Var{n})) = Suc(f(\Var{n}))$:
   366 \begin{ttbox}
   367 val [prem] = goal Nat.thy
   368     "(!!n. f(Suc(n)) = Suc(f(n))) ==> f(i+j) = i+f(j)";
   369 {\out Level 0}
   370 {\out f(i + j) = i + f(j)}
   371 {\out  1. f(i + j) = i + f(j)}
   372 \ttbreak
   373 {\out val prem = "f(Suc(?n)) = Suc(f(?n))}
   374 {\out             [!!n. f(Suc(n)) = Suc(f(n))]" : thm}
   375 \end{ttbox}
   376 In the theorem~{\tt prem}, note that $f$ is a free variable while
   377 $\Var{n}$ is a schematic variable.
   378 \begin{ttbox}
   379 by (res_inst_tac [("n","i")] induct 1);
   380 {\out Level 1}
   381 {\out f(i + j) = i + f(j)}
   382 {\out  1. f(0 + j) = 0 + f(j)}
   383 {\out  2. !!x. f(x + j) = x + f(j) ==> f(Suc(x) + j) = Suc(x) + f(j)}
   384 \end{ttbox}
   385 We simplify each subgoal in turn.  The first one is trivial:
   386 \begin{ttbox}
   387 by (simp_tac add_ss 1);
   388 {\out Level 2}
   389 {\out f(i + j) = i + f(j)}
   390 {\out  1. !!x. f(x + j) = x + f(j) ==> f(Suc(x) + j) = Suc(x) + f(j)}
   391 \end{ttbox}
   392 The remaining subgoal requires rewriting by the premise, so we add it to
   393 {\tt add_ss}:%
   394 \footnote{The previous simplifier required congruence rules for function
   395   variables like~$f$ in order to simplify their arguments.  It was more
   396   general than the current simplifier, but harder to use and slower.  The
   397   present simplifier can be given congruence rules to realize non-standard
   398   simplification of a function's arguments, but this is seldom necessary.}
   399 \begin{ttbox}
   400 by (asm_simp_tac (add_ss addsimps [prem]) 1);
   401 {\out Level 3}
   402 {\out f(i + j) = i + f(j)}
   403 {\out No subgoals!}
   404 \end{ttbox}
   407 \section{Permutative rewrite rules}
   408 \index{rewrite rules!permutative|(}
   410 A rewrite rule is {\bf permutative} if the left-hand side and right-hand
   411 side are the same up to renaming of variables.  The most common permutative
   412 rule is commutativity: $x+y = y+x$.  Other examples include $(x-y)-z =
   413 (x-z)-y$ in arithmetic and $insert(x,insert(y,A)) = insert(y,insert(x,A))$
   414 for sets.  Such rules are common enough to merit special attention.
   416 Because ordinary rewriting loops given such rules, the simplifier employs a
   417 special strategy, called {\bf ordered rewriting}\index{rewriting!ordered}.
   418 There is a built-in lexicographic ordering on terms.  A permutative rewrite
   419 rule is applied only if it decreases the given term with respect to this
   420 ordering.  For example, commutativity rewrites~$b+a$ to $a+b$, but then
   421 stops because $a+b$ is strictly less than $b+a$.  The Boyer-Moore theorem
   422 prover~\cite{bm88book} also employs ordered rewriting.
   424 Permutative rewrite rules are added to simpsets just like other rewrite
   425 rules; the simplifier recognizes their special status automatically.  They
   426 are most effective in the case of associative-commutative operators.
   427 (Associativity by itself is not permutative.)  When dealing with an
   428 AC-operator~$f$, keep the following points in mind:
   429 \begin{itemize}\index{associative-commutative operators}
   430 \item The associative law must always be oriented from left to right, namely
   431   $f(f(x,y),z) = f(x,f(y,z))$.  The opposite orientation, if used with
   432   commutativity, leads to looping!  Future versions of Isabelle may remove
   433   this restriction.
   435 \item To complete your set of rewrite rules, you must add not just
   436   associativity~(A) and commutativity~(C) but also a derived rule, {\bf
   437     left-commutativity} (LC): $f(x,f(y,z)) = f(y,f(x,z))$.
   438 \end{itemize}
   439 Ordered rewriting with the combination of A, C, and~LC sorts a term
   440 lexicographically:
   441 \[\def\maps#1{\stackrel{#1}{\longmapsto}}
   442  (b+c)+a \maps{A} b+(c+a) \maps{C} b+(a+c) \maps{LC} a+(b+c) \]
   443 Martin and Nipkow~\cite{martin-nipkow} discuss the theory and give many
   444 examples; other algebraic structures are amenable to ordered rewriting,
   445 such as boolean rings.
   447 \subsection{Example: sums of integers}
   448 This example is set in Isabelle's higher-order logic.  Theory
   449 \thydx{Arith} contains the theory of arithmetic.  The simpset {\tt
   450   arith_ss} contains many arithmetic laws including distributivity
   451 of~$\times$ over~$+$, while {\tt add_ac} is a list consisting of the A, C
   452 and LC laws for~$+$.  Let us prove the theorem 
   453 \[ \sum@{i=1}^n i = n\times(n+1)/2. \]
   454 %
   455 A functional~{\tt sum} represents the summation operator under the
   456 interpretation ${\tt sum}(f,n+1) = \sum@{i=0}^n f(i)$.  We extend {\tt
   457   Arith} using a theory file:
   458 \begin{ttbox}
   459 NatSum = Arith +
   460 consts sum     :: "[nat=>nat, nat] => nat"
   461 rules  sum_0      "sum(f,0) = 0"
   462        sum_Suc    "sum(f,Suc(n)) = f(n) + sum(f,n)"
   463 end
   464 \end{ttbox}
   465 After declaring {\tt open NatSum}, we make the required simpset by adding
   466 the AC-rules for~$+$ and the axioms for~{\tt sum}:
   467 \begin{ttbox}
   468 val natsum_ss = arith_ss addsimps ([sum_0,sum_Suc] \at add_ac);
   469 {\out val natsum_ss = SS \{\ldots\} : simpset}
   470 \end{ttbox}
   471 Our desired theorem now reads ${\tt sum}(\lambda i.i,n+1) =
   472 n\times(n+1)/2$.  The Isabelle goal has both sides multiplied by~$2$:
   473 \begin{ttbox}
   474 goal NatSum.thy "Suc(Suc(0))*sum(\%i.i,Suc(n)) = n*Suc(n)";
   475 {\out Level 0}
   476 {\out Suc(Suc(0)) * sum(\%i. i, Suc(n)) = n * Suc(n)}
   477 {\out  1. Suc(Suc(0)) * sum(\%i. i, Suc(n)) = n * Suc(n)}
   478 \end{ttbox}
   479 Induction should not be applied until the goal is in the simplest form:
   480 \begin{ttbox}
   481 by (simp_tac natsum_ss 1);
   482 {\out Level 1}
   483 {\out Suc(Suc(0)) * sum(\%i. i, Suc(n)) = n * Suc(n)}
   484 {\out  1. n + (n + (sum(\%i. i, n) + sum(\%i. i, n))) = n + n * n}
   485 \end{ttbox}
   486 Ordered rewriting has sorted the terms in the left-hand side.
   487 The subgoal is now ready for induction:
   488 \begin{ttbox}
   489 by (nat_ind_tac "n" 1);
   490 {\out Level 2}
   491 {\out Suc(Suc(0)) * sum(\%i. i, Suc(n)) = n * Suc(n)}
   492 {\out  1. 0 + (0 + (sum(\%i. i, 0) + sum(\%i. i, 0))) = 0 + 0 * 0}
   493 \ttbreak
   494 {\out  2. !!n1. n1 + (n1 + (sum(\%i. i, n1) + sum(\%i. i, n1))) =}
   495 {\out           n1 + n1 * n1 ==>}
   496 {\out           Suc(n1) +}
   497 {\out           (Suc(n1) + (sum(\%i. i, Suc(n1)) + sum(\%i. i, Suc(n1)))) =}
   498 {\out           Suc(n1) + Suc(n1) * Suc(n1)}
   499 \end{ttbox}
   500 Simplification proves both subgoals immediately:\index{*ALLGOALS}
   501 \begin{ttbox}
   502 by (ALLGOALS (asm_simp_tac natsum_ss));
   503 {\out Level 3}
   504 {\out Suc(Suc(0)) * sum(\%i. i, Suc(n)) = n * Suc(n)}
   505 {\out No subgoals!}
   506 \end{ttbox}
   507 If we had omitted {\tt add_ac} from the simpset, simplification would have
   508 failed to prove the induction step:
   509 \begin{ttbox}
   510 Suc(Suc(0)) * sum(\%i. i, Suc(n)) = n * Suc(n)
   511  1. !!n1. n1 + (n1 + (sum(\%i. i, n1) + sum(\%i. i, n1))) =
   512           n1 + n1 * n1 ==>
   513           n1 + (n1 + (n1 + sum(\%i. i, n1) + (n1 + sum(\%i. i, n1)))) =
   514           n1 + (n1 + (n1 + n1 * n1))
   515 \end{ttbox}
   516 Ordered rewriting proves this by sorting the left-hand side.  Proving
   517 arithmetic theorems without ordered rewriting requires explicit use of
   518 commutativity.  This is tedious; try it and see!
   520 Ordered rewriting is equally successful in proving
   521 $\sum@{i=1}^n i^3 = n^2\times(n+1)^2/4$.
   524 \subsection{Re-orienting equalities}
   525 Ordered rewriting with the derived rule {\tt symmetry} can reverse equality
   526 signs:
   527 \begin{ttbox}
   528 val symmetry = prove_goal HOL.thy "(x=y) = (y=x)"
   529                  (fn _ => [fast_tac HOL_cs 1]);
   530 \end{ttbox}
   531 This is frequently useful.  Assumptions of the form $s=t$, where $t$ occurs
   532 in the conclusion but not~$s$, can often be brought into the right form.
   533 For example, ordered rewriting with {\tt symmetry} can prove the goal
   534 \[ f(a)=b \conj f(a)=c \imp b=c. \]
   535 Here {\tt symmetry} reverses both $f(a)=b$ and $f(a)=c$
   536 because $f(a)$ is lexicographically greater than $b$ and~$c$.  These
   537 re-oriented equations, as rewrite rules, replace $b$ and~$c$ in the
   538 conclusion by~$f(a)$. 
   540 Another example is the goal $\neg(t=u) \imp \neg(u=t)$.
   541 The differing orientations make this appear difficult to prove.  Ordered
   542 rewriting with {\tt symmetry} makes the equalities agree.  (Without
   543 knowing more about~$t$ and~$u$ we cannot say whether they both go to $t=u$
   544 or~$u=t$.)  Then the simplifier can prove the goal outright.
   546 \index{rewrite rules!permutative|)}
   549 \section{*Setting up the simplifier}\label{sec:setting-up-simp}
   550 \index{simplification!setting up}
   552 Setting up the simplifier for new logics is complicated.  This section
   553 describes how the simplifier is installed for intuitionistic first-order
   554 logic; the code is largely taken from {\tt FOL/simpdata.ML}.
   556 The simplifier and the case splitting tactic, which reside on separate
   557 files, are not part of Pure Isabelle.  They must be loaded explicitly:
   558 \begin{ttbox}
   559 use "../Provers/simplifier.ML";
   560 use "../Provers/splitter.ML";
   561 \end{ttbox}
   563 Simplification works by reducing various object-equalities to
   564 meta-equality.  It requires rules stating that equal terms and equivalent
   565 formulae are also equal at the meta-level.  The rule declaration part of
   566 the file {\tt FOL/ifol.thy} contains the two lines
   567 \begin{ttbox}\index{*eq_reflection theorem}\index{*iff_reflection theorem}
   568 eq_reflection   "(x=y)   ==> (x==y)"
   569 iff_reflection  "(P<->Q) ==> (P==Q)"
   570 \end{ttbox}
   571 Of course, you should only assert such rules if they are true for your
   572 particular logic.  In Constructive Type Theory, equality is a ternary
   573 relation of the form $a=b\in A$; the type~$A$ determines the meaning of the
   574 equality essentially as a partial equivalence relation.  The present
   575 simplifier cannot be used.  Rewriting in {\tt CTT} uses another simplifier,
   576 which resides in the file {\tt typedsimp.ML} and is not documented.  Even
   577 this does not work for later variants of Constructive Type Theory that use
   578 intensional equality~\cite{nordstrom90}.
   581 \subsection{A collection of standard rewrite rules}
   582 The file begins by proving lots of standard rewrite rules about the logical
   583 connectives.  These include cancellation and associative laws.  To prove
   584 them easily, it defines a function that echoes the desired law and then
   585 supplies it the theorem prover for intuitionistic \FOL:
   586 \begin{ttbox}
   587 fun int_prove_fun s = 
   588  (writeln s;  
   589   prove_goal IFOL.thy s
   590    (fn prems => [ (cut_facts_tac prems 1), 
   591                   (Int.fast_tac 1) ]));
   592 \end{ttbox}
   593 The following rewrite rules about conjunction are a selection of those
   594 proved on {\tt FOL/simpdata.ML}.  Later, these will be supplied to the
   595 standard simpset.
   596 \begin{ttbox}
   597 val conj_rews = map int_prove_fun
   598  ["P & True <-> P",      "True & P <-> P",
   599   "P & False <-> False", "False & P <-> False",
   600   "P & P <-> P",
   601   "P & ~P <-> False",    "~P & P <-> False",
   602   "(P & Q) & R <-> P & (Q & R)"];
   603 \end{ttbox}
   604 The file also proves some distributive laws.  As they can cause exponential
   605 blowup, they will not be included in the standard simpset.  Instead they
   606 are merely bound to an \ML{} identifier, for user reference.
   607 \begin{ttbox}
   608 val distrib_rews  = map int_prove_fun
   609  ["P & (Q | R) <-> P&Q | P&R", 
   610   "(Q | R) & P <-> Q&P | R&P",
   611   "(P | Q --> R) <-> (P --> R) & (Q --> R)"];
   612 \end{ttbox}
   615 \subsection{Functions for preprocessing the rewrite rules}
   616 \label{sec:setmksimps}
   617 %
   618 The next step is to define the function for preprocessing rewrite rules.
   619 This will be installed by calling {\tt setmksimps} below.  Preprocessing
   620 occurs whenever rewrite rules are added, whether by user command or
   621 automatically.  Preprocessing involves extracting atomic rewrites at the
   622 object-level, then reflecting them to the meta-level.
   624 To start, the function {\tt gen_all} strips any meta-level
   625 quantifiers from the front of the given theorem.  Usually there are none
   626 anyway.
   627 \begin{ttbox}
   628 fun gen_all th = forall_elim_vars (#maxidx(rep_thm th)+1) th;
   629 \end{ttbox}
   630 The function {\tt atomize} analyses a theorem in order to extract
   631 atomic rewrite rules.  The head of all the patterns, matched by the
   632 wildcard~{\tt _}, is the coercion function {\tt Trueprop}.
   633 \begin{ttbox}
   634 fun atomize th = case concl_of th of 
   635     _ $ (Const("op &",_) $ _ $ _)   => atomize(th RS conjunct1) \at
   636                                        atomize(th RS conjunct2)
   637   | _ $ (Const("op -->",_) $ _ $ _) => atomize(th RS mp)
   638   | _ $ (Const("All",_) $ _)        => atomize(th RS spec)
   639   | _ $ (Const("True",_))           => []
   640   | _ $ (Const("False",_))          => []
   641   | _                               => [th];
   642 \end{ttbox}
   643 There are several cases, depending upon the form of the conclusion:
   644 \begin{itemize}
   645 \item Conjunction: extract rewrites from both conjuncts.
   647 \item Implication: convert $P\imp Q$ to the meta-implication $P\Imp Q$ and
   648   extract rewrites from~$Q$; these will be conditional rewrites with the
   649   condition~$P$.
   651 \item Universal quantification: remove the quantifier, replacing the bound
   652   variable by a schematic variable, and extract rewrites from the body.
   654 \item {\tt True} and {\tt False} contain no useful rewrites.
   656 \item Anything else: return the theorem in a singleton list.
   657 \end{itemize}
   658 The resulting theorems are not literally atomic --- they could be
   659 disjunctive, for example --- but are broken down as much as possible.  See
   660 the file {\tt ZF/simpdata.ML} for a sophisticated translation of
   661 set-theoretic formulae into rewrite rules.
   663 The simplified rewrites must now be converted into meta-equalities.  The
   664 rule {\tt eq_reflection} converts equality rewrites, while {\tt
   665   iff_reflection} converts if-and-only-if rewrites.  The latter possibility
   666 can arise in two other ways: the negative theorem~$\neg P$ is converted to
   667 $P\equiv{\tt False}$, and any other theorem~$P$ is converted to
   668 $P\equiv{\tt True}$.  The rules {\tt iff_reflection_F} and {\tt
   669   iff_reflection_T} accomplish this conversion.
   670 \begin{ttbox}
   671 val P_iff_F = int_prove_fun "~P ==> (P <-> False)";
   672 val iff_reflection_F = P_iff_F RS iff_reflection;
   673 \ttbreak
   674 val P_iff_T = int_prove_fun "P ==> (P <-> True)";
   675 val iff_reflection_T = P_iff_T RS iff_reflection;
   676 \end{ttbox}
   677 The function {\tt mk_meta_eq} converts a theorem to a meta-equality
   678 using the case analysis described above.
   679 \begin{ttbox}
   680 fun mk_meta_eq th = case concl_of th of
   681     _ $ (Const("op =",_)$_$_)   => th RS eq_reflection
   682   | _ $ (Const("op <->",_)$_$_) => th RS iff_reflection
   683   | _ $ (Const("Not",_)$_)      => th RS iff_reflection_F
   684   | _                           => th RS iff_reflection_T;
   685 \end{ttbox}
   686 The three functions {\tt gen_all}, {\tt atomize} and {\tt mk_meta_eq} will
   687 be composed together and supplied below to {\tt setmksimps}.
   690 \subsection{Making the initial simpset}
   691 It is time to assemble these items.  We open module {\tt Simplifier} to
   692 gain access to its components.  We define the infix operator
   693 \ttindexbold{addcongs} to insert congruence rules; given a list of theorems,
   694 it converts their conclusions into meta-equalities and passes them to
   695 \ttindex{addeqcongs}.
   696 \begin{ttbox}
   697 open Simplifier;
   698 \ttbreak
   699 infix addcongs;
   700 fun ss addcongs congs =
   701     ss addeqcongs (congs RL [eq_reflection,iff_reflection]);
   702 \end{ttbox}
   703 The list {\tt IFOL_rews} contains the default rewrite rules for first-order
   704 logic.  The first of these is the reflexive law expressed as the
   705 equivalence $(a=a)\bimp{\tt True}$; the rewrite rule $a=a$ is clearly useless.
   706 \begin{ttbox}
   707 val IFOL_rews =
   708    [refl RS P_iff_T] \at conj_rews \at disj_rews \at not_rews \at 
   709     imp_rews \at iff_rews \at quant_rews;
   710 \end{ttbox}
   711 The list {\tt triv_rls} contains trivial theorems for the solver.  Any
   712 subgoal that is simplified to one of these will be removed.
   713 \begin{ttbox}
   714 val notFalseI = int_prove_fun "~False";
   715 val triv_rls = [TrueI,refl,iff_refl,notFalseI];
   716 \end{ttbox}
   717 %
   718 The basic simpset for intuitionistic \FOL{} starts with \ttindex{empty_ss}.
   719 It preprocess rewrites using {\tt gen_all}, {\tt atomize} and {\tt
   720   mk_meta_eq}.  It solves simplified subgoals using {\tt triv_rls} and
   721 assumptions.  It uses \ttindex{asm_simp_tac} to tackle subgoals of
   722 conditional rewrites.  It takes {\tt IFOL_rews} as rewrite rules.  
   723 Other simpsets built from {\tt IFOL_ss} will inherit these items.
   724 In particular, {\tt FOL_ss} extends {\tt IFOL_ss} with classical rewrite
   725 rules such as $\neg\neg P\bimp P$.
   726 \index{*setmksimps}\index{*setsolver}\index{*setsubgoaler}
   727 \index{*addsimps}\index{*addcongs}
   728 \begin{ttbox}
   729 val IFOL_ss = 
   730   empty_ss 
   731   setmksimps (map mk_meta_eq o atomize o gen_all)
   732   setsolver  (fn prems => resolve_tac (triv_rls \at prems) ORELSE' 
   733                           assume_tac)
   734   setsubgoaler asm_simp_tac
   735   addsimps IFOL_rews
   736   addcongs [imp_cong];
   737 \end{ttbox}
   738 This simpset takes {\tt imp_cong} as a congruence rule in order to use
   739 contextual information to simplify the conclusions of implications:
   740 \[ \List{\Var{P}\bimp\Var{P'};\; \Var{P'} \Imp \Var{Q}\bimp\Var{Q'}} \Imp
   741    (\Var{P}\imp\Var{Q}) \bimp (\Var{P'}\imp\Var{Q'})
   742 \]
   743 By adding the congruence rule {\tt conj_cong}, we could obtain a similar
   744 effect for conjunctions.
   747 \subsection{Case splitting}
   748 To set up case splitting, we must prove the theorem below and pass it to
   749 \ttindexbold{mk_case_split_tac}.  The tactic \ttindexbold{split_tac} uses
   750 {\tt mk_meta_eq}, defined above, to convert the splitting rules to
   751 meta-equalities.
   752 \begin{ttbox}
   753 val meta_iffD = 
   754     prove_goal FOL.thy "[| P==Q; Q |] ==> P"
   755         (fn [prem1,prem2] => [rewtac prem1, rtac prem2 1])
   756 \ttbreak
   757 fun split_tac splits =
   758     mk_case_split_tac meta_iffD (map mk_meta_eq splits);
   759 \end{ttbox}
   760 %
   761 The splitter replaces applications of a given function; the right-hand side
   762 of the replacement can be anything.  For example, here is a splitting rule
   763 for conditional expressions:
   764 \[ \Var{P}(if(\Var{Q},\Var{x},\Var{y})) \bimp (\Var{Q} \imp \Var{P}(\Var{x}))
   765 \conj (\lnot\Var{Q} \imp \Var{P}(\Var{y})) 
   766 \] 
   767 Another example is the elimination operator (which happens to be
   768 called~$split$) for Cartesian products:
   769 \[ \Var{P}(split(\Var{f},\Var{p})) \bimp (\forall a~b. \Var{p} =
   770 \langle a,b\rangle \imp \Var{P}(\Var{f}(a,b))) 
   771 \] 
   772 Case splits should be allowed only when necessary; they are expensive
   773 and hard to control.  Here is a typical example of use, where {\tt
   774   expand_if} is the first rule above:
   775 \begin{ttbox}
   776 by (simp_tac (prop_rec_ss setloop (split_tac [expand_if])) 1);
   777 \end{ttbox}
   781 \index{simplification|)}