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     1.5 +\chapter{Theories, Terms and Types} \label{theories}
     1.6 +\index{theories|(}\index{signatures|bold}
     1.7 +\index{reading!axioms|see{{\tt extend_theory} and {\tt assume_ax}}}
     1.8 +Theories organize the syntax, declarations and axioms of a mathematical
     1.9 +development.  They are built, starting from the Pure theory, by extending
    1.10 +and merging existing theories.  They have the \ML{} type \ttindex{theory}.
    1.11 +Theory operations signal errors by raising exception \ttindex{THEORY},
    1.12 +returning a message and a list of theories.
    1.13 +
    1.14 +Signatures, which contain information about sorts, types, constants and
    1.15 +syntax, have the \ML{} type~\ttindexbold{}.  For identification,
    1.16 +each signature carries a unique list of {\bf stamps}, which are~\ML{}
    1.17 +references (to strings).  The strings serve as human-readable names; the
    1.18 +references serve as unique identifiers.  Each primitive signature has a
    1.19 +single stamp.  When two signatures are merged, their lists of stamps are
    1.20 +also merged.  Every theory carries a unique signature.
    1.21 +
    1.22 +Terms and types are the underlying representation of logical syntax.  Their
    1.23 +\ML{} definitions are irrelevant to naive Isabelle users.  Programmers who wish
    1.24 +to extend Isabelle may need to know such details, say to code a tactic that
    1.25 +looks for subgoals of a particular form.  Terms and types may be
    1.26 +`certified' to be well-formed with respect to a given signature.
    1.27 +
    1.28 +\section{Defining Theories}
    1.29 +\label{DefiningTheories}
    1.30 +
    1.31 +Theories can be defined either using concrete syntax or by calling certain
    1.32 +\ML-functions (see \S\ref{BuildingATheory}).  Figure~\ref{TheorySyntax}
    1.33 +presents the concrete syntax for theories.  This grammar employs the
    1.34 +following conventions: 
    1.35 +\begin{itemize}
    1.36 +\item Identifiers such as $theoryDef$ denote nonterminal symbols.
    1.37 +\item Text in {\tt typewriter font} denotes terminal symbols.
    1.38 +\item \ldots{} indicates repetition of a phrase.
    1.39 +\item A vertical bar~($|$) separates alternative phrases.
    1.40 +\item Square [brackets] enclose optional phrases.
    1.41 +\item $id$ stands for an Isabelle identifier.
    1.42 +\item $string$ stands for an ML string, with its quotation marks.
    1.43 +\item $k$ stands for a natural number.
    1.44 +\item $text$ stands for arbitrary ML text.
    1.45 +\end{itemize}
    1.46 +
    1.47 +\begin{figure}[hp]
    1.48 +\begin{center}
    1.49 +\begin{tabular}{rclc}
    1.50 +$theoryDef$ &=& $id$ {\tt=} $id@1$ {\tt+} \dots {\tt+} $id@n$
    1.51 +                            [{\tt+} $extension$]\\\\
    1.52 +$extension$ &=& [$classes$] [$default$] [$types$] [$arities$] [$consts$]
    1.53 +                [$rules$] {\tt end} [$ml$]\\\\
    1.54 +$classes$ &=& \ttindex{classes} $class$ \dots $class$ \\\\
    1.55 +$class$ &=& $id$ [{\tt<} $id@1${\tt,} \dots{\tt,} $id@n$] \\\\
    1.56 +$default$ &=& \ttindex{default} $sort$ \\\\
    1.57 +$sort$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ {\tt\{} $id@1${\tt,} \dots{\tt,} $id@n$ {\tt\}} \\\\
    1.58 +$name$ &=& $id$ ~~$|$~~ $string$ \\\\
    1.59 +$types$ &=& \ttindex{types} $typeDecl$ \dots $typeDecl$ \\\\
    1.60 +$typeDecl$ &=& $name${\tt,} \dots{\tt,} $name$ $k$
    1.61 +               [{\tt(} $infix$ {\tt)}] \\\\
    1.62 +$infix$ &=& \ttindex{infixl} $k$ ~~$|$~~ \ttindex{infixr} $k$ \\\\
    1.63 +$arities$ &=& \ttindex{arities} $arityDecl$ \dots $arityDecl$ \\\\
    1.64 +$arityDecl$ &=& $name${\tt,} \dots{\tt,} $name$ {\tt::} $arity$ \\\\
    1.65 +$arity$ &=& [{\tt(} $sort${\tt,} \dots{\tt,} $sort$ {\tt)}] $id$ \\\\
    1.66 +$consts$ &=& \ttindex{consts} $constDecl$ \dots $constDecl$ \\\\
    1.67 +$constDecl$ &=& $name@1${\tt,} \dots{\tt,} $name@n$ {\tt::} $string$
    1.68 +                [{\tt(} $mixfix$ {\tt)}] \\\\
    1.69 +$mixfix$ &=& $string$
    1.70 +             [ [\quad{\tt[} $k@1${\tt,} \dots{\tt,} $k@n$ {\tt]}\quad] $k$]\\
    1.71 +       &$|$& $infix$ \\
    1.72 +       &$|$& \ttindex{binder} $string$ $k$\\\\
    1.73 +$rules$ &=& \ttindex{rules} $rule$ \dots $rule$ \\\\
    1.74 +$rule$ &=& $id$ $string$ \\\\
    1.75 +$ml$ &=& \ttindex{ML} $text$
    1.76 +\end{tabular}
    1.77 +\end{center}
    1.78 +\caption{Theory Syntax}
    1.79 +\label{TheorySyntax}
    1.80 +\end{figure}
    1.81 +
    1.82 +The different parts of a theory definition are interpreted as follows:
    1.83 +\begin{description}
    1.84 +\item[$theoryDef$] A theory has a name $id$ and is an extension of the union
    1.85 +  of existing theories $id@1$ \dots $id@n$ with new classes, types,
    1.86 +  constants, syntax and axioms.  The basic theory, which contains only the
    1.87 +  meta-logic, is called {\tt Pure}.
    1.88 +\item[$class$] The new class $id$ is declared as a subclass of existing
    1.89 +  classes $id@1$ \dots $id@n$.  This rules out cyclic class structures.
    1.90 +  Isabelle automatically computes the transitive closure of subclass
    1.91 +  hierarchies.  Hence it is not necessary to declare $c@1 < c@3$ in addition
    1.92 +  to $c@1 < c@2$ and $c@2 < c@3$.
    1.93 +\item[$default$] introduces $sort$ as the new default sort for type
    1.94 +  variables.  Unconstrained type variables in an input string are
    1.95 +  automatically constrained by $sort$; this does not apply to type variables
    1.96 +  created internally during type inference.  If omitted,
    1.97 +  the default sort is the same as in the parent theory.
    1.98 +\item[$sort$] is a finite set $id@1$ \dots $id@n$ of classes; a single class
    1.99 +  $id$ abbreviates the singleton set {\tt\{}$id${\tt\}}.
   1.100 +\item[$name$] is either an alphanumeric identifier or an arbitrary string.
   1.101 +\item[$typeDecl$] Each $name$ is declared as a new type constructor with
   1.102 +  $k$ arguments.  Only binary type constructors can have infix status and
   1.103 +  symbolic names ($string$).
   1.104 +\item[$infix$] declares a type or constant to be an infix operator of
   1.105 +  precedence $k$ associating to the left ({\tt infixl}) or right ({\tt
   1.106 +    infixr}).
   1.107 +\item[$arityDecl$] Each existing type constructor $name@1$ \dots $name@n$
   1.108 +  is given the additional arity $arity$.
   1.109 +\item[$constDecl$] The new constants $name@1$ \dots $name@n$ are declared to
   1.110 +  be of type $string$.  For display purposes they can be annotated with
   1.111 +  $mixfix$ declarations.
   1.112 +\item[$mixfix$] $string$ is a mixfix template of the form {\tt"}\dots{\tt\_}
   1.113 +  \dots{\tt\_} \dots{\tt"} where the $i$-th underscore indicates the position
   1.114 +  where the $i$-th argument should go, $k@i$ is the minimum precedence of
   1.115 +  the $i$-th argument, and $k$ the precedence of the construct.  The list
   1.116 +  \hbox{\tt[$k@1$, \dots, $k@n$]} is optional.
   1.117 +
   1.118 +  Binary constants can be given infix status.
   1.119 +
   1.120 +  A constant $f$ {\tt::} $(\tau@1\To\tau@2)\To\tau@3$ can be given {\em
   1.121 +    binder} status: {\tt binder} $Q$ $p$ causes $Q\,x.F(x)$ to be treated
   1.122 +  like $f(F)$; $p$ is the precedence of the construct.
   1.123 +\item[$rule$] A rule consists of a name $id$ and a formula $string$.  Rule
   1.124 +  names must be distinct.
   1.125 +\item[$ml$] This final part of a theory consists of ML code, 
   1.126 +  typically for parse and print translations.
   1.127 +\end{description}
   1.128 +The $mixfix$ and $ml$ sections are explained in more detail in the {\it
   1.129 +Defining Logics} chapter of the {\it Logics} manual.
   1.130 +
   1.131 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.132 +use_thy: string -> unit
   1.133 +\end{ttbox}
   1.134 +Each theory definition must reside in a separate file.  Let the file {\it
   1.135 +  tf}{\tt.thy} contain the definition of a theory called $TF$ with rules named
   1.136 +$r@1$ \dots $r@n$.  Calling \ttindexbold{use_thy}~{\tt"}{\it tf\/}{\tt"} reads
   1.137 +file {\it tf}{\tt.thy}, writes an intermediate {\ML}-file {\tt.}{\it
   1.138 +  tf}{\tt.thy.ML}, and reads the latter file.  This declares an {\ML}
   1.139 +structure~$TF$ containing a component {\tt thy} for the new theory
   1.140 +and components $r@1$ \dots $r@n$ for the rules; it also contains the
   1.141 +definitions of the {\tt ML} section if any.  Then {\tt use_thy}
   1.142 +reads the file {\it tf}{\tt.ML}, if it exists; this file normally contains
   1.143 +proofs involving the new theory.
   1.144 +
   1.145 +
   1.146 +\section{Basic operations on theories}
   1.147 +\subsection{Extracting an axiom from a theory}
   1.148 +\index{theories!extracting axioms|bold}\index{axioms}
   1.149 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.150 +get_axiom: theory -> string -> thm
   1.151 +assume_ax: theory -> string -> thm
   1.152 +\end{ttbox}
   1.153 +\begin{description}
   1.154 +\item[\ttindexbold{get_axiom} $thy$ $name$] 
   1.155 +returns an axiom with the given $name$ from $thy$, raising exception
   1.156 +\ttindex{THEORY} if none exists.  Merging theories can cause several axioms
   1.157 +to have the same name; {\tt get_axiom} returns an arbitrary one.
   1.158 +
   1.159 +\item[\ttindexbold{assume_ax} $thy$ $formula$] 
   1.160 +reads the {\it formula} using the syntax of $thy$, following the same
   1.161 +conventions as axioms in a theory definition.  You can thus pretend that
   1.162 +{\it formula} is an axiom; in fact, {\tt assume_ax} returns an assumption.
   1.163 +You can use the resulting theorem like an axiom.  Note that 
   1.164 +\ttindex{result} complains about additional assumptions, but 
   1.165 +\ttindex{uresult} does not.
   1.166 +
   1.167 +For example, if {\it formula} is
   1.168 +\hbox{\tt a=b ==> b=a} then the resulting theorem might have the form
   1.169 +\hbox{\tt\frenchspacing ?a=?b ==> ?b=?a  [!!a b. a=b ==> b=a]}
   1.170 +\end{description}
   1.171 +
   1.172 +\subsection{Building a theory}
   1.173 +\label{BuildingATheory}
   1.174 +\index{theories!constructing|bold}
   1.175 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.176 +pure_thy: theory
   1.177 +merge_theories: theory * theory -> theory
   1.178 +extend_theory: theory -> string
   1.179 +        -> (class * class list) list 
   1.180 +           * sort
   1.181 +           * (string list * int)list
   1.182 +           * (string list * (sort list * class))list
   1.183 +           * (string list * string)list * sext option
   1.184 +        -> (string*string)list -> theory
   1.185 +\end{ttbox}
   1.186 +Type \ttindex{class} is a synonym for {\tt string}; type \ttindex{sort} is
   1.187 +a synonym for \hbox{\tt class list}.
   1.188 +\begin{description}
   1.189 +\item[\ttindexbold{pure_thy}] contains just the types, constants, and syntax
   1.190 +  of the meta-logic.  There are no axioms: meta-level inferences are carried
   1.191 +  out by \ML\ functions.
   1.192 +\item[\ttindexbold{merge_theories} ($thy@1$, $thy@2$)] merges the two
   1.193 +  theories $thy@1$ and $thy@2$.  The resulting theory contains all types,
   1.194 +  constants and axioms of the constituent theories; its default sort is the
   1.195 +  union of the default sorts of the constituent theories.
   1.196 +\item [\ttindexbold{extend_theory} $thy$ {\tt"}$T${\tt"}
   1.197 +      ($classes$, $default$, $types$, $arities$, $consts$, $sextopt$) $rules$]
   1.198 +\hfill\break   %%% include if line is just too short
   1.199 +is the \ML-equivalent of the following theory definition:
   1.200 +\begin{ttbox}
   1.201 +\(T\) = \(thy\) +
   1.202 +classes \(c\) < \(c@1\),\(\dots\),\(c@m\)
   1.203 +        \dots
   1.204 +default {\(d@1,\dots,d@r\)}
   1.205 +types   \(tycon@1\),\dots,\(tycon@i\) \(n\)
   1.206 +        \dots
   1.207 +arities \(tycon@1'\),\dots,\(tycon@j'\) :: (\(s@1\),\dots,\(s@n\))\(c\)
   1.208 +        \dots
   1.209 +consts  \(b@1\),\dots,\(b@k\) :: \(\tau\)
   1.210 +        \dots
   1.211 +rules   \(name\) \(rule\)
   1.212 +        \dots
   1.213 +end
   1.214 +\end{ttbox}
   1.215 +where
   1.216 +\begin{tabular}[t]{l@{~=~}l}
   1.217 +$classes$ & \tt[("$c$",["$c@1$",\dots,"$c@m$"]),\dots] \\
   1.218 +$default$ & \tt["$d@1$",\dots,"$d@r$"]\\
   1.219 +$types$   & \tt[([$tycon@1$,\dots,$tycon@i$], $n$),\dots] \\
   1.220 +$arities$ & \tt[([$tycon'@1$,\dots,$tycon'@j$], ([$s@1$,\dots,$s@n$],$c$)),\dots]
   1.221 +\\
   1.222 +$consts$  & \tt[([$b@1$,\dots,$b@k$],$\tau$),\dots] \\
   1.223 +$rules$   & \tt[("$name$",$rule$),\dots]
   1.224 +\end{tabular}
   1.225 +
   1.226 +If theories are defined as in \S\ref{DefiningTheories}, new syntax is added
   1.227 +as mixfix annotations to constants.  Using {\tt extend_theory}, new syntax can
   1.228 +be added via $sextopt$ which is either {\tt None}, or {\tt Some($sext$)}.  The
   1.229 +latter case is not documented.
   1.230 +
   1.231 +$T$ identifies the theory internally.  When a theory is redeclared, say to
   1.232 +change an incorrect axiom, bindings to the old axiom may persist.  Isabelle
   1.233 +ensures that the old and new theories are not involved in the same proof.
   1.234 +Attempting to combine different theories having the same name $T$ yields the
   1.235 +fatal error
   1.236 +\begin{center} \tt
   1.237 +Attempt to merge different versions of theory: $T$
   1.238 +\end{center}
   1.239 +\end{description}
   1.240 +
   1.241 +
   1.242 +\subsection{Inspecting a theory}
   1.243 +\index{theories!inspecting|bold}
   1.244 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.245 +print_theory  : theory -> unit
   1.246 +axioms_of     : theory -> (string*thm)list
   1.247 +parents_of    : theory -> theory list
   1.248 +sign_of       : theory ->
   1.249 +stamps_of_thy : theory -> string ref list
   1.250 +\end{ttbox}
   1.251 +These provide a simple means of viewing a theory's components.
   1.252 +Unfortunately, there is no direct connection between a theorem and its
   1.253 +theory.
   1.254 +\begin{description}
   1.255 +\item[\ttindexbold{print_theory} {\it thy}]  
   1.256 +prints the theory {\it thy\/} at the terminal as a set of identifiers.
   1.257 +
   1.258 +\item[\ttindexbold{axioms_of} $thy$] 
   1.259 +returns the axioms of~$thy$ and its ancestors.
   1.260 +
   1.261 +\item[\ttindexbold{parents_of} $thy$] 
   1.262 +returns the parents of~$thy$.  This list contains zero, one or two
   1.263 +elements, depending upon whether $thy$ is {\tt pure_thy}, 
   1.264 +\hbox{\tt extend_theory $thy$} or \hbox{\tt merge_theories ($thy@1$, $thy@2$)}.
   1.265 +
   1.266 +\item[\ttindexbold{stamps_of_thy} $thy$]\index{signatures}
   1.267 +returns the stamps of the signature associated with~$thy$.
   1.268 +
   1.269 +\item[\ttindexbold{sign_of} $thy$] 
   1.270 +returns the signature associated with~$thy$.  It is useful with functions
   1.271 +like {\tt read_instantiate_sg}, which take a signature as an argument.
   1.272 +\end{description}
   1.273 +
   1.274 +
   1.275 +\section{Terms}
   1.276 +\index{terms|bold}
   1.277 +Terms belong to the \ML{} type \ttindexbold{term}, which is a concrete datatype
   1.278 +with six constructors: there are six kinds of term.
   1.279 +\begin{ttbox}
   1.280 +type indexname = string * int;
   1.281 +infix 9 $;
   1.282 +datatype term = Const of string * typ
   1.283 +              | Free  of string * typ
   1.284 +              | Var   of indexname * typ
   1.285 +              | Bound of int
   1.286 +              | Abs   of string * typ * term
   1.287 +              | op $  of term * term;
   1.288 +\end{ttbox}
   1.289 +\begin{description}
   1.290 +\item[\ttindexbold{Const}($a$, $T$)] 
   1.291 +is the {\bf constant} with name~$a$ and type~$T$.  Constants include
   1.292 +connectives like $\land$ and $\forall$ (logical constants), as well as
   1.293 +constants like~0 and~$Suc$.  Other constants may be required to define the
   1.294 +concrete syntax of a logic.
   1.295 +
   1.296 +\item[\ttindexbold{Free}($a$, $T$)] 
   1.297 +is the {\bf free variable} with name~$a$ and type~$T$.
   1.298 +
   1.299 +\item[\ttindexbold{Var}($v$, $T$)] 
   1.300 +is the {\bf scheme variable} with indexname~$v$ and type~$T$.  An
   1.301 +\ttindexbold{indexname} is a string paired with a non-negative index, or
   1.302 +subscript; a term's scheme variables can be systematically renamed by
   1.303 +incrementing their subscripts.  Scheme variables are essentially free
   1.304 +variables, but may be instantiated during unification.
   1.305 +
   1.306 +\item[\ttindexbold{Bound} $i$] 
   1.307 +is the {\bf bound variable} with de Bruijn index~$i$, which counts the
   1.308 +number of lambdas, starting from zero, between a variable's occurrence and
   1.309 +its binding.  The representation prevents capture of variables.  For more
   1.310 +information see de Bruijn \cite{debruijn72} or
   1.311 +Paulson~\cite[page~336]{paulson91}.
   1.312 +
   1.313 +\item[\ttindexbold{Abs}($a$, $T$, $u$)] 
   1.314 +is the {\bf abstraction} with body~$u$, and whose bound variable has
   1.315 +name~$a$ and type~$T$.  The name is used only for parsing and printing; it
   1.316 +has no logical significance.
   1.317 +
   1.318 +\item[\tt $t$ \$ $u$] \index{$@{\tt\$}|bold}
   1.319 +is the {\bf application} of~$t$ to~$u$.  
   1.320 +\end{description}
   1.321 +Application is written as an infix operator in order to aid readability.
   1.322 +For example, here is an \ML{} pattern to recognize first-order formula of
   1.323 +the form~$A\imp B$, binding the subformulae to~$A$ and~$B$:
   1.324 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.325 +Const("Trueprop",_) $ (Const("op -->",_) $ A $ B)
   1.326 +\end{ttbox}
   1.327 +
   1.328 +
   1.329 +\section{Certified terms}
   1.330 +\index{terms!certified|bold}\index{signatures}
   1.331 +A term $t$ can be {\bf certified} under a signature to ensure that every
   1.332 +type in~$t$ is declared in the signature and every constant in~$t$ is
   1.333 +declared as a constant of the same type in the signature.  It must be
   1.334 +well-typed and must not have any `loose' bound variable
   1.335 +references.\footnote{This concerns the internal representation of variable
   1.336 +binding using de Bruijn indexes.} Meta-rules such as {\tt forall_elim} take
   1.337 +certified terms as arguments.
   1.338 +
   1.339 +Certified terms belong to the abstract type \ttindexbold{Sign.cterm}.
   1.340 +Elements of the type can only be created through the certification process.
   1.341 +In case of error, Isabelle raises exception~\ttindex{TERM}\@.
   1.342 +
   1.343 +\subsection{Printing terms}
   1.344 +\index{printing!terms|bold}
   1.345 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.346 +Sign.string_of_cterm :      Sign.cterm -> string
   1.347 +Sign.string_of_term  : -> term -> string
   1.348 +\end{ttbox}
   1.349 +\begin{description}
   1.350 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.string_of_cterm} $ct$] 
   1.351 +displays $ct$ as a string.
   1.352 +
   1.353 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.string_of_term} $sign$ $t$] 
   1.354 +displays $t$ as a string, using the syntax of~$sign$.
   1.355 +\end{description}
   1.356 +
   1.357 +\subsection{Making and inspecting certified terms}
   1.358 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.359 +Sign.cterm_of   : -> term -> Sign.cterm
   1.360 +Sign.read_cterm : -> string * typ -> Sign.cterm
   1.361 +Sign.rep_cterm  : Sign.cterm -> \{T:typ, t:term, 
   1.362 +                                 sign:, maxidx:int\}
   1.363 +\end{ttbox}
   1.364 +\begin{description}
   1.365 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.cterm_of} $sign$ $t$] \index{signatures}
   1.366 +certifies $t$ with respect to signature~$sign$.
   1.367 +
   1.368 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.read_cterm} $sign$ ($s$, $T$)] 
   1.369 +reads the string~$s$ using the syntax of~$sign$, creating a certified term.
   1.370 +The term is checked to have type~$T$; this type also tells the parser what
   1.371 +kind of phrase to parse.
   1.372 +
   1.373 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.rep_cterm} $ct$] 
   1.374 +decomposes $ct$ as a record containing its type, the term itself, its
   1.375 +signature, and the maximum subscript of its unknowns.  The type and maximum
   1.376 +subscript are computed during certification.
   1.377 +\end{description}
   1.378 +
   1.379 +
   1.380 +\section{Types}
   1.381 +\index{types|bold}
   1.382 +Types belong to the \ML{} type \ttindexbold{typ}, which is a concrete
   1.383 +datatype with three constructors.  Types are classified by sorts, which are
   1.384 +lists of classes.  A class is represented by a string.
   1.385 +\begin{ttbox}
   1.386 +type class = string;
   1.387 +type sort  = class list;
   1.388 +
   1.389 +datatype typ = Type  of string * typ list
   1.390 +             | TFree of string * sort
   1.391 +             | TVar  of indexname * sort;
   1.392 +
   1.393 +infixr 5 -->;
   1.394 +fun S --> T = Type("fun",[S,T]);
   1.395 +\end{ttbox}
   1.396 +\begin{description}
   1.397 +\item[\ttindexbold{Type}($a$, $Ts$)] 
   1.398 +applies the {\bf type constructor} named~$a$ to the type operands~$Ts$.
   1.399 +Type constructors include~\ttindexbold{fun}, the binary function space
   1.400 +constructor, as well as nullary type constructors such
   1.401 +as~\ttindexbold{prop}.  Other type constructors may be introduced.  In
   1.402 +expressions, but not in patterns, \hbox{\tt$S$-->$T$} is a convenient
   1.403 +shorthand for function types.
   1.404 +
   1.405 +\item[\ttindexbold{TFree}($a$, $s$)] 
   1.406 +is the {\bf free type variable} with name~$a$ and sort~$s$.
   1.407 +
   1.408 +\item[\ttindexbold{TVar}($v$, $s$)] 
   1.409 +is the {\bf scheme type variable} with indexname~$v$ and sort~$s$.  Scheme
   1.410 +type variables are essentially free type variables, but may be instantiated
   1.411 +during unification.
   1.412 +\end{description}
   1.413 +
   1.414 +
   1.415 +\section{Certified types}
   1.416 +\index{types!certified|bold}
   1.417 +Certified types, which are analogous to certified terms, have type 
   1.418 +\ttindexbold{Sign.ctyp}.
   1.419 +
   1.420 +\subsection{Printing types}
   1.421 +\index{printing!types|bold}
   1.422 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.423 +Sign.string_of_ctyp :      Sign.ctyp -> string
   1.424 +Sign.string_of_typ  : -> typ -> string
   1.425 +\end{ttbox}
   1.426 +\begin{description}
   1.427 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.string_of_ctyp} $cT$] 
   1.428 +displays $cT$ as a string.
   1.429 +
   1.430 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.string_of_typ} $sign$ $T$] 
   1.431 +displays $T$ as a string, using the syntax of~$sign$.
   1.432 +\end{description}
   1.433 +
   1.434 +
   1.435 +\subsection{Making and inspecting certified types}
   1.436 +\begin{ttbox} 
   1.437 +Sign.ctyp_of  : -> typ -> Sign.ctyp
   1.438 +Sign.rep_ctyp : Sign.ctyp -> \{T: typ, sign:\}
   1.439 +\end{ttbox}
   1.440 +\begin{description}
   1.441 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.ctyp_of} $sign$ $T$] \index{signatures}
   1.442 +certifies $T$ with respect to signature~$sign$.
   1.443 +
   1.444 +\item[\ttindexbold{Sign.rep_ctyp} $cT$] 
   1.445 +decomposes $cT$ as a record containing the type itself and its signature.
   1.446 +\end{description}
   1.447 +
   1.448 +\index{theories|)}