changeset 55715 c4159fe6fa46
parent 55682 b1d955791529
child 56205 82acc20ded73
     1.1 --- a/src/HOL/ex/Dedekind_Real.thy	Tue Nov 05 09:45:00 2013 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/src/HOL/ex/Dedekind_Real.thy	Tue Nov 05 09:45:02 2013 +0100
     1.3 @@ -1506,7 +1506,6 @@
     1.4  instance real :: linorder
     1.5    by (intro_classes, rule real_le_linear)
     1.7 -
     1.8  lemma real_le_eq_diff: "(x \<le> y) = (x-y \<le> (0::real))"
     1.9  apply (cases x, cases y) 
    1.10  apply (auto simp add: real_le real_zero_def real_diff_def real_add real_minus
    1.11 @@ -1657,7 +1656,6 @@
    1.12  lemma real_less_all_real2: "~ 0 < y ==> \<forall>x. y < real_of_preal x"
    1.13  by (blast intro!: real_less_all_preal linorder_not_less [THEN iffD1])
    1.15 -
    1.16  subsection {* Completeness of Positive Reals *}
    1.18  text {*
    1.19 @@ -1759,107 +1757,23 @@
    1.20  qed
    1.22  text {*
    1.23 -  \medskip Completeness properties using @{text "isUb"}, @{text "isLub"} etc.
    1.24 -*}
    1.25 -
    1.26 -lemma posreals_complete:
    1.27 -  assumes positive_S: "\<forall>x \<in> S. 0 < x"
    1.28 -    and not_empty_S: "\<exists>x. x \<in> S"
    1.29 -    and upper_bound_Ex: "\<exists>u. isUb (UNIV::real set) S u"
    1.30 -  shows "\<exists>t. isLub (UNIV::real set) S t"
    1.31 -proof
    1.32 -  let ?pS = "{w. real_of_preal w \<in> S}"
    1.33 -
    1.34 -  obtain u where "isUb UNIV S u" using upper_bound_Ex ..
    1.35 -  hence sup: "\<forall>x \<in> S. x \<le> u" by (simp add: isUb_def setle_def)
    1.36 -
    1.37 -  obtain x where x_in_S: "x \<in> S" using not_empty_S ..
    1.38 -  hence x_gt_zero: "0 < x" using positive_S by simp
    1.39 -  have  "x \<le> u" using sup and x_in_S ..
    1.40 -  hence "0 < u" using x_gt_zero by arith
    1.41 -
    1.42 -  then obtain pu where u_is_pu: "u = real_of_preal pu"
    1.43 -    by (auto simp add: real_gt_zero_preal_Ex)
    1.44 -
    1.45 -  have pS_less_pu: "\<forall>pa \<in> ?pS. pa \<le> pu"
    1.46 -  proof
    1.47 -    fix pa
    1.48 -    assume "pa \<in> ?pS"
    1.49 -    then obtain a where a: "a \<in> S" "a = real_of_preal pa"
    1.50 -      by simp
    1.51 -    then have "a \<le> u" using sup by simp
    1.52 -    with a show "pa \<le> pu"
    1.53 -      using sup and u_is_pu by (simp add: real_of_preal_le_iff)
    1.54 -  qed
    1.55 -
    1.56 -  have "\<forall>y \<in> S. y \<le> real_of_preal (psup ?pS)"
    1.57 -  proof
    1.58 -    fix y
    1.59 -    assume y_in_S: "y \<in> S"
    1.60 -    hence "0 < y" using positive_S by simp
    1.61 -    then obtain py where y_is_py: "y = real_of_preal py"
    1.62 -      by (auto simp add: real_gt_zero_preal_Ex)
    1.63 -    hence py_in_pS: "py \<in> ?pS" using y_in_S by simp
    1.64 -    with pS_less_pu have "py \<le> psup ?pS"
    1.65 -      by (rule preal_psup_le)
    1.66 -    thus "y \<le> real_of_preal (psup ?pS)"
    1.67 -      using y_is_py by (simp add: real_of_preal_le_iff)
    1.68 -  qed
    1.69 -
    1.70 -  moreover {
    1.71 -    fix x
    1.72 -    assume x_ub_S: "\<forall>y\<in>S. y \<le> x"
    1.73 -    have "real_of_preal (psup ?pS) \<le> x"
    1.74 -    proof -
    1.75 -      obtain "s" where s_in_S: "s \<in> S" using not_empty_S ..
    1.76 -      hence s_pos: "0 < s" using positive_S by simp
    1.77 -
    1.78 -      hence "\<exists> ps. s = real_of_preal ps" by (simp add: real_gt_zero_preal_Ex)
    1.79 -      then obtain "ps" where s_is_ps: "s = real_of_preal ps" ..
    1.80 -      hence ps_in_pS: "ps \<in> {w. real_of_preal w \<in> S}" using s_in_S by simp
    1.81 -
    1.82 -      from x_ub_S have "s \<le> x" using s_in_S ..
    1.83 -      hence "0 < x" using s_pos by simp
    1.84 -      hence "\<exists> px. x = real_of_preal px" by (simp add: real_gt_zero_preal_Ex)
    1.85 -      then obtain "px" where x_is_px: "x = real_of_preal px" ..
    1.86 -
    1.87 -      have "\<forall>pe \<in> ?pS. pe \<le> px"
    1.88 -      proof
    1.89 -        fix pe
    1.90 -        assume "pe \<in> ?pS"
    1.91 -        hence "real_of_preal pe \<in> S" by simp
    1.92 -        hence "real_of_preal pe \<le> x" using x_ub_S by simp
    1.93 -        thus "pe \<le> px" using x_is_px by (simp add: real_of_preal_le_iff)
    1.94 -      qed
    1.95 -
    1.96 -      moreover have "?pS \<noteq> {}" using ps_in_pS by auto
    1.97 -      ultimately have "(psup ?pS) \<le> px" by (simp add: psup_le_ub)
    1.98 -      thus "real_of_preal (psup ?pS) \<le> x" using x_is_px by (simp add: real_of_preal_le_iff)
    1.99 -    qed
   1.100 -  }
   1.101 -  ultimately show "isLub UNIV S (real_of_preal (psup ?pS))"
   1.102 -    by (simp add: isLub_def leastP_def isUb_def setle_def setge_def)
   1.103 -qed
   1.104 -
   1.105 -text {*
   1.106 -  \medskip reals Completeness (again!)
   1.107 +  \medskip Completeness
   1.108  *}
   1.110  lemma reals_complete:
   1.111 +  fixes S :: "real set"
   1.112    assumes notempty_S: "\<exists>X. X \<in> S"
   1.113 -    and exists_Ub: "\<exists>Y. isUb (UNIV::real set) S Y"
   1.114 -  shows "\<exists>t. isLub (UNIV :: real set) S t"
   1.115 +    and exists_Ub: "bdd_above S"
   1.116 +  shows "\<exists>x. (\<forall>s\<in>S. s \<le> x) \<and> (\<forall>y. (\<forall>s\<in>S. s \<le> y) \<longrightarrow> x \<le> y)"
   1.117  proof -
   1.118    obtain X where X_in_S: "X \<in> S" using notempty_S ..
   1.119 -  obtain Y where Y_isUb: "isUb (UNIV::real set) S Y"
   1.120 -    using exists_Ub ..
   1.121 +  obtain Y where Y_isUb: "\<forall>s\<in>S. s \<le> Y"
   1.122 +    using exists_Ub by (auto simp: bdd_above_def)
   1.123    let ?SHIFT = "{z. \<exists>x \<in>S. z = x + (-X) + 1} \<inter> {x. 0 < x}"
   1.125    {
   1.126      fix x
   1.127 -    assume "isUb (UNIV::real set) S x"
   1.128 -    hence S_le_x: "\<forall> y \<in> S. y <= x"
   1.129 -      by (simp add: isUb_def setle_def)
   1.130 +    assume S_le_x: "\<forall>s\<in>S. s \<le> x"
   1.131      {
   1.132        fix s
   1.133        assume "s \<in> {z. \<exists>x\<in>S. z = x + - X + 1}"
   1.134 @@ -1868,86 +1782,74 @@
   1.135        then have "x1 \<le> x" using S_le_x by simp
   1.136        with x1 have "s \<le> x + - X + 1" by arith
   1.137      }
   1.138 -    then have "isUb (UNIV::real set) ?SHIFT (x + (-X) + 1)"
   1.139 -      by (auto simp add: isUb_def setle_def)
   1.140 +    then have "\<forall>s\<in>?SHIFT. s \<le> x + (-X) + 1"
   1.141 +      by auto
   1.142    } note S_Ub_is_SHIFT_Ub = this
   1.144 -  hence "isUb UNIV ?SHIFT (Y + (-X) + 1)" using Y_isUb by simp
   1.145 -  hence "\<exists>Z. isUb UNIV ?SHIFT Z" ..
   1.146 +  have *: "\<forall>s\<in>?SHIFT. s \<le> Y + (-X) + 1" using Y_isUb by (rule S_Ub_is_SHIFT_Ub)
   1.147 +  have "\<forall>s\<in>?SHIFT. s < Y + (-X) + 2"
   1.148 +  proof
   1.149 +    fix s assume "s\<in>?SHIFT"
   1.150 +    with * have "s \<le> Y + (-X) + 1" by simp
   1.151 +    also have "\<dots> < Y + (-X) + 2" by simp
   1.152 +    finally show "s < Y + (-X) + 2" .
   1.153 +  qed
   1.154    moreover have "\<forall>y \<in> ?SHIFT. 0 < y" by auto
   1.155    moreover have shifted_not_empty: "\<exists>u. u \<in> ?SHIFT"
   1.156      using X_in_S and Y_isUb by auto
   1.157 -  ultimately obtain t where t_is_Lub: "isLub UNIV ?SHIFT t"
   1.158 -    using posreals_complete [of ?SHIFT] by blast
   1.159 +  ultimately obtain t where t_is_Lub: "\<forall>y. (\<exists>x\<in>?SHIFT. y < x) = (y < t)"
   1.160 +    using posreal_complete [of ?SHIFT] unfolding bdd_above_def by blast
   1.162    show ?thesis
   1.163    proof
   1.164 -    show "isLub UNIV S (t + X + (-1))"
   1.165 -    proof (rule isLubI2)
   1.166 -      {
   1.167 -        fix x
   1.168 -        assume "isUb (UNIV::real set) S x"
   1.169 -        hence "isUb (UNIV::real set) (?SHIFT) (x + (-X) + 1)"
   1.170 -          using S_Ub_is_SHIFT_Ub by simp
   1.171 -        hence "t \<le> (x + (-X) + 1)"
   1.172 -          using t_is_Lub by (simp add: isLub_le_isUb)
   1.173 -        hence "t + X + -1 \<le> x" by arith
   1.174 -      }
   1.175 -      then show "(t + X + -1) <=* Collect (isUb UNIV S)"
   1.176 -        by (simp add: setgeI)
   1.177 +    show "(\<forall>s\<in>S. s \<le> (t + X + (-1))) \<and> (\<forall>y. (\<forall>s\<in>S. s \<le> y) \<longrightarrow> (t + X + (-1)) \<le> y)"
   1.178 +    proof safe
   1.179 +      fix x
   1.180 +      assume "\<forall>s\<in>S. s \<le> x"
   1.181 +      hence "\<forall>s\<in>?SHIFT. s \<le> x + (-X) + 1"
   1.182 +        using S_Ub_is_SHIFT_Ub by simp
   1.183 +      then have "\<not> x + (-X) + 1 < t"
   1.184 +        by (subst t_is_Lub[rule_format, symmetric]) (simp add: not_less)
   1.185 +      thus "t + X + -1 \<le> x" by arith
   1.186      next
   1.187 -      show "isUb UNIV S (t + X + -1)"
   1.188 -      proof -
   1.189 -        {
   1.190 -          fix y
   1.191 -          assume y_in_S: "y \<in> S"
   1.192 -          have "y \<le> t + X + -1"
   1.193 -          proof -
   1.194 -            obtain "u" where u_in_shift: "u \<in> ?SHIFT" using shifted_not_empty ..
   1.195 -            hence "\<exists> x \<in> S. u = x + - X + 1" by simp
   1.196 -            then obtain "x" where x_and_u: "u = x + - X + 1" ..
   1.197 -            have u_le_t: "u \<le> t" using u_in_shift and t_is_Lub by (simp add: isLubD2)
   1.198 +      fix y
   1.199 +      assume y_in_S: "y \<in> S"
   1.200 +      obtain "u" where u_in_shift: "u \<in> ?SHIFT" using shifted_not_empty ..
   1.201 +      hence "\<exists> x \<in> S. u = x + - X + 1" by simp
   1.202 +      then obtain "x" where x_and_u: "u = x + - X + 1" ..
   1.203 +      have u_le_t: "u \<le> t"
   1.204 +      proof (rule dense_le)
   1.205 +        fix x assume "x < u" then have "x < t"
   1.206 +          using u_in_shift t_is_Lub by auto
   1.207 +        then show "x \<le> t"  by simp
   1.208 +      qed
   1.210 -            show ?thesis
   1.211 -            proof cases
   1.212 -              assume "y \<le> x"
   1.213 -              moreover have "x = u + X + - 1" using x_and_u by arith
   1.214 -              moreover have "u + X + - 1  \<le> t + X + -1" using u_le_t by arith
   1.215 -              ultimately show "y  \<le> t + X + -1" by arith
   1.216 -            next
   1.217 -              assume "~(y \<le> x)"
   1.218 -              hence x_less_y: "x < y" by arith
   1.219 +      show "y \<le> t + X + -1"
   1.220 +      proof cases
   1.221 +        assume "y \<le> x"
   1.222 +        moreover have "x = u + X + - 1" using x_and_u by arith
   1.223 +        moreover have "u + X + - 1  \<le> t + X + -1" using u_le_t by arith
   1.224 +        ultimately show "y  \<le> t + X + -1" by arith
   1.225 +      next
   1.226 +        assume "~(y \<le> x)"
   1.227 +        hence x_less_y: "x < y" by arith
   1.229 -              have "x + (-X) + 1 \<in> ?SHIFT" using x_and_u and u_in_shift by simp
   1.230 -              hence "0 < x + (-X) + 1" by simp
   1.231 -              hence "0 < y + (-X) + 1" using x_less_y by arith
   1.232 -              hence "y + (-X) + 1 \<in> ?SHIFT" using y_in_S by simp
   1.233 -              hence "y + (-X) + 1 \<le> t" using t_is_Lub  by (simp add: isLubD2)
   1.234 -              thus ?thesis by simp
   1.235 -            qed
   1.236 -          qed
   1.237 -        }
   1.238 -        then show ?thesis by (simp add: isUb_def setle_def)
   1.239 +        have "x + (-X) + 1 \<in> ?SHIFT" using x_and_u and u_in_shift by simp
   1.240 +        hence "0 < x + (-X) + 1" by simp
   1.241 +        hence "0 < y + (-X) + 1" using x_less_y by arith
   1.242 +        hence *: "y + (-X) + 1 \<in> ?SHIFT" using y_in_S by simp
   1.243 +        have "y + (-X) + 1 \<le> t"
   1.244 +        proof (rule dense_le)
   1.245 +          fix x assume "x < y + (-X) + 1" then have "x < t"
   1.246 +            using * t_is_Lub by auto
   1.247 +          then show "x \<le> t"  by simp
   1.248 +        qed
   1.249 +        thus ?thesis by simp
   1.250        qed
   1.251      qed
   1.252    qed
   1.253  qed
   1.255 -text{*A version of the same theorem without all those predicates!*}
   1.256 -lemma reals_complete2:
   1.257 -  fixes S :: "(real set)"
   1.258 -  assumes "\<exists>y. y\<in>S" and "\<exists>(x::real). \<forall>y\<in>S. y \<le> x"
   1.259 -  shows "\<exists>x. (\<forall>y\<in>S. y \<le> x) & 
   1.260 -               (\<forall>z. ((\<forall>y\<in>S. y \<le> z) --> x \<le> z))"
   1.261 -proof -
   1.262 -  have "\<exists>x. isLub UNIV S x" 
   1.263 -    by (rule reals_complete)
   1.264 -       (auto simp add: isLub_def isUb_def leastP_def setle_def setge_def assms)
   1.265 -  thus ?thesis
   1.266 -    by (metis UNIV_I isLub_isUb isLub_le_isUb isUbD isUb_def setleI)
   1.267 -qed
   1.268 -
   1.269 -
   1.270  subsection {* The Archimedean Property of the Reals *}
   1.272  theorem reals_Archimedean:
   1.273 @@ -1969,34 +1871,30 @@
   1.274        by (rule mult_right_mono)
   1.275      thus "x * of_nat (Suc n) \<le> 1" by (simp del: of_nat_Suc)
   1.276    qed
   1.277 -  hence "{z. \<exists>n. z = x * (of_nat (Suc n))} *<= 1"
   1.278 -    by (simp add: setle_def del: of_nat_Suc, safe, rule spec)
   1.279 -  hence "isUb (UNIV::real set) {z. \<exists>n. z = x * (of_nat (Suc n))} 1"
   1.280 -    by (simp add: isUbI)
   1.281 -  hence "\<exists>Y. isUb (UNIV::real set) {z. \<exists>n. z = x* (of_nat (Suc n))} Y" ..
   1.282 -  moreover have "\<exists>X. X \<in> {z. \<exists>n. z = x* (of_nat (Suc n))}" by auto
   1.283 -  ultimately have "\<exists>t. isLub UNIV {z. \<exists>n. z = x * of_nat (Suc n)} t"
   1.284 -    by (simp add: reals_complete)
   1.285 -  then obtain "t" where
   1.286 -    t_is_Lub: "isLub UNIV {z. \<exists>n. z = x * of_nat (Suc n)} t" ..
   1.287 +  hence 2: "bdd_above {z. \<exists>n. z = x * (of_nat (Suc n))}"
   1.288 +    by (auto intro!: bdd_aboveI[of _ 1])
   1.289 +  have 1: "\<exists>X. X \<in> {z. \<exists>n. z = x* (of_nat (Suc n))}" by auto
   1.290 +  obtain t where
   1.291 +    upper: "\<And>z. z \<in> {z. \<exists>n. z = x * of_nat (Suc n)} \<Longrightarrow> z \<le> t" and
   1.292 +    least: "\<And>y. (\<And>a. a \<in> {z. \<exists>n. z = x * of_nat (Suc n)} \<Longrightarrow> a \<le> y) \<Longrightarrow> t \<le> y"
   1.293 +    using reals_complete[OF 1 2] by auto
   1.295 -  have "\<forall>n::nat. x * of_nat n \<le> t + - x"
   1.296 -  proof
   1.297 -    fix n
   1.298 -    from t_is_Lub have "x * of_nat (Suc n) \<le> t"
   1.299 -      by (simp add: isLubD2)
   1.300 -    hence  "x * (of_nat n) + x \<le> t"
   1.301 -      by (simp add: distrib_left)
   1.302 -    thus  "x * (of_nat n) \<le> t + - x" by arith
   1.303 +
   1.304 +  have "t \<le> t + - x"
   1.305 +  proof (rule least)
   1.306 +    fix a assume a: "a \<in> {z. \<exists>n. z = x * (of_nat (Suc n))}"
   1.307 +    have "\<forall>n::nat. x * of_nat n \<le> t + - x"
   1.308 +    proof
   1.309 +      fix n
   1.310 +      have "x * of_nat (Suc n) \<le> t"
   1.311 +        by (simp add: upper)
   1.312 +      hence  "x * (of_nat n) + x \<le> t"
   1.313 +        by (simp add: distrib_left)
   1.314 +      thus  "x * (of_nat n) \<le> t + - x" by arith
   1.315 +    qed    hence "\<forall>m. x * of_nat (Suc m) \<le> t + - x" by (simp del: of_nat_Suc)
   1.316 +    with a show "a \<le> t + - x"
   1.317 +      by auto
   1.318    qed
   1.319 -
   1.320 -  hence "\<forall>m. x * of_nat (Suc m) \<le> t + - x" by (simp del: of_nat_Suc)
   1.321 -  hence "{z. \<exists>n. z = x * (of_nat (Suc n))}  *<= (t + - x)"
   1.322 -    by (auto simp add: setle_def)
   1.323 -  hence "isUb (UNIV::real set) {z. \<exists>n. z = x * (of_nat (Suc n))} (t + (-x))"
   1.324 -    by (simp add: isUbI)
   1.325 -  hence "t \<le> t + - x"
   1.326 -    using t_is_Lub by (simp add: isLub_le_isUb)
   1.327    thus False using x_pos by arith
   1.328  qed