changeset 60028 bb97dcbf7360
parent 60027 3e8c8c3dcd41
     1.1 --- a/test/Pure/Isar/Keywords_Diag.thy	Thu Jul 02 09:57:58 2020 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/test/Pure/Isar/Keywords_Diag.thy	Fri Jul 17 11:42:20 2020 +0200
     1.3 @@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
     1.4  subsection \<open>definitions for keywords\<close>
     1.6  theory Keywords_Diag
     1.7 -imports Pure
     1.8 +imports Isac.Isac_Knowledge (*Pure: not for Problem Biegelinie*)
     1.9  keywords
    1.10    (* this has a type and thus is a "major keyword" *)
    1.11    "ISAC" :: diag and
    1.12    (* the following are without type: "minor keywords" *)
    1.13 -  "Problem" (* await input of (string * string list) *)and
    1.14 +  "Problem" (* root-problem + recursively in Solution *)
    1.15    "Specification" "Model" "References" "Solution" (* structure only *) and
    1.16    "Given" "Find" "Relate" "Where" (* await input of term *) and
    1.17 -  "Theory" (* await input of string *) and
    1.18 -  "Problem" "Method" (* await input of string list *) and
    1.19 +  "RTheory" (* await input of string; "R" distingues "Problem".."RProblem" *) and
    1.20 +  "RProblem" "RMethod" (* await input of string list *) and
    1.21    "Tactic" (* optionally repeated with each step 0.. end of calculation *)
    1.22  begin
    1.24 @@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
    1.25    : Token.T list -> (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition) * Token.T list;
    1.26  (*---------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ value of >>    *)
    1.27  \<close> ML \<open>
    1.28 +op >> : ('a -> 'b * 'c) * ('b -> 'd) -> 'a -> 'd * 'c (* args -------vvv-- 1st -- 2nd*)
    1.29 +(*      ('a parser : T list -> 'a * T list
    1.30 +                        * (Input.source -> (Toplevel.transition -> Toplevel.transition))*)
    1.31 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.32  (Parse.input Parse.cartouche) : Input.source parser;
    1.33  (*-----------------------------^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^----------------------------- 1st arg of >> *)
    1.34  \<close> ML \<open>
    1.35 @@ -44,7 +48,7 @@
    1.36  \<close> ML \<open> (*decompose and investigate 1st arg..-------------------------------------------------  *)
    1.37  Parse.input : 'a parser -> Input.source parser;
    1.38  Parse.cartouche : string parser
    1.39 -;
    1.40 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.41  val input = Input.string "123"
    1.42  (* = Source {delimited = true, range = ({}, {}), text = "123"}*)
    1.43  : Input.source;
    1.44 @@ -95,9 +99,30 @@
    1.45  (*^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1st arg of >>  *)
    1.46  \<close> ML \<open>
    1.47  Parse.input : 'a parser -> Input.source parser;
    1.48 -\<close> ML \<open>
    1.49  Parse.cartouche : string parser
    1.50  (*\\------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//*)
    1.51 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.52 +\<close>
    1.53 +
    1.54 +subsubsection \<open>tokenise input"\<close>
    1.55 +ML \<open>
    1.56 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.57 +  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword TEST_SIGNAT} "investigate signatures involveD"
    1.58 +    ((Parse.input Parse.cartouche) >> (fn input =>
    1.59 +      Toplevel.keep (fn _ => ignore (ML_Lex.read_source input) ) ) ) : unit
    1.60 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.61 +ML_Lex.read_source: Input.source -> (ML_Lex.token Antiquote.antiquote) list
    1.62 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.63 +Source.source:
    1.64 +   'a Scan.stopper ->
    1.65 +     ('a list -> 'b list * 'a list) ->
    1.66 +       ('a, 'c) Source.source -> ('b, ('a, 'c) Source.source) Source.source
    1.67 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.68 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.69 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.70 +K
    1.71 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.72 +\<close> ML \<open>
    1.73  \<close>
    1.75  subsection \<open>stepwise incrementing the parser\<close>
    1.76 @@ -107,23 +132,7 @@
    1.77    "Outer_Syntax.command @ {command_keyword xxx}" is allowed only once in a theory,
    1.78    so outcomment accordingly !
    1.79  \<close>
    1.80 -subsubsection \<open>step 0: provide functions such that \<close>
    1.81 -ML \<open>
    1.82 -val ISAC_parser = Parse.cartouche
    1.83 -\<close> ML \<open>
    1.84 -val check_ISAC : (Token.T list -> Input.source * Token.T list) = fn input => 
    1.85 -  let
    1.86 -    val toks = Parse.input ISAC_parser input
    1.87 -    val _ (*just check if input is according to ..*) = ISAC_parser
    1.88 -  in toks end
    1.89 -\<close> ML \<open>
    1.90 -val _ =
    1.91 -  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword ISAC}
    1.92 -    "parsing stepwise incremented by check_ISAC"
    1.93 -    (check_ISAC >> (fn input => Toplevel.keep (fn _ => ignore (ML_Lex.read_source input))))
    1.94 -\<close> ML \<open>
    1.95 -\<close> 
    1.96 -subsubsection \<open>step 1: "Problem Specification Model -- STOPPED HERE"\<close>
    1.97 +subsubsection \<open>step -1: investigate signatures "Problem Specification Model -- STOPPED HERE"\<close>
    1.98  ML \<open>
    1.99  \<close> ML \<open>
   1.100  Parse.input : 'a parser -> Input.source parser;
   1.101 @@ -154,39 +163,142 @@
   1.102  *)
   1.103  \<close> ML \<open>
   1.104  \<close> 
   1.105 +subsubsection \<open>step 0: provide a structure for steps\<close>
   1.106 +ML \<open>
   1.107 +val ISAC_parser = Parse.cartouche;
   1.108 +ISAC_parser: string parser
   1.109 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.110 +val check_ISAC : (Token.T list -> Input.source * Token.T list) = fn input => 
   1.111 +  let
   1.112 +    val toks = Parse.input ISAC_parser input
   1.113 +    val _ (*just check if input is according to ..*) = ISAC_parser
   1.114 +  in toks end
   1.115 +\<close> text \<open> (*ML -> Duplicate outer syntax command "ISAC" *)
   1.116 +val _ =  (*-------------v--------------------*)
   1.117 +  Outer_Syntax.command @ {command_keyword ISAC} "parsing stepwise incremented by check_ISAC"
   1.118 +    (check_ISAC >> (fn input => Toplevel.keep (fn _ => ignore (ML_Lex.read_source input))))
   1.119 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.120 +\<close>
   1.122 -subsection \<open>Makarius' hint on rendering ISAC calculation\<close>
   1.123 -subsubsection \<open>ISAC command definition, original by Makarius\<close>
   1.124 -(*//------- outcommented during stepwise incrementing the parser ----------------------------* )
   1.125 +subsubsection \<open>step 1: Problem ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"]) etc\<close>
   1.126 +text \<open>
   1.127 +  we have {term "Problem (''Biegelinie'', [''Biegelinien''])"} !!!
   1.128 +  !!! as formula + as Tactic
   1.129 +\<close>
   1.130  ML \<open>
   1.131 -val _ =
   1.132 -  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword ISAC}
   1.133 -    "embedded ISAC language" (* an initial hint by Makarius *)
   1.134 -    (Parse.input Parse.cartouche >> 
   1.135 -      (fn input => Toplevel.keep (fn _ => ignore (ML_Lex.read_source input))))
   1.136 -\<close> 
   1.137 -( *--------- outcommented during stepwise incrementing the parser --------------------------//*)
   1.138 +val str =      "Problem (''Biegelinie'', [''Biegelinien''])"
   1.139 +val t = @{term "Problem (''Biegelinie'', [''Biegelinien''])"}
   1.140 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.141 +val input = Input.string str
   1.142 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.143 +val toks = ML_Lex.read_source input;
   1.144 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.145 +toks: ML_Lex.token Antiquote.antiquote list
   1.146 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.147 +length toks = 11;
   1.148 +nth 1 toks (* = Text (Token (({}, {}), (Ident, "Problem")))   <--------- (Keyword, "Problem") *);
   1.149 +nth 2 toks (* = Text (Token (({}, {}), (Space, " ")))*);
   1.150 +nth 3 toks (* = Text (Token (({}, {}), (Keyword, "(")))*);
   1.151 +nth 4 toks (*Text (Token (({}, {}), (Type_Var, "''Biegelinie''")))   <---------- Type_Var !?!?*);
   1.152 +nth 10 toks (* = Text (Token (({}, {}), (Keyword, ")")))*);
   1.153 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.154 +ignore (ML_Lex.read_source input) : unit;
   1.155 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.156 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.157 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.158 +val str = "a=b";
   1.159 +val input = Input.string str
   1.160 +val toks = ML_Lex.read_source  (*true*) input;
   1.161 +nth 2 toks (* = Text (Token (({}, {}), (Keyword, "=")))    ----------^^^ (Keyword, "Problem") *);
   1.162 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.163 +\<close>
   1.165 -subsubsection \<open>complete ISAC calculation\<close>
   1.166 -ISAC \<open>
   1.167 -Problem ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"])
   1.168 -  Specification:
   1.169 -    Model:
   1.170 +subsubsection \<open>step 2: Model\<close>
   1.171 +ML \<open>
   1.172 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.173 +val ISAC_parser = Parse.cartouche;
   1.174 +ISAC_parser: string parser
   1.175 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.176 +val parse_Model = Parse.reserved "Model" --
   1.177 +  Parse.reserved "Given" -- Parse.list (Parse.term) --
   1.178 +  Parse.reserved "Where" -- Parse.list (Parse.term) --
   1.179 +  Parse.reserved "Find" -- Parse.term --
   1.180 +  Parse.reserved "Relate" -- Parse.list (Parse.term)
   1.181 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.182 +parse_Model: Token.T list ->
   1.183 +  ((((((((string * string) * string list) * string) * string list) * string) * string) * string) * string list) * Token.T list
   1.184 +\<close> ML \<open> (*/---------- -> ERROR text cartouche was found ----------\*)
   1.185 +val ISAC_parser = (*a* ) parse_Model -- Parse.cartouche ( *a*)
   1.186 +                  (*b*) Parse.cartouche -- parse_Model (*b*)
   1.187 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.188 +val check_ISAC : (Token.T list -> Input.source * Token.T list) = fn input => 
   1.189 +  let
   1.190 +    val toks = Parse.input ISAC_parser input
   1.191 +    val _ (*just check if input is according to ..*) = ISAC_parser
   1.192 +  in toks end
   1.193 +\<close> ML \<open> (*ML -> Duplicate outer syntax command "ISAC" *)
   1.194 +val _ =  (*-------------v--------------------*)
   1.195 +  Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword ISAC} "parsing stepwise incremented by check_ISAC"
   1.196 +    (check_ISAC >> (fn input => Toplevel.keep (fn _ => ignore (ML_Lex.read_source input))))
   1.197 +\<close> ML \<open>
   1.198 +\<close>
   1.199 +(*/----- with above check_ISAC + ISAC_parser (*a*) | (*b*)*)
   1.200 +ISAC \<open>Model:
   1.201        Given: "Traegerlaenge L", "Streckenlast q_0"
   1.202        Where: "q_0 ist_integrierbar_auf {| 0, L |}", "0 < L"
   1.203        Find: "Biegelinie y"
   1.204        Relate: "Randbedingungen [ Q_0 = q_0 * L, M_b L = 0, y_0 = 0, d_d x y_0 = 0 ]"
   1.205 +\<close>
   1.206 +(* ----- ERROR (*a*) | (*b*): * )
   1.207 +(*a*) Outer syntax error: reserved identifier "Model" expected,
   1.208 +but text cartouche was found:
   1.209 +\<open>Model: ...
   1.210 +
   1.211 +(*b*) Outer syntax error\<^here>: reserved identifier "Model" expected,
   1.212 +but end-of-input\<^here> was found
   1.213 +( *\---------- -> ERROR text cartouche was found ----------/*)
   1.214 +
   1.215 +
   1.216 +subsection \<open>Makarius' hint on rendering ISAC calculation\<close>
   1.217 +text \<open>
   1.218 +  ISAC command definition, original by Makarius
   1.219 +/--- outcommented during stepwise incrementing the parser ----------------------------\
   1.220 +
   1.221 +keywords "ISAC" :: diag
   1.222 +
   1.223 +ML \<open>
   1.224 +val _ =
   1.225 +  Outer_Syntax.command @ {command_keyword ISAC}
   1.226 +    "embedded ISAC language" (* an initial hint by Makarius *)
   1.227 +    (Parse.input Parse.cartouche >> 
   1.228 +      (fn input => Toplevel.keep (fn _ => ignore (ML_Lex.read_source input))))
   1.229 +\<close>
   1.230 +\--- outcommented during stepwise incrementing the parser ----------------------------/
   1.231 +\<close>
   1.232 +subsection \<open>complete ISAC calculation\<close>
   1.233 +(*/--- outcomment during stepwise incrementing the parser ----------------------------\*)
   1.234 +ISAC \<open>
   1.235 +"Problem ("Biegelinie", ["Biegelinien"])"
   1.236 +  Specification:
   1.237 +    Model:
   1.238 +      Given: ["Traegerlaenge L", "Streckenlast q_0"] 
   1.239 +      Where: ["q_0 ist_integrierbar_auf {| 0, L |}", "0 < L"]
   1.240 +      Find: "Biegelinie y"
   1.241 +      Relate: ["Randbedingungen [ Q_0 = q_0 * L, M_b L = 0, y_0 = 0, d_d x y_0 = 0 ]"]
   1.242      References:
   1.243 -      Theory: "Biegelinie"
   1.244 -      Problem: ["Biegelinien"]
   1.245 -      Method: ["Integrieren", "KonstanteBestimmen2"]
   1.246 +      RTheory: "Biegelinie"
   1.247 +      RProblem: ["Biegelinien"]
   1.248 +      RMethod: ["Integrieren", "KonstanteBestimmen2"]
   1.249    Solution:
   1.250 -    Problem ("Biegelinie", ["vonBelastungZu", "Biegelinien"])
   1.251 +    "Problem ("Biegelinie", ["vonBelastungZu", "Biegelinien"])"
   1.252      "[Q x = c + -1 * q_0 * x, M_b x = c_2 + c * x + -1 * q_0 / 2 * x ^ 2,  y' x =  c_3 + 1 / (-1 * EI) * (c_2 * x + c / 2 * x ^ 2 + -1 * q_0 / 6 * x ^ 3),  y x =  c_4 + c_3 * x +  1 / (-1 * EI) *  (c_2 / 2 * x ^ 2 + c / 6 * x ^ 3 + -1 * q_0 / 24 * x ^ 4)]"
   1.253 -    Problem ("Biegelinie", ["setzeRandbedingungen", "Biegelinien"])
   1.254 +
   1.255 +    "Problem ("Biegelinie", ["setzeRandbedingungen", "Biegelinien"])"
   1.256      "[L * q_0 = c, 0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + -1 * L ^ 2 * q_0) / 2, 0 = c_4,  0 = c_3]"
   1.257 +
   1.258      "solveSystem [L * q_0 = c, 0 = (2 * c_2 + 2 * L * c + -1 * L ^ 2 * q_0) / 2, 0 = c_4,  0 = c_3] [c, c_1, c_2, c_4]"
   1.259      "[c = -1 * L * q_0 / -1, c_2 = -1 * L ^ 2 * q_0 / 2, c_3 = 0, c_4 = 0]"
   1.260 +
   1.261      "y x = c_4 + c_3 * x + 1 / (-1 * EI) * (c_2 / 2 * x ^ 2 + c / 6 * x ^ 3 + -1 * q_0 / 24 * x ^ 4)"
   1.262        Tactic Substitute "c_4 + c_3 * x +  1 / (-1 * EI) *  (c_2 / 2 * x ^ 2 + c / 6 * x ^ 3 + -1 * q_0 / 24 * x ^ 4)" "[c, c_1, c_2, c_4]"
   1.263      "y x = 0 + 0 * x + 1 / (-1 * EI) * (-1 * L ^ 2 * q_0 / 2 / 2 * x ^ 2 + -1 * L * q_0 / -1 / 6 * x ^ 3 +  -1 * q_0 / 24 * x ^ 4)"
   1.264 @@ -195,4 +307,6 @@
   1.265        Tactic Check_Postcond ["Biegelinien"]
   1.266  "y x = -6 * q_0 * L ^ 2 / (-24 * EI) * x ^ 2 + 4 * L * q_0 / (-24 * EI) * x ^ 3 + -1 * q_0 / (-24 * EI) * x ^ 4"
   1.267  \<close>
   1.268 +(*\--- outcomment during stepwise incrementing the parser ----------------------------/*)
   1.269 +
   1.270  end
   1.271 \ No newline at end of file