changeset 59549 e0e3d41ef86c
parent 59547 a6dcec53aec0
child 59585 0bb418c3855a
     1.1 --- a/test/Tools/isac/ProgLang/scrtools.sml	Thu May 30 12:39:13 2019 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/test/Tools/isac/ProgLang/scrtools.sml	Sat Jun 01 11:09:19 2019 +0200
     1.3 @@ -6,70 +6,21 @@
     1.4  "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
     1.5  "table of contents -----------------------------------------------";
     1.6  "-----------------------------------------------------------------";
     1.7 -"-------- test auto-generated script '(Repeat (Calculate times))'-";
     1.8  "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Poly -----------";
     1.9  "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Rational -------";
    1.10  "-------- check auto-gen.script for Rewrite_Set_Inst -------------";
    1.11 -"-------- how to stepwise construct Scripts -------";(*TODO remove -- partial_function is easier*)
    1.12  "-------- distinguish input to Model -----------------------------------------";
    1.13  "-------- fun subpbl, fun pblterm --------------------------------------------";
    1.14  "-------- fun stacpbls, fun subst_stacexpr -----------------------------------";
    1.15  "-------- fun is_calc, fun op_of_calc ----------------------------------------";
    1.16  "-------- fun rule2stac, fun rule2stac_inst ----------------------------------";
    1.17  "-------- fun op @@ ----------------------------------------------------------";
    1.18 -"-------- compare Scripts: xxx :: ID --> ''xxx'' :: char list ----------------";
    1.19 -"-------- Handle Var from parsing by partial_function ------------------------";
    1.20 -"-------- Compare program terms: from old parsing | from partial_function ----";
    1.21  "-------- fun get_fun_id -----------------------------------------------------";
    1.22  "-------- fun rules2scr_Rls --------------------------------------------------";
    1.23  "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    1.24  "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    1.25  "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------";
    1.27 -
    1.28 -"-------- test auto-generated script '(Repeat (Calculate times))'-";
    1.29 -"-------- test auto-generated script '(Repeat (Calculate times))'-";
    1.30 -"-------- test auto-generated script '(Repeat (Calculate times))'-";
    1.31 -val Seq {scr = Prog auto_script,...} = assoc_rls "norm_Poly";
    1.32 -writeln(term2str auto_script);
    1.33 -atomty auto_script;
    1.34 -
    1.35 -show_mets();  
    1.36 -val {scr = Prog parsed_script,...} = get_met ["Test","test_interSteps_1"];
    1.37 -writeln(term2str parsed_script);
    1.38 -atomty parsed_script;
    1.39 -
    1.40 -(*the structure of the auto-gen. script is interpreted correctly*)
    1.41 -reset_states ();
    1.42 -CalcTree
    1.43 -[(["Term (b + a - b)",(*this is Schalk 299b*)
    1.44 -	   "normalform N"], 
    1.45 -  ("Poly",["polynomial","simplification"],
    1.46 -  ["Test","test_interSteps_1"]))];
    1.47 -Iterator 1;
    1.48 -moveActiveRoot 1;
    1.49 -autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalcHead;
    1.50 -
    1.51 -fetchProposedTactic 1  (*..Apply_Method*);
    1.52 -autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    1.53 -getTactic 1 ([1], Frm)  (*still empty*);
    1.54 -
    1.55 -fetchProposedTactic 1  (*discard_minus_*);
    1.56 -autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    1.57 -
    1.58 -fetchProposedTactic 1  (*order_add_rls_*);
    1.59 -autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    1.60 -
    1.61 -fetchProposedTactic 1  (*collect_numerals_*);
    1.62 -autoCalculate 1 (Step 1);
    1.63 -
    1.64 -autoCalculate 1 CompleteCalc;
    1.65 -
    1.66 -val ((pt,p),_) = get_calc 1; show_pt pt;
    1.67 -if existpt' ([1], Frm) pt then ()
    1.68 -else error "scrtools.sml: test-script test_interSteps_1 doesnt work";
    1.69 -
    1.70 -
    1.71  "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Poly -----------";
    1.72  "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Poly -----------";
    1.73  "-------- test the same called by interSteps norm_Poly -----------";
    1.74 @@ -225,57 +176,11 @@
    1.75  if contain_bdv (get_rules rls) then ()
    1.76  else error "scrtools.sml: contain_bdv doesnt work for 'integration'";
    1.78 -two_scr_arg auto_script;
    1.79 +if terms2str (formal_args auto_script) = "[\"t_t\",\"v\"]"
    1.80 +then () else error "formal_args of auto-gen.script changed";
    1.81  init_istate (Rewrite_Set_Inst (["(''bdv'', x)"], "integration_rules")) 
    1.82  			      (str2term "someTermWithBdv");
    1.84 -"-------- how to stepwise construct Scripts ----------------------";
    1.85 -"-------- how to stepwise construct Scripts ----------------------";
    1.86 -"-------- how to stepwise construct Scripts ----------------------";
    1.87 -val thy = @{theory "Rational"};
    1.88 -(*no trailing _*)
    1.89 -val p1 = parse thy (
    1.90 -"Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
    1.91 -"  (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False                   " ^
    1.92 -"   t_t)");
    1.93 -
    1.94 -(*required (): (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False)*)
    1.95 -val p2 = parse thy (
    1.96 -"Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
    1.97 -"  (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False                   " ^
    1.98 -"   t_t)");
    1.99 -
   1.100 -val p3 = parse thy (
   1.101 -"Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   1.102 -"  ((Rewrite_Set discard_minus False)                   " ^
   1.103 -"   t_t)");
   1.104 -
   1.105 -val p4 = parse thy (
   1.106 -"Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   1.107 -"  ((Rewrite_Set discard_minus False)                   " ^
   1.108 -"   t_t)");
   1.109 -
   1.110 -val p5 = parse thy (
   1.111 -"Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   1.112 -"  ((Try (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False)                   " ^
   1.113 -"    Try (Rewrite_Set discard_parentheses False))               " ^
   1.114 -"   t_t)");
   1.115 -
   1.116 -val p6 = parse thy (
   1.117 -"Script SimplifyScript (t_t::real) =                             " ^
   1.118 -"  ((Try (Rewrite_Set discard_minus False) @@                   " ^
   1.119 -"    Try (Rewrite_Set rat_mult_poly False) @@                    " ^
   1.120 -"    Try (Rewrite_Set make_rat_poly_with_parentheses False) @@   " ^
   1.121 -"    Try (Rewrite_Set cancel_p_rls False) @@                     " ^
   1.122 -"    (Repeat                                                     " ^
   1.123 -"     ((Try (Rewrite_Set add_fractions_p_rls False) @@        " ^
   1.124 -"       Try (Rewrite_Set rat_mult_div_pow False) @@              " ^
   1.125 -"       Try (Rewrite_Set make_rat_poly_with_parentheses False) @@" ^
   1.126 -"       Try (Rewrite_Set cancel_p_rls False) @@                  " ^
   1.127 -"       Try (Rewrite_Set rat_reduce_1 False)))) @@               " ^
   1.128 -"    Try (Rewrite_Set discard_parentheses False))               " ^
   1.129 -"   t_t)"
   1.130 -);
   1.132  "-------- distinguish input to Model -----------------------------------------";
   1.133  "-------- distinguish input to Model -----------------------------------------";
   1.134 @@ -420,189 +325,12 @@
   1.135    "Try (Repeat (Rewrite ''risolate_root_div'' False))"
   1.136  then () else error "fun @@ changed"
   1.138 -"-------- compare Scripts: xxx :: ID --> ''xxx'' :: char list ----------------";
   1.139 -"-------- compare Scripts: xxx :: ID --> ''xxx'' :: char list ----------------";
   1.140 -"-------- compare Scripts: xxx :: ID --> ''xxx'' :: char list ----------------";
   1.141 -(* meth for Minisubpbl ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"] *)
   1.142 -val prog_str_'''' = (* string constants: the intermediate version before partial_function *)
   1.143 -  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =                  " ^
   1.144 -  " (let e_e = ((Try (Rewrite_Set ''norm_equation'' False)) @@           " ^
   1.145 -  "             (Try (Rewrite_Set ''Test_simplify'' False))) e_e;        " ^
   1.146 -  "     (L_L::bool list) =                                               " ^
   1.147 -  "            (SubProblem (''TestX'',                                   " ^
   1.148 -  "                [''LINEAR'', ''univariate'', ''equation'', ''test''], " ^
   1.149 -  "                [''Test'', ''solve_linear''])                         " ^
   1.150 -  "              [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])                                   " ^
   1.151 -  "  in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})                ";
   1.152 -val prog_str_Free = (* Free varibles: the version up to now *)
   1.153 -  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =                  " ^
   1.154 -  " (let e_e = ((Try (Rewrite_Set norm_equation False)) @@               " ^
   1.155 -  "             (Try (Rewrite_Set Test_simplify False))) e_e;            " ^
   1.156 -  "     (L_L::bool list) =                                               " ^
   1.157 -  "            (SubProblem (TestX,                                       " ^
   1.158 -  "                [LINEAR, univariate, equation, test],                 " ^
   1.159 -  "                [Test, solve_linear])                                 " ^
   1.160 -  "              [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])                                   " ^
   1.161 -  "  in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})                "
   1.162 -
   1.163 -(* term with string constants *)
   1.164 -val prog_'''' = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory})) prog_str_''''
   1.165 -val Const ("Test.Solve'_root'_equation", _) $
   1.166 -     Free ("e_e", _) $ Free ("v_v", _) $
   1.167 -     (Const ("HOL.Let", _) $
   1.168 -       (Const ("Script.Seq", _) $
   1.169 -         (Const ("Script.Try", _) $
   1.170 -           (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Set", _) $
   1.171 -             norm_equation_'''' $ Const ("HOL.False", _))) $
   1.172 -         (Const ("Script.Try", _) $
   1.173 -           (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Set", _) $
   1.174 -             Test_simplify_'''' $ Const ("HOL.False", _))) $
   1.175 -         Free ("e_e", _)) $
   1.176 -       Abs ("e_e", _,
   1.177 -         Const ("HOL.Let", _) $
   1.178 -           (Const ("Script.SubProblem", _) $
   1.179 -             (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $ TestX_'''' $
   1.180 -               (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $
   1.181 -                 pblkey_'''' $ metkey_'''')) $
   1.182 -             args) $
   1.183 -           Abs ("L_L", _,
   1.184 -             Const ("Script.Check'_elementwise", _) $ Free _ $ (_ $ _)))) = prog_''''
   1.185 -;
   1.186 -(* term with Free varibles *)
   1.187 -val prog_Free = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory})) prog_str_Free
   1.188 -val Const ("Test.Solve'_root'_equation", _) $
   1.189 -     Free ("e_e", _) $ Free ("v_v", _) $
   1.190 -     (Const ("HOL.Let", _) $
   1.191 -       (Const ("Script.Seq", _) $
   1.192 -         (Const ("Script.Try", _) $
   1.193 -           (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Set", _) $
   1.194 -             norm_equation_Free $ Const ("HOL.False", _))) $
   1.195 -         (Const ("Script.Try", _) $
   1.196 -           (Const ("Script.Rewrite'_Set", _) $
   1.197 -             Test_simplify_Free $ Const ("HOL.False", _))) $
   1.198 -         Free ("e_e", _)) $
   1.199 -       Abs ("e_e", _,
   1.200 -         Const ("HOL.Let", _) $
   1.201 -           (Const ("Script.SubProblem", _) $
   1.202 -             (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $ TestX_Free $
   1.203 -               (Const ("Product_Type.Pair", _) $
   1.204 -                 pblkey_Free $ metkey_Free)) $ 
   1.205 -             args) $
   1.206 -           Abs ("L_L", _,
   1.207 -             Const ("Script.Check'_elementwise", _) $ Free _ $ (_ $ _)))) = prog_Free
   1.208 -;
   1.209 -(* compare term with string constants and term with Free varibles *)
   1.210 -if HOLogic.dest_string norm_equation_'''' = "norm_equation" then () else error "dest_string 1";
   1.211 -(* --------------------- string constants = Free varibles *)
   1.212 -if HOLogic.dest_string norm_equation_'''' =  Term.term_name norm_equation_Free then () else error "";
   1.213 -if HOLogic.dest_string Test_simplify_'''' =  Term.term_name Test_simplify_Free then () else error "";
   1.214 -if HOLogic.dest_string TestX_'''' =  Term.term_name TestX_Free then () else error "dest_string 2";
   1.215 -
   1.216 -if (pblkey_'''' |> HOLogic.dest_list |> map HOLogic.dest_string) =
   1.217 -  ["LINEAR", "univariate", "equation", "test"] then () else error "dest_string 3";
   1.218 -(* --------------------- string constants = Free varibles *)
   1.219 -if (pblkey_'''' |> HOLogic.dest_list |> map HOLogic.dest_string) =
   1.220 -   (pblkey_Free |> HOLogic.dest_list |> map Term.term_name) then () else error "dest_string 4";
   1.221 -if (metkey_'''' |> HOLogic.dest_list |> map HOLogic.dest_string) =
   1.222 -   (metkey_Free |> HOLogic.dest_list |> map Term.term_name) then () else error "dest_string 5";
   1.223 -
   1.224 -"-------- Handle Var from parsing by partial_function ------------------------";
   1.225 -"-------- Handle Var from parsing by partial_function ------------------------";
   1.226 -"-------- Handle Var from parsing by partial_function ------------------------";
   1.227 -(* (1) parsing proprietary as used up to now *)
   1.228 -val prog_str_'''' =
   1.229 -  "xxx e_e = (let e_e = (Rewrite_Set ''yyy'' False) e_e in [e_e])"
   1.230 -val prog_'''' = ((*TermC.inst_abs o*) Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory})) prog_str_''''
   1.231 -(*Output: val prog_'''' = ... $ (Const ("HOL.Let", "bool... )... $ Free ("e_e", "bool")) $ ...*)
   1.232 -
   1.233 -(* (2) parsing by funpack: take the definition from test/../ProgLang/scrtools.thy *)
   1.234 -val prog_part = (HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.prop_of) @{thm simplify.simps}
   1.235 -(*Output: val prog_part = ... $ (Const ("HOL.Let", "bool... )... $ Var (("e_e", 0), "bool")) $ ...*)
   1.236 -;
   1.237 -Logic.unvarify_global: term -> term
   1.238 -;
   1.239 -val prog_part = (Logic.unvarify_global o HOLogic.dest_Trueprop o Thm.prop_of) @{thm simplify.simps};
   1.240 -(*val prog_part = ... $ (Const ("HOL.Let", "bool... )... $ Var (("e_e", 0), "bool")) $ ...*)
   1.241 -
   1.242 -(* (3) compare (1)..(2) *)
   1.243 -if prog_'''' = prog_part then () else error "appl of Logic.unvarify_global changed"
   1.244 -
   1.245 -"-------- Compare program terms: from old parsing | from partial_function ----";
   1.246 -"-------- Compare program terms: from old parsing | from partial_function ----";
   1.247 -"-------- Compare program terms: from old parsing | from partial_function ----";
   1.248 -(* meth for Minisubpbl ["Test", "squ-equ-test-subpbl1"] *)
   1.249 -
   1.250 -(* (1) parsing proprietary as used up to now *)
   1.251 -val prog_str_'''' = (* string constants: the intermediate version before partial_function *)
   1.252 -  "Script Solve_root_equation (e_e::bool) (v_v::real) =                  " ^
   1.253 -  " (let e_e = ((Try (Rewrite_Set ''norm_equation'' False)) @@           " ^
   1.254 -  "             (Try (Rewrite_Set ''Test_simplify'' False))) e_e;        " ^
   1.255 -  "     (L_L::bool list) =                                               " ^
   1.256 -  "            (SubProblem (''TestX'',                                   " ^
   1.257 -  "                [''LINEAR'', ''univariate'', ''equation'', ''test''], " ^
   1.258 -  "                [''Test'', ''solve_linear''])                         " ^
   1.259 -  "              [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v])                                   " ^
   1.260 -  "  in Check_elementwise L_L {(v_v::real). Assumptions})                ";
   1.261 -val prog_'''' = (TermC.inst_abs o Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse @{theory})) prog_str_''''
   1.262 -
   1.263 -(* body_of ---> src/../scrtools.sml for test with old parsing *)
   1.264 -fun body_of_'''' (_ $ body) = body
   1.265 -  | body_of_'''' t = raise TERM ("body_of", [t])
   1.266 -
   1.267 -val body_'''' = body_of_'''' prog_'''';
   1.268 -term2str body_''''; (* with TermC.inst_abs:
   1.269 -     "let e_ea =\n      (Try (Rewrite_Set ''norm_equation'' False) @@\n       Try (Rewrite_Set ''Test_simplify'' False))\n       e_e;\n    L_La =\n      SubProblem\n       (''TestX'', [''LINEAR'', ''univariate'', ''equation'', ''test''],\n        [''Test'', ''solve_linear''])\n       [BOOL e_e, REAL v_v]\nin Check_elementwise L_L {v_v. Assumptions}":
   1.270 -------------------------> e_e;  Free ("e_e", "bool"))
   1.271 -*)
   1.272 -
   1.273 -(* formal_args in src/../scrtools.sml*)
   1.274 -fun formal_args_'''' scr = (fst o split_last o snd o strip_comb) scr;
   1.275 -
   1.276 -val args_'''' = formal_args_'''' prog_'''';
   1.277 -case args_'''' of [Free ("e_e", _), Free ("v_v", _)] => ()
   1.278 -| _ => error "formal_args";
   1.279 -
   1.280 -(* (2) parsing by funpack: take the definition from test/../ProgLang/scrtools.thy *)
   1.281 -val prog_part = Thm.prop_of @{thm minisubpbl.simps}
   1.282 -
   1.283 -(* body_of ---> src/../scrtools.sml BEFORE above, new body_of *)
   1.284 -fun body_of_part t = (t
   1.285 -  |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
   1.286 -  |> HOLogic.dest_eq
   1.287 -  |> snd
   1.288 -  |> Logic.unvarify_global
   1.289 -  |> TermC.inst_abs)
   1.290 -handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("body_of", [t])
   1.291 -
   1.292 -val body_part = body_of_part prog_part;
   1.293 -term2str body_part; (* with TermC.inst_abs, without:
   1.294 -     "let e_ea =\n      (Try (Rewrite_Set ''norm_equation'' False) @@\n       Try (Rewrite_Set ''Test_simplify'' False))\n       ?e_e;\n    L_La =\n      SubProblem\n       (''TestX'', [''LINEAR'', ''univariate'', ''equation'', ''test''],\n        [''Test'', ''solve_linear''])\n       [BOOL e_e, REAL ?v_v]\nin Check_elementwise L_L {v_v. Assumptions}":
   1.295 -------------------------> ?e_e;  Var (("e_e", 0), "bool"))
   1.296 -*)
   1.297 -
   1.298 -(* formal_args ---> src/../scrtools.sml BEFORE old formal_args *)
   1.299 -fun formal_args_part prog = (prog
   1.300 -  |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
   1.301 -  |> HOLogic.dest_eq
   1.302 -  |> fst
   1.303 -  |> Logic.unvarify_global
   1.304 -  |> strip_comb
   1.305 -  |> snd
   1.306 -)
   1.307 -handle TERM _ => raise TERM ("formal_args", [t])
   1.308 -
   1.309 -val args_part = formal_args_part prog_part;
   1.310 -
   1.311 -(* (3) compare (1)..(2) *)
   1.312 -if body_'''' = body_part then () else error "body_of changed";
   1.313 -if args_'''' = args_part then () else error "formal_args changed"
   1.314 -
   1.315  "-------- fun get_fun_id -----------------------------------------------------";
   1.316  "-------- fun get_fun_id -----------------------------------------------------";
   1.317  "-------- fun get_fun_id -----------------------------------------------------";
   1.318  (* fun_id is nested into arguments, compare ... *)
   1.319  val Const ("HOL.Trueprop", _) $ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $
   1.320 -      (((((Const (const_id, const_typ) $ _) $ _) $ _) $ _) $ _) $ _) =
   1.321 +      (((((((Const (const_id, const_typ) $ _) $ _) $ _) $ _) $ _) $ _) $ _) $ _) =
   1.322    Thm.prop_of @{thm biegelinie.simps};
   1.323  (* ... to: *)
   1.324  val Const ("HOL.Trueprop", _) $ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $
   1.325 @@ -613,12 +341,14 @@
   1.326  val Const ("HOL.Trueprop", _) $ (Const ("HOL.eq", _) $
   1.327        nested $ _) =
   1.328    Thm.prop_of @{thm biegelinie.simps};
   1.329 -val (((((Const ("Biegelinie.biegelinie", _) $
   1.330 -       Var (("l", 0), _)) $ 
   1.331 -         Var (("q", 0), _)) $
   1.332 -           Var (("v", 0), _)) $
   1.333 -             Var (("b", 0), _)) $
   1.334 -               Var (("s", 0), _)) = nested;
   1.335 +val (Const ("Biegelinie.biegelinie", _) $ 
   1.336 +      Var (("l", 0), _) $
   1.337 +        Var (("q", 0), _) $
   1.338 +          Var (("v", 0), _) $
   1.339 +            Var (("b", 0), _) $
   1.340 +              Var (("s", 0), _) $
   1.341 +                Var (("vs", 0), _) $
   1.342 +                Var (("id_abl", 0), _)) = nested;
   1.343  strip_comb nested;
   1.344  (*val it =
   1.345     (Const ("Biegelinie.biegelinie", "real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> real \<Rightarrow> (real \<Rightarrow> real) \<Rightarrow> bool list \<Rightarrow> bool")
   1.346 @@ -627,10 +357,10 @@
   1.347       Var (("b", 0), "real \<Rightarrow> real"), Var (("s", 0), "bool list")]):
   1.348     term * term list*)
   1.350 -case get_fun_id (Thm.prop_of @{thm biegelinie.simps}) of
   1.351 +case get_fun_id (prep_program @{thm biegelinie.simps}) of
   1.352    ("Biegelinie.biegelinie", _) => ()
   1.353  | _ => error "get_fun_id changed";
   1.354 -case get_fun_id (Thm.prop_of @{thm simplify.simps}) of
   1.355 +case get_fun_id (prep_program @{thm simplify.simps}) of
   1.356    ("PolyMinus.simplify", _) => ()
   1.357  | _ => error "get_fun_id changed";