changeset 41809 d1318f3c86ba
child 41883 f938a6022d2e
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/src/HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML	Sat Jan 15 12:35:29 2011 +0100
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,870 @@
     1.4 +(*  Title:      HOL/SPARK/Tools/spark_vcs.ML
     1.5 +    Author:     Stefan Berghofer
     1.6 +    Copyright:  secunet Security Networks AG
     1.7 +
     1.8 +Store for verification conditions generated by SPARK/Ada.
     1.9 +*)
    1.10 +
    1.11 +signature SPARK_VCS =
    1.12 +sig
    1.13 +  val set_vcs: Fdl_Parser.decls -> Fdl_Parser.rules -> Fdl_Parser.vcs ->
    1.14 +    Path.T -> theory -> theory
    1.15 +  val add_proof_fun: (typ option -> 'a -> term) ->
    1.16 +    string * ((string list * string) option * 'a) ->
    1.17 +    theory -> theory
    1.18 +  val lookup_vc: theory -> string -> (Element.context_i list *
    1.19 +    (string * bool * Element.context_i * Element.statement_i)) option
    1.20 +  val get_vcs: theory ->
    1.21 +    Element.context_i list * (binding * thm) list *
    1.22 +    (string * (string * bool * Element.context_i * Element.statement_i)) list
    1.23 +  val mark_proved: string -> theory -> theory
    1.24 +  val close: theory -> theory
    1.25 +  val is_closed: theory -> bool
    1.26 +end;
    1.27 +
    1.28 +structure SPARK_VCs: SPARK_VCS =
    1.29 +struct
    1.30 +
    1.31 +open Fdl_Parser;
    1.32 +
    1.33 +
    1.34 +(** utilities **)
    1.35 +
    1.36 +fun mk_unop s t =
    1.37 +  let val T = fastype_of t
    1.38 +  in Const (s, T --> T) $ t end;
    1.39 +
    1.40 +fun mk_times (t, u) =
    1.41 +  let
    1.42 +    val setT = fastype_of t;
    1.43 +    val T = HOLogic.dest_setT setT;
    1.44 +    val U = HOLogic.dest_setT (fastype_of u)
    1.45 +  in
    1.46 +    Const (@{const_name Sigma}, setT --> (T --> HOLogic.mk_setT U) -->
    1.47 +      HOLogic.mk_setT (HOLogic.mk_prodT (T, U))) $ t $ Abs ("", T, u)
    1.48 +  end;
    1.49 +
    1.50 +fun mk_type _ "integer" = HOLogic.intT
    1.51 +  | mk_type _ "boolean" = HOLogic.boolT
    1.52 +  | mk_type thy ty = Syntax.check_typ (ProofContext.init_global thy)
    1.53 +      (Type (Sign.full_name thy ( ty), []));
    1.54 +
    1.55 +val booleanN = "boolean";
    1.56 +val integerN = "integer";
    1.57 +
    1.58 +fun mk_qual_name thy s s' =
    1.59 +  Sign.full_name thy (Binding.qualify true s ( s'));
    1.60 +
    1.61 +fun define_overloaded (def_name, eq) lthy =
    1.62 +  let
    1.63 +    val ((c, _), rhs) = eq |> Syntax.check_term lthy |>
    1.64 +      Logic.dest_equals |>> dest_Free;
    1.65 +    val ((_, (_, thm)), lthy') = Local_Theory.define
    1.66 +      (( c, NoSyn), (( def_name, []), rhs)) lthy
    1.67 +    val ctxt_thy = ProofContext.init_global (ProofContext.theory_of lthy');
    1.68 +    val thm' = singleton (ProofContext.export lthy' ctxt_thy) thm
    1.69 +  in (thm', lthy') end;
    1.70 +
    1.71 +fun strip_underscores s =
    1.72 +  strip_underscores (unsuffix "_" s) handle Fail _ => s;
    1.73 +
    1.74 +fun strip_tilde s =
    1.75 +  unsuffix "~" s ^ "_init" handle Fail _ => s;
    1.76 +
    1.77 +val mangle_name = strip_underscores #> strip_tilde;
    1.78 +
    1.79 +fun mk_variables thy xs ty (tab, ctxt) =
    1.80 +  let
    1.81 +    val T = mk_type thy ty;
    1.82 +    val (ys, ctxt') = Name.variants (map mangle_name xs) ctxt;
    1.83 +    val zs = map (Free o rpair T) ys;
    1.84 +  in (zs, (fold (Symtab.update o apsnd (rpair ty)) (xs ~~ zs) tab, ctxt')) end;
    1.85 +
    1.86 +
    1.87 +(** generate properties of enumeration types **)
    1.88 +
    1.89 +fun add_enum_type tyname els (tab, ctxt) thy =
    1.90 +  let
    1.91 +    val tyb = tyname;
    1.92 +    val tyname' = Sign.full_name thy tyb;
    1.93 +    val T = Type (tyname', []);
    1.94 +    val case_name = mk_qual_name thy tyname (tyname ^ "_case");
    1.95 +    val cs = map (fn s => Const (mk_qual_name thy tyname s, T)) els;
    1.96 +    val k = length els;
    1.97 +    val p = Const (@{const_name pos}, T --> HOLogic.intT);
    1.98 +    val v = Const (@{const_name val}, HOLogic.intT --> T);
    1.99 +    val card = Const (@{const_name card},
   1.100 +      HOLogic.mk_setT T --> HOLogic.natT) $ HOLogic.mk_UNIV T;
   1.101 +
   1.102 +    fun mk_binrel_def s f = Logic.mk_equals
   1.103 +      (Const (s, T --> T --> HOLogic.boolT),
   1.104 +       Abs ("x", T, Abs ("y", T,
   1.105 +         Const (s, HOLogic.intT --> HOLogic.intT --> HOLogic.boolT) $
   1.106 +           (f $ Bound 1) $ (f $ Bound 0))));
   1.107 +
   1.108 +    val (((def1, def2), def3), lthy) = thy |>
   1.109 +      Datatype.add_datatype {strict = true, quiet = true} [tyname]
   1.110 +        [([], tyb, NoSyn,
   1.111 +          map (fn s => ( s, [], NoSyn)) els)] |> snd |>
   1.112 +
   1.113 +      Class.instantiation ([tyname'], [], @{sort enum}) |>
   1.114 +
   1.115 +      define_overloaded ("pos_" ^ tyname ^ "_def", Logic.mk_equals
   1.116 +        (p,
   1.117 +         list_comb (Const (case_name, replicate k HOLogic.intT @
   1.118 +             [T] ---> HOLogic.intT),
   1.119 +           map (HOLogic.mk_number HOLogic.intT) (0 upto k - 1)))) ||>>
   1.120 +
   1.121 +      define_overloaded ("less_eq_" ^ tyname ^ "_def",
   1.122 +        mk_binrel_def @{const_name less_eq} p) ||>>
   1.123 +      define_overloaded ("less_" ^ tyname ^ "_def",
   1.124 +        mk_binrel_def @{const_name less} p);
   1.125 +
   1.126 +    val UNIV_eq = Goal.prove lthy [] []
   1.127 +      (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
   1.128 +         (HOLogic.mk_UNIV T, HOLogic.mk_set T cs)))
   1.129 +      (fn _ =>
   1.130 +         rtac @{thm subset_antisym} 1 THEN
   1.131 +         rtac @{thm subsetI} 1 THEN
   1.132 +         Datatype_Aux.exh_tac (K (#exhaust (Datatype_Data.the_info
   1.133 +           (ProofContext.theory_of lthy) tyname'))) 1 THEN
   1.134 +         ALLGOALS (asm_full_simp_tac (simpset_of lthy)));
   1.135 +
   1.136 +    val finite_UNIV = Goal.prove lthy [] []
   1.137 +      (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Const (@{const_name finite},
   1.138 +         HOLogic.mk_setT T --> HOLogic.boolT) $ HOLogic.mk_UNIV T))
   1.139 +      (fn _ => simp_tac (simpset_of lthy addsimps [UNIV_eq]) 1);
   1.140 +
   1.141 +    val card_UNIV = Goal.prove lthy [] []
   1.142 +      (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
   1.143 +         (card, HOLogic.mk_number HOLogic.natT k)))
   1.144 +      (fn _ => simp_tac (simpset_of lthy addsimps [UNIV_eq]) 1);
   1.145 +
   1.146 +    val range_pos = Goal.prove lthy [] []
   1.147 +      (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
   1.148 +         (Const (@{const_name image}, (T --> HOLogic.intT) -->
   1.149 +            HOLogic.mk_setT T --> HOLogic.mk_setT HOLogic.intT) $
   1.150 +              p $ HOLogic.mk_UNIV T,
   1.151 +          Const (@{const_name atLeastLessThan}, HOLogic.intT -->
   1.152 +            HOLogic.intT --> HOLogic.mk_setT HOLogic.intT) $
   1.153 +              HOLogic.mk_number HOLogic.intT 0 $
   1.154 +              (@{term int} $ card))))
   1.155 +      (fn _ =>
   1.156 +         simp_tac (simpset_of lthy addsimps [card_UNIV]) 1 THEN
   1.157 +         simp_tac (simpset_of lthy addsimps [UNIV_eq, def1]) 1 THEN
   1.158 +         rtac @{thm subset_antisym} 1 THEN
   1.159 +         simp_tac (simpset_of lthy) 1 THEN
   1.160 +         rtac @{thm subsetI} 1 THEN
   1.161 +         asm_full_simp_tac (simpset_of lthy addsimps @{thms interval_expand}
   1.162 +           delsimps @{thms atLeastLessThan_iff}) 1);
   1.163 +
   1.164 +    val lthy' =
   1.165 +      Class.prove_instantiation_instance (fn _ =>
   1.166 +        Class.intro_classes_tac [] THEN
   1.167 +        rtac finite_UNIV 1 THEN
   1.168 +        rtac range_pos 1 THEN
   1.169 +        simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [def3]) 1 THEN
   1.170 +        simp_tac (HOL_basic_ss addsimps [def2]) 1) lthy;
   1.171 +
   1.172 +    val (pos_eqs, val_eqs) = split_list (map_index (fn (i, c) =>
   1.173 +      let
   1.174 +        val n = HOLogic.mk_number HOLogic.intT i;
   1.175 +        val th = Goal.prove lthy' [] []
   1.176 +          (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (p $ c, n)))
   1.177 +          (fn _ => simp_tac (simpset_of lthy' addsimps [def1]) 1);
   1.178 +        val th' = Goal.prove lthy' [] []
   1.179 +          (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (v $ n, c)))
   1.180 +          (fn _ =>
   1.181 +             rtac (@{thm inj_pos} RS @{thm injD}) 1 THEN
   1.182 +             simp_tac (simpset_of lthy' addsimps
   1.183 +               [@{thm pos_val}, range_pos, card_UNIV, th]) 1)
   1.184 +      in (th, th') end) cs);
   1.185 +
   1.186 +    val first_el = Goal.prove lthy' [] []
   1.187 +      (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
   1.188 +         (Const (@{const_name first_el}, T), hd cs)))
   1.189 +      (fn _ => simp_tac (simpset_of lthy' addsimps
   1.190 +         [@{thm first_el_def}, hd val_eqs]) 1);
   1.191 +
   1.192 +    val last_el = Goal.prove lthy' [] []
   1.193 +      (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
   1.194 +         (Const (@{const_name last_el}, T), List.last cs)))
   1.195 +      (fn _ => simp_tac (simpset_of lthy' addsimps
   1.196 +         [@{thm last_el_def}, List.last val_eqs, card_UNIV]) 1);
   1.197 +
   1.198 +    val simp_att = [Attrib.internal (K Simplifier.simp_add)]
   1.199 +
   1.200 +  in
   1.201 +    ((fold (Symtab.update_new o apsnd (rpair tyname)) (els ~~ cs) tab,
   1.202 +      fold Name.declare els ctxt),
   1.203 +     lthy' |>
   1.204 +     Local_Theory.note
   1.205 +       (( (tyname ^ "_card_UNIV"), simp_att), [card_UNIV]) ||>>
   1.206 +     Local_Theory.note
   1.207 +       (( (tyname ^ "_pos"), simp_att), pos_eqs) ||>>
   1.208 +     Local_Theory.note
   1.209 +       (( (tyname ^ "_val"), simp_att), val_eqs) ||>>
   1.210 +     Local_Theory.note
   1.211 +       (( (tyname ^ "_first_el"), simp_att), [first_el]) ||>>
   1.212 +     Local_Theory.note
   1.213 +       (( (tyname ^ "_last_el"), simp_att), [last_el]) |> snd |>
   1.214 +     Local_Theory.exit_global)
   1.215 +  end;
   1.216 +
   1.217 +
   1.218 +fun add_type_def (s, Basic_Type ty) (ids, thy) =
   1.219 +      (ids,
   1.220 +       Typedecl.abbrev_global ( s, [], NoSyn)
   1.221 +         (mk_type thy ty) thy |> snd)
   1.222 +
   1.223 +  | add_type_def (s, Enum_Type els) (ids, thy) = add_enum_type s els ids thy
   1.224 +
   1.225 +  | add_type_def (s, Array_Type (argtys, resty)) (ids, thy) =
   1.226 +      (ids,
   1.227 +       Typedecl.abbrev_global ( s, [], NoSyn)
   1.228 +         (foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT (map (mk_type thy) argtys) -->
   1.229 +            mk_type thy resty) thy |> snd)
   1.230 +
   1.231 +  | add_type_def (s, Record_Type fldtys) (ids, thy) =
   1.232 +      (ids,
   1.233 +       Record.add_record true ([], s) NONE
   1.234 +         (maps (fn (flds, ty) =>
   1.235 +            let val T = mk_type thy ty
   1.236 +            in map (fn fld => ( fld, T, NoSyn)) flds
   1.237 +            end) fldtys) thy)
   1.238 +
   1.239 +  | add_type_def (s, Pending_Type) (ids, thy) =
   1.240 +      (ids, Typedecl.typedecl_global ( s, [], NoSyn) thy |> snd);
   1.241 +
   1.242 +
   1.243 +fun term_of_expr thy types funs pfuns =
   1.244 +  let
   1.245 +    fun tm_of vs (Funct ("->", [e, e'])) =
   1.246 +          (HOLogic.mk_imp (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), booleanN)
   1.247 +
   1.248 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("<->", [e, e'])) =
   1.249 +          (HOLogic.mk_eq (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), booleanN)
   1.250 +
   1.251 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("or", [e, e'])) =
   1.252 +          (HOLogic.mk_disj (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), booleanN)
   1.253 +
   1.254 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("and", [e, e'])) =
   1.255 +          (HOLogic.mk_conj (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), booleanN)
   1.256 +
   1.257 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("not", [e])) =
   1.258 +          (HOLogic.mk_not (fst (tm_of vs e)), booleanN)
   1.259 +
   1.260 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("=", [e, e'])) =
   1.261 +          (HOLogic.mk_eq (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), booleanN)
   1.262 +
   1.263 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("<>", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_not
   1.264 +          (HOLogic.mk_eq (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e'))), booleanN)
   1.265 +
   1.266 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("<", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binrel @{const_name less}
   1.267 +          (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), booleanN)
   1.268 +
   1.269 +      | tm_of vs (Funct (">", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binrel @{const_name less}
   1.270 +          (fst (tm_of vs e'), fst (tm_of vs e)), booleanN)
   1.271 +
   1.272 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("<=", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binrel @{const_name less_eq}
   1.273 +          (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), booleanN)
   1.274 +
   1.275 +      | tm_of vs (Funct (">=", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binrel @{const_name less_eq}
   1.276 +          (fst (tm_of vs e'), fst (tm_of vs e)), booleanN)
   1.277 +
   1.278 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("+", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name plus}
   1.279 +          (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
   1.280 +
   1.281 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("-", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name minus}
   1.282 +          (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
   1.283 +
   1.284 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("*", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name times}
   1.285 +          (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
   1.286 +
   1.287 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("/", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name divide}
   1.288 +          (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
   1.289 +
   1.290 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("div", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name sdiv}
   1.291 +          (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
   1.292 +
   1.293 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("mod", [e, e'])) = (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name smod}
   1.294 +          (fst (tm_of vs e), fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
   1.295 +
   1.296 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("-", [e])) =
   1.297 +          (mk_unop @{const_name uminus} (fst (tm_of vs e)), integerN)
   1.298 +
   1.299 +      | tm_of vs (Funct ("**", [e, e'])) =
   1.300 +          (Const (@{const_name power}, HOLogic.intT --> HOLogic.natT -->
   1.301 +             HOLogic.intT) $ fst (tm_of vs e) $
   1.302 +               (@{const nat} $ fst (tm_of vs e')), integerN)
   1.303 +
   1.304 +      | tm_of (tab, _) (Ident s) =
   1.305 +          (case Symtab.lookup tab s of
   1.306 +             SOME t_ty => t_ty
   1.307 +           | NONE => error ("Undeclared identifier " ^ s))
   1.308 +
   1.309 +      | tm_of _ (Number i) = (HOLogic.mk_number HOLogic.intT i, integerN)
   1.310 +
   1.311 +      | tm_of vs (Quantifier (s, xs, ty, e)) =
   1.312 +          let
   1.313 +            val (ys, vs') = mk_variables thy xs ty vs;
   1.314 +            val q = (case s of
   1.315 +                "for_all" => HOLogic.mk_all
   1.316 +              | "for_some" => HOLogic.mk_exists)
   1.317 +          in
   1.318 +            (fold_rev (fn Free (x, T) => fn t => q (x, T, t))
   1.319 +               ys (fst (tm_of vs' e)),
   1.320 +             booleanN)
   1.321 +          end
   1.322 +
   1.323 +      | tm_of vs (Funct (s, es)) =
   1.324 +
   1.325 +          (* record field selection *)
   1.326 +          (case try (unprefix "fld_") s of
   1.327 +             SOME fname => (case es of
   1.328 +               [e] =>
   1.329 +                 let val (t, rcdty) = tm_of vs e
   1.330 +                 in case lookup types rcdty of
   1.331 +                     SOME (Record_Type fldtys) =>
   1.332 +                       (case get_first (fn (flds, fldty) =>
   1.333 +                            if member (op =) flds fname then SOME fldty
   1.334 +                            else NONE) fldtys of
   1.335 +                          SOME fldty =>
   1.336 +                            (Const (mk_qual_name thy rcdty fname,
   1.337 +                               mk_type thy rcdty --> mk_type thy fldty) $ t,
   1.338 +                             fldty)
   1.339 +                        | NONE => error ("Record " ^ rcdty ^
   1.340 +                            " has no field named " ^ fname))
   1.341 +                   | _ => error (rcdty ^ " is not a record type")
   1.342 +                 end
   1.343 +             | _ => error ("Function " ^ s ^ " expects one argument"))
   1.344 +           | NONE =>
   1.345 +
   1.346 +          (* record field update *)
   1.347 +          (case try (unprefix "upf_") s of
   1.348 +             SOME fname => (case es of
   1.349 +               [e, e'] =>
   1.350 +                 let
   1.351 +                   val (t, rcdty) = tm_of vs e;
   1.352 +                   val rT = mk_type thy rcdty;
   1.353 +                   val (u, fldty) = tm_of vs e';
   1.354 +                   val fT = mk_type thy fldty
   1.355 +                 in case lookup types rcdty of
   1.356 +                     SOME (Record_Type fldtys) =>
   1.357 +                       (case get_first (fn (flds, fldty) =>
   1.358 +                            if member (op =) flds fname then SOME fldty
   1.359 +                            else NONE) fldtys of
   1.360 +                          SOME fldty' =>
   1.361 +                            if fldty = fldty' then
   1.362 +                              (Const (mk_qual_name thy rcdty (fname ^ "_update"),
   1.363 +                                 (fT --> fT) --> rT --> rT) $
   1.364 +                                   Abs ("x", fT, u) $ t,
   1.365 +                               rcdty)
   1.366 +                            else error ("Type " ^ fldty ^
   1.367 +                              " does not match type " ^ fldty' ^ " of field " ^
   1.368 +                              fname)
   1.369 +                        | NONE => error ("Record " ^ rcdty ^
   1.370 +                            " has no field named " ^ fname))
   1.371 +                   | _ => error (rcdty ^ " is not a record type")
   1.372 +                 end
   1.373 +             | _ => error ("Function " ^ s ^ " expects two arguments"))
   1.374 +           | NONE =>
   1.375 +
   1.376 +          (* enumeration type to integer *)
   1.377 +          (case try (unsuffix "__pos") s of
   1.378 +             SOME tyname => (case es of
   1.379 +               [e] => (Const (@{const_name pos},
   1.380 +                 mk_type thy tyname --> HOLogic.intT) $ fst (tm_of vs e), integerN)
   1.381 +             | _ => error ("Function " ^ s ^ " expects one argument"))
   1.382 +           | NONE =>
   1.383 +
   1.384 +          (* integer to enumeration type *)
   1.385 +          (case try (unsuffix "__val") s of
   1.386 +             SOME tyname => (case es of
   1.387 +               [e] => (Const (@{const_name val},
   1.388 +                 HOLogic.intT --> mk_type thy tyname) $ fst (tm_of vs e), tyname)
   1.389 +             | _ => error ("Function " ^ s ^ " expects one argument"))
   1.390 +           | NONE =>
   1.391 +
   1.392 +          (* successor / predecessor of enumeration type element *)
   1.393 +          if s = "succ" orelse s = "pred" then (case es of
   1.394 +              [e] =>
   1.395 +                let
   1.396 +                  val (t, tyname) = tm_of vs e;
   1.397 +                  val T = mk_type thy tyname
   1.398 +                in (Const
   1.399 +                  (if s = "succ" then @{const_name succ}
   1.400 +                   else @{const_name pred}, T --> T) $ t, tyname)
   1.401 +                end
   1.402 +            | _ => error ("Function " ^ s ^ " expects one argument"))
   1.403 +
   1.404 +          (* user-defined proof function *)
   1.405 +          else
   1.406 +            (case Symtab.lookup pfuns s of
   1.407 +               SOME (SOME (_, resty), t) =>
   1.408 +                 (list_comb (t, map (fst o tm_of vs) es), resty)
   1.409 +             | _ => error ("Undeclared proof function " ^ s))))))
   1.410 +
   1.411 +      | tm_of vs (Element (e, es)) =
   1.412 +          let val (t, ty) = tm_of vs e
   1.413 +          in case lookup types ty of
   1.414 +              SOME (Array_Type (_, elty)) =>
   1.415 +                (t $ foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prod (map (fst o tm_of vs) es), elty)
   1.416 +            | _ => error (ty ^ " is not an array type")
   1.417 +          end
   1.418 +
   1.419 +      | tm_of vs (Update (e, es, e')) =
   1.420 +          let val (t, ty) = tm_of vs e
   1.421 +          in case lookup types ty of
   1.422 +              SOME (Array_Type (idxtys, elty)) =>
   1.423 +                let
   1.424 +                  val T = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT (map (mk_type thy) idxtys);
   1.425 +                  val U = mk_type thy elty;
   1.426 +                  val fT = T --> U
   1.427 +                in
   1.428 +                  (Const (@{const_name fun_upd}, fT --> T --> U --> fT) $
   1.429 +                     t $ foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prod (map (fst o tm_of vs) es) $
   1.430 +                       fst (tm_of vs e'),
   1.431 +                   ty)
   1.432 +                end
   1.433 +            | _ => error (ty ^ " is not an array type")
   1.434 +          end
   1.435 +
   1.436 +      | tm_of vs (Record (s, flds)) =
   1.437 +          (case lookup types s of
   1.438 +             SOME (Record_Type fldtys) =>
   1.439 +               let
   1.440 +                 val flds' = map (apsnd (tm_of vs)) flds;
   1.441 +                 val fnames = maps fst fldtys;
   1.442 +                 val fnames' = map fst flds;
   1.443 +                 val (fvals, ftys) = split_list (map (fn s' =>
   1.444 +                   case AList.lookup (op =) flds' s' of
   1.445 +                     SOME fval_ty => fval_ty
   1.446 +                   | NONE => error ("Field " ^ s' ^ " missing in record " ^ s))
   1.447 +                       fnames);
   1.448 +                 val _ = (case subtract (op =) fnames fnames' of
   1.449 +                     [] => ()
   1.450 +                   | xs => error ("Extra field(s) " ^ commas xs ^
   1.451 +                       " in record " ^ s));
   1.452 +                 val _ = (case duplicates (op =) fnames' of
   1.453 +                     [] => ()
   1.454 +                   | xs => error ("Duplicate field(s) " ^ commas xs ^
   1.455 +                       " in record " ^ s))
   1.456 +               in
   1.457 +                 (list_comb
   1.458 +                    (Const (mk_qual_name thy s (s ^ "_ext"),
   1.459 +                       map (mk_type thy) ftys @ [HOLogic.unitT] --->
   1.460 +                         mk_type thy s),
   1.461 +                     fvals @ [HOLogic.unit]),
   1.462 +                  s)
   1.463 +               end
   1.464 +           | _ => error (s ^ " is not a record type"))
   1.465 +
   1.466 +      | tm_of vs (Array (s, default, assocs)) =
   1.467 +          (case lookup types s of
   1.468 +             SOME (Array_Type (idxtys, elty)) =>
   1.469 +               let
   1.470 +                 val Ts = map (mk_type thy) idxtys;
   1.471 +                 val T = foldr1 HOLogic.mk_prodT Ts;
   1.472 +                 val U = mk_type thy elty;
   1.473 +                 fun mk_idx' T (e, NONE) = HOLogic.mk_set T [fst (tm_of vs e)]
   1.474 +                   | mk_idx' T (e, SOME e') = Const (@{const_name atLeastAtMost},
   1.475 +                       T --> T --> HOLogic.mk_setT T) $
   1.476 +                         fst (tm_of vs e) $ fst (tm_of vs e');
   1.477 +                 fun mk_idx idx =
   1.478 +                   if length Ts <> length idx then
   1.479 +                     error ("Arity mismatch in construction of array " ^ s)
   1.480 +                   else foldr1 mk_times (map2 mk_idx' Ts idx);
   1.481 +                 fun mk_upd (idxs, e) t =
   1.482 +                   if length idxs = 1 andalso forall (is_none o snd) (hd idxs)
   1.483 +                   then
   1.484 +                     Const (@{const_name fun_upd}, (T --> U) -->
   1.485 +                         T --> U --> T --> U) $ t $
   1.486 +                       foldl1 HOLogic.mk_prod
   1.487 +                         (map (fst o tm_of vs o fst) (hd idxs)) $
   1.488 +                       fst (tm_of vs e)
   1.489 +                   else
   1.490 +                     Const (@{const_name fun_upds}, (T --> U) -->
   1.491 +                         HOLogic.mk_setT T --> U --> T --> U) $ t $
   1.492 +                       foldl1 (HOLogic.mk_binop @{const_name sup})
   1.493 +                         (map mk_idx idxs) $
   1.494 +                       fst (tm_of vs e)
   1.495 +               in
   1.496 +                 (fold mk_upd assocs
   1.497 +                    (case default of
   1.498 +                       SOME e => Abs ("x", T, fst (tm_of vs e))
   1.499 +                     | NONE => Const (@{const_name undefined}, T --> U)),
   1.500 +                  s)
   1.501 +               end
   1.502 +           | _ => error (s ^ " is not an array type"))
   1.503 +
   1.504 +  in tm_of end;
   1.505 +
   1.506 +
   1.507 +fun term_of_rule thy types funs pfuns ids rule =
   1.508 +  let val tm_of = fst o term_of_expr thy types funs pfuns ids
   1.509 +  in case rule of
   1.510 +      Inference_Rule (es, e) => Logic.list_implies
   1.511 +        (map (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o tm_of) es, HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (tm_of e))
   1.512 +    | Substitution_Rule (es, e, e') => Logic.list_implies
   1.513 +        (map (HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o tm_of) es,
   1.514 +         HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (tm_of e, tm_of e')))
   1.515 +  end;
   1.516 +
   1.517 +
   1.518 +val builtin = Symtab.make (map (rpair ())
   1.519 +  ["->", "<->", "or", "and", "not", "=", "<>", "<", ">", "<=", ">=",
   1.520 +   "+", "-", "*", "/", "div", "mod", "**"]);
   1.521 +
   1.522 +fun complex_expr (Number _) = false
   1.523 +  | complex_expr (Ident _) = false 
   1.524 +  | complex_expr (Funct (s, es)) =
   1.525 +      not (Symtab.defined builtin s) orelse exists complex_expr es
   1.526 +  | complex_expr (Quantifier (_, _, _, e)) = complex_expr e
   1.527 +  | complex_expr _ = true;
   1.528 +
   1.529 +fun complex_rule (Inference_Rule (es, e)) =
   1.530 +      complex_expr e orelse exists complex_expr es
   1.531 +  | complex_rule (Substitution_Rule (es, e, e')) =
   1.532 +      complex_expr e orelse complex_expr e' orelse
   1.533 +      exists complex_expr es;
   1.534 +
   1.535 +val is_pfun =
   1.536 +  Symtab.defined builtin orf
   1.537 +  can (unprefix "fld_") orf can (unprefix "upf_") orf
   1.538 +  can (unsuffix "__pos") orf can (unsuffix "__val") orf
   1.539 +  equal "succ" orf equal "pred";
   1.540 +
   1.541 +fun fold_opt f = the_default I o f;
   1.542 +fun fold_pair f g (x, y) = f x #> g y;
   1.543 +
   1.544 +fun fold_expr f g (Funct (s, es)) = f s #> fold (fold_expr f g) es
   1.545 +  | fold_expr f g (Ident s) = g s
   1.546 +  | fold_expr f g (Number _) = I
   1.547 +  | fold_expr f g (Quantifier (_, _, _, e)) = fold_expr f g e
   1.548 +  | fold_expr f g (Element (e, es)) =
   1.549 +      fold_expr f g e #> fold (fold_expr f g) es
   1.550 +  | fold_expr f g (Update (e, es, e')) =
   1.551 +      fold_expr f g e #> fold (fold_expr f g) es #> fold_expr f g e'
   1.552 +  | fold_expr f g (Record (_, flds)) = fold (fold_expr f g o snd) flds
   1.553 +  | fold_expr f g (Array (_, default, assocs)) =
   1.554 +      fold_opt (fold_expr f g) default #>
   1.555 +      fold (fold_pair
   1.556 +        (fold (fold (fold_pair
   1.557 +          (fold_expr f g) (fold_opt (fold_expr f g)))))
   1.558 +        (fold_expr f g)) assocs;
   1.559 +
   1.560 +val add_expr_pfuns = fold_expr
   1.561 +  (fn s => if is_pfun s then I else insert (op =) s) (K I);
   1.562 +
   1.563 +val add_expr_idents = fold_expr (K I) (insert (op =));
   1.564 +
   1.565 +fun pfun_type thy (argtys, resty) =
   1.566 +  map (mk_type thy) argtys ---> mk_type thy resty;
   1.567 +
   1.568 +fun check_pfun_type thy s t optty1 optty2 =
   1.569 +  let
   1.570 +    val T = fastype_of t;
   1.571 +    fun check ty =
   1.572 +      let val U = pfun_type thy ty
   1.573 +      in
   1.574 +        T = U orelse
   1.575 +        error ("Type\n" ^
   1.576 +          Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy T ^
   1.577 +          "\nof function " ^
   1.578 +          Syntax.string_of_term_global thy t ^
   1.579 +          " associated with proof function " ^ s ^
   1.580 +          "\ndoes not match declared type\n" ^
   1.581 +          Syntax.string_of_typ_global thy U)
   1.582 +      end
   1.583 +  in ( check optty1; check optty2; ()) end;
   1.584 +
   1.585 +fun upd_option x y = if is_some x then x else y;
   1.586 +
   1.587 +fun check_pfuns_types thy funs =
   1.588 + (fn s => fn (optty, t) =>
   1.589 +   let val optty' = lookup funs s
   1.590 +   in
   1.591 +     (check_pfun_type thy s t optty optty';
   1.592 +      (NONE |> upd_option optty |> upd_option optty', t))
   1.593 +   end);
   1.594 +
   1.595 +
   1.596 +(** the VC store **)
   1.597 +
   1.598 +fun err_unfinished () = error "An unfinished SPARK environment is still open."
   1.599 +
   1.600 +fun err_vcs names = error (Pretty.string_of
   1.601 +  (Pretty.big_list "The following verification conditions have not been proved:"
   1.602 +    (map Pretty.str names)))
   1.603 +
   1.604 +val strip_number = pairself implode o take_suffix Fdl_Lexer.is_digit o raw_explode;
   1.605 +
   1.606 +val name_ord = prod_ord string_ord (option_ord int_ord) o
   1.607 +  pairself (strip_number ##> Int.fromString);
   1.608 +
   1.609 +structure VCtab = Table(type key = string val ord = name_ord);
   1.610 +
   1.611 +structure VCs = Theory_Data
   1.612 +(
   1.613 +  type T =
   1.614 +    {pfuns: ((string list * string) option * term) Symtab.table,
   1.615 +     env:
   1.616 +       {ctxt: Element.context_i list,
   1.617 +        defs: (binding * thm) list,
   1.618 +        types: fdl_type tab,
   1.619 +        funs: (string list * string) tab,
   1.620 +        ids: (term * string) Symtab.table * Name.context,
   1.621 +        proving: bool,
   1.622 +        vcs: (string * bool *
   1.623 +          (string * expr) list * (string * expr) list) VCtab.table,
   1.624 +        path: Path.T} option}
   1.625 +  val empty : T = {pfuns = Symtab.empty, env = NONE}
   1.626 +  val extend = I
   1.627 +  fun merge ({pfuns = pfuns1, env = NONE}, {pfuns = pfuns2, env = NONE}) =
   1.628 +        {pfuns = Symtab.merge (eq_pair (op =) (op aconv)) (pfuns1, pfuns2),
   1.629 +         env = NONE}
   1.630 +    | merge _ = err_unfinished ()
   1.631 +)
   1.632 +
   1.633 +fun set_env (env as {funs, ...}) thy = (fn
   1.634 +    {pfuns, env = NONE} =>
   1.635 +      {pfuns = check_pfuns_types thy funs pfuns, env = SOME env}
   1.636 +  | _ => err_unfinished ()) thy;
   1.637 +
   1.638 +fun mk_pat s = (case Int.fromString s of
   1.639 +    SOME i => [HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (Var (("C", i), HOLogic.boolT))]
   1.640 +  | NONE => error ("Bad conclusion identifier: C" ^ s));
   1.641 +
   1.642 +fun mk_vc thy types funs pfuns ids (tr, proved, ps, cs) =
   1.643 +  let val prop_of =
   1.644 +    HOLogic.mk_Trueprop o fst o term_of_expr thy types funs pfuns ids
   1.645 +  in
   1.646 +    (tr, proved,
   1.647 +     Element.Assumes (map (fn (s', e) =>
   1.648 +       (( ("H" ^ s'), []), [(prop_of e, [])])) ps),
   1.649 +     Element.Shows (map (fn (s', e) =>
   1.650 +       (Attrib.empty_binding, [(prop_of e, mk_pat s')])) cs))
   1.651 +  end;
   1.652 +
   1.653 +fun fold_vcs f vcs =
   1.654 +  VCtab.fold (fn (_, (_, _, ps, cs)) => fold f ps #> fold f cs) vcs;
   1.655 +
   1.656 +fun pfuns_of_vcs pfuns vcs =
   1.657 +  fold_vcs (add_expr_pfuns o snd) vcs [] |>
   1.658 +  filter_out (Symtab.defined pfuns);
   1.659 +
   1.660 +fun declare_missing_pfuns thy funs pfuns vcs (tab, ctxt) =
   1.661 +  let
   1.662 +    val (fs, (tys, Ts)) =
   1.663 +      pfuns_of_vcs pfuns vcs |>
   1.664 +      map_filter (fn s => lookup funs s |>
   1.665 + (fn ty => (s, (SOME ty, pfun_type thy ty)))) |>
   1.666 +      split_list ||> split_list;
   1.667 +    val (fs', ctxt') = Name.variants fs ctxt
   1.668 +  in
   1.669 +    (fold Symtab.update_new (fs ~~ (tys ~~ map Free (fs' ~~ Ts))) pfuns,
   1.670 +     Element.Fixes (map2 (fn s => fn T =>
   1.671 +       ( s, SOME T, NoSyn)) fs' Ts),
   1.672 +     (tab, ctxt'))
   1.673 +  end;
   1.674 +
   1.675 +fun add_proof_fun prep (s, (optty, raw_t)) thy =
   1.676 + (fn
   1.677 +      {env = SOME {proving = true, ...}, ...} => err_unfinished ()
   1.678 +    | {pfuns, env} =>
   1.679 +        let
   1.680 +          val optty' = (case env of
   1.681 +              SOME {funs, ...} => lookup funs s
   1.682 +            | NONE => NONE);
   1.683 +          val optty'' = NONE |> upd_option optty |> upd_option optty';
   1.684 +          val t = prep ( (pfun_type thy) optty'') raw_t
   1.685 +        in
   1.686 +          (check_pfun_type thy s t optty optty';
   1.687 +           if is_some optty'' orelse is_none env then
   1.688 +             {pfuns = Symtab.update_new (s, (optty'', t)) pfuns,
   1.689 +              env = env}
   1.690 +               handle Symtab.DUP _ => error ("Proof function " ^ s ^
   1.691 +                 " already associated with function")
   1.692 +           else error ("Undeclared proof function " ^ s))
   1.693 +        end) thy;
   1.694 +
   1.695 +val is_closed = is_none o #env o VCs.get;
   1.696 +
   1.697 +fun lookup_vc thy name =
   1.698 +  (case VCs.get thy of
   1.699 +    {env = SOME {vcs, types, funs, ids, ctxt, ...}, pfuns} =>
   1.700 +      (case VCtab.lookup vcs name of
   1.701 +         SOME vc =>           
   1.702 +           let val (pfuns', ctxt', ids') =
   1.703 +             declare_missing_pfuns thy funs pfuns vcs ids
   1.704 +           in SOME (ctxt @ [ctxt'], mk_vc thy types funs pfuns' ids' vc) end
   1.705 +       | NONE => NONE)
   1.706 +  | _ => NONE);
   1.707 +
   1.708 +fun get_vcs thy = (case VCs.get thy of
   1.709 +    {env = SOME {vcs, types, funs, ids, ctxt, defs, ...}, pfuns} =>
   1.710 +      let val (pfuns', ctxt', ids') =
   1.711 +        declare_missing_pfuns thy funs pfuns vcs ids
   1.712 +      in
   1.713 +        (ctxt @ [ctxt'], defs,
   1.714 +         VCtab.dest vcs |>
   1.715 +         map (apsnd (mk_vc thy types funs pfuns' ids')))
   1.716 +      end
   1.717 +  | _ => ([], [], []));
   1.718 +
   1.719 +fun mark_proved name = (fn
   1.720 +    {pfuns, env = SOME {ctxt, defs, types, funs, ids, vcs, path, ...}} =>
   1.721 +      {pfuns = pfuns,
   1.722 +       env = SOME {ctxt = ctxt, defs = defs,
   1.723 +         types = types, funs = funs, ids = ids,
   1.724 +         proving = true,
   1.725 +         vcs = VCtab.map_entry name (fn (trace, _, ps, cs) =>
   1.726 +           (trace, true, ps, cs)) vcs,
   1.727 +         path = path}}
   1.728 +  | x => x);
   1.729 +
   1.730 +fun close thy = (fn
   1.731 +    {pfuns, env = SOME {vcs, path, ...}} =>
   1.732 +      (case VCtab.fold_rev (fn (s, (_, p, _, _)) =>
   1.733 +           (if p then apfst else apsnd) (cons s)) vcs ([], []) of
   1.734 +         (proved, []) =>
   1.735 +           (File.write (Path.ext "prv" path)
   1.736 +              (concat (map (fn s => snd (strip_number s) ^
   1.737 +                 " -- proved by " ^ Distribution.version ^ "\n") proved));
   1.738 +            {pfuns = pfuns, env = NONE})
   1.739 +       | (_, unproved) => err_vcs unproved)
   1.740 +  | x => x) thy;
   1.741 +
   1.742 +
   1.743 +(** set up verification conditions **)
   1.744 +
   1.745 +fun partition_opt f =
   1.746 +  let
   1.747 +    fun part ys zs [] = (rev ys, rev zs)
   1.748 +      | part ys zs (x :: xs) = (case f x of
   1.749 +            SOME y => part (y :: ys) zs xs
   1.750 +          | NONE => part ys (x :: zs) xs)
   1.751 +  in part [] [] end;
   1.752 +
   1.753 +fun dest_def (id, (Substitution_Rule ([], Ident s, rhs))) = SOME (id, (s, rhs))
   1.754 +  | dest_def _ = NONE;
   1.755 +
   1.756 +fun mk_rulename (s, i) = (s ^ string_of_int i);
   1.757 +
   1.758 +fun add_const (s, ty) ((tab, ctxt), thy) =
   1.759 +  let
   1.760 +    val T = mk_type thy ty;
   1.761 +    val b = s;
   1.762 +    val c = Const (Sign.full_name thy b, T)
   1.763 +  in
   1.764 +    (c,
   1.765 +     ((Symtab.update (s, (c, ty)) tab, Name.declare s ctxt),
   1.766 +      Sign.add_consts_i [(b, T, NoSyn)] thy))
   1.767 +  end;
   1.768 +
   1.769 +fun add_def types funs pfuns consts (id, (s, e)) (ids as (tab, ctxt), thy) =
   1.770 +  (case lookup consts s of
   1.771 +     SOME ty =>
   1.772 +       let
   1.773 +         val (t, ty') = term_of_expr thy types funs pfuns ids e;
   1.774 +         val _ = ty = ty' orelse
   1.775 +           error ("Declared type " ^ ty ^ " of " ^ s ^
   1.776 +             "\ndoes not match type " ^ ty' ^ " in definition");
   1.777 +         val id' = mk_rulename id;
   1.778 +         val lthy = Named_Target.theory_init thy;
   1.779 +         val ((t', (_, th)), lthy') = Specification.definition
   1.780 +           (NONE, ((id', []), HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq
   1.781 +             (Free (s, mk_type thy ty), t)))) lthy;
   1.782 +         val phi = ProofContext.export_morphism lthy' lthy
   1.783 +       in
   1.784 +         ((id', Morphism.thm phi th),
   1.785 +          ((Symtab.update (s, (Morphism.term phi t', ty)) tab,
   1.786 +            Name.declare s ctxt),
   1.787 +           Local_Theory.exit_global lthy'))
   1.788 +       end
   1.789 +   | NONE => error ("Undeclared constant " ^ s));
   1.790 +
   1.791 +fun add_var (s, ty) (ids, thy) =
   1.792 +  let val ([Free p], ids') = mk_variables thy [s] ty ids
   1.793 +  in (p, (ids', thy)) end;
   1.794 +
   1.795 +fun add_init_vars vcs (ids_thy as ((tab, _), _)) =
   1.796 +  fold_map add_var
   1.797 +    (map_filter
   1.798 +       (fn s => case try (unsuffix "~") s of
   1.799 +          SOME s' => (case Symtab.lookup tab s' of
   1.800 +            SOME (_, ty) => SOME (s, ty)
   1.801 +          | NONE => error ("Undeclared identifier " ^ s'))
   1.802 +        | NONE => NONE)
   1.803 +       (fold_vcs (add_expr_idents o snd) vcs []))
   1.804 +    ids_thy;
   1.805 +
   1.806 +fun is_trivial_vc ([], [(_, Ident "true")]) = true
   1.807 +  | is_trivial_vc _ = false;
   1.808 +
   1.809 +fun rulenames rules = commas
   1.810 +  (map (fn ((s, i), _) => s ^ "(" ^ string_of_int i ^ ")") rules);
   1.811 +
   1.812 +(* sort definitions according to their dependency *)
   1.813 +fun sort_defs _ _ [] sdefs = rev sdefs
   1.814 +  | sort_defs pfuns consts defs sdefs =
   1.815 +      (case find_first (fn (_, (_, e)) =>
   1.816 +         forall (Symtab.defined pfuns) (add_expr_pfuns e []) andalso
   1.817 +         forall (fn id =>
   1.818 +           member (fn (s, (_, (s', _))) => s = s') sdefs id orelse
   1.819 +           member (fn (s, (s', _)) => s = s') consts id)
   1.820 +             (add_expr_idents e [])) defs of
   1.821 +         SOME d => sort_defs pfuns consts
   1.822 +           (remove (op =) d defs) (d :: sdefs)
   1.823 +       | NONE => error ("Bad definitions: " ^ rulenames defs));
   1.824 +
   1.825 +fun set_vcs ({types, vars, consts, funs} : decls) (rules, _) vcs path thy =
   1.826 +  let
   1.827 +    val {pfuns, ...} = VCs.get thy;
   1.828 +    val (defs', rules') = partition_opt dest_def rules;
   1.829 +    val consts' =
   1.830 +      subtract (fn ((_, (s, _)), (s', _)) => s = s') defs' (items consts);
   1.831 +    val defs = sort_defs pfuns consts' defs' [];
   1.832 +    (* ignore all complex rules in rls files *)
   1.833 +    val (rules'', other_rules) =
   1.834 +      List.partition (complex_rule o snd) rules';
   1.835 +    val _ = if null rules'' then ()
   1.836 +      else warning ("Ignoring rules: " ^ rulenames rules'');
   1.837 +
   1.838 +    val vcs' = VCtab.make (maps (fn (tr, vcs) =>
   1.839 +      map (fn (s, (ps, cs)) => (s, (tr, false, ps, cs)))
   1.840 +        (filter_out (is_trivial_vc o snd) vcs)) vcs);
   1.841 +
   1.842 +    val _ = (case filter_out (is_some o lookup funs)
   1.843 +        (pfuns_of_vcs pfuns vcs') of
   1.844 +        [] => ()
   1.845 +      | fs => error ("Undeclared proof function(s) " ^ commas fs));
   1.846 +
   1.847 +    val (((defs', vars''), ivars), (ids, thy')) =
   1.848 +      ((Symtab.empty |>
   1.849 +        Symtab.update ("false", (HOLogic.false_const, booleanN)) |>
   1.850 +        Symtab.update ("true", (HOLogic.true_const, booleanN)),
   1.851 +        Name.context), thy) |>
   1.852 +      fold add_type_def (items types) |>
   1.853 +      fold (snd oo add_const) consts' |>
   1.854 +      fold_map (add_def types funs pfuns consts) defs ||>>
   1.855 +      fold_map add_var (items vars) ||>>
   1.856 +      add_init_vars vcs';
   1.857 +
   1.858 +    val ctxt =
   1.859 +      [Element.Fixes (map (fn (s, T) =>
   1.860 +         ( s, SOME T, NoSyn)) (vars'' @ ivars)),
   1.861 +       Element.Assumes (map (fn (id, rl) =>
   1.862 +         ((mk_rulename id, []),
   1.863 +          [(term_of_rule thy' types funs pfuns ids rl, [])]))
   1.864 +           other_rules),
   1.865 +       Element.Notes (Thm.definitionK,
   1.866 +         [(( "defns", []), map (rpair [] o single o snd) defs')])]
   1.867 +          
   1.868 +  in
   1.869 +    set_env {ctxt = ctxt, defs = defs', types = types, funs = funs,
   1.870 +      ids = ids, proving = false, vcs = vcs', path = path} thy'
   1.871 +  end;
   1.872 +
   1.873 +end;