changeset 59209 907ce624bd20
parent 59208 109e995e5e3b
child 59210 df727a458e7c
     1.1 --- a/libisabelle-protocol/isabelle-2015/lib/classy/ml_types.ML	Thu Jan 21 17:29:33 2016 +0100
     1.2 +++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.3 @@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
     1.4 -signature ML_TYPES = sig
     1.5 -  datatype ml_type =
     1.6 -    Var of string |
     1.7 -    Con of string * ml_type list |
     1.8 -    Tuple of ml_type list |
     1.9 -    Fun of ml_type * ml_type |
    1.10 -    Record of (string * ml_type) list
    1.11 -
    1.12 -  val unit: ml_type
    1.13 -  val canonicalize: ml_type -> ml_type
    1.14 -
    1.15 -  val read_ml_type: string -> ml_type
    1.16 -  val ml_type_of: Proof.context -> string -> ml_type
    1.17 -
    1.18 -  val pretty: ml_type -> Pretty.T
    1.19 -
    1.20 -  type env = (string * ml_type) list
    1.21 -  val subst: env -> ml_type -> ml_type
    1.22 -  val match: ml_type -> ml_type -> env -> env option
    1.23 -
    1.24 -  val strip_fun: ml_type -> ml_type list * ml_type
    1.25 -end
    1.26 -
    1.27 -structure ML_Types: ML_TYPES = struct
    1.28 -
    1.29 -datatype ml_type =
    1.30 -  Var of string |
    1.31 -  Con of string * ml_type list |
    1.32 -  Tuple of ml_type list |
    1.33 -  Fun of ml_type * ml_type |
    1.34 -  Record of (string * ml_type) list
    1.35 -
    1.36 -val unit = Con ("unit", [])
    1.37 -
    1.38 -type env = (string * ml_type) list
    1.39 -
    1.40 -fun subst env (Con (name, ts)) = Con (name, map (subst env) ts)
    1.41 -  | subst env (Var name) = the_default (Var name) (AList.lookup op = env name)
    1.42 -  | subst env (Tuple ts) = Tuple (map (subst env) ts)
    1.43 -  | subst env (Fun (x, y)) = Fun (subst env x, subst env y)
    1.44 -  | subst env (Record fs) = Record (map (apsnd (subst env)) fs)
    1.45 -
    1.46 -fun match (Var name) t env =
    1.47 -      (case AList.lookup op = env name of
    1.48 -        NONE => SOME ((name, t) :: env)
    1.49 -      | SOME t' => if t = t' then SOME env else NONE)
    1.50 -  | match (Fun (x1, y1)) (Fun (x2, y2)) env =
    1.51 -      Option.mapPartial (match y1 y2) (match x1 x2 env)
    1.52 -  | match (Con (name1, ts1)) (Con (name2, ts2)) env =
    1.53 -      if name1 = name2 then match_list ts1 ts2 env else NONE
    1.54 -  | match (Tuple ts1) (Tuple ts2) env = match_list ts1 ts2 env
    1.55 -  | match (Record fs1) (Record fs2) env =
    1.56 -      if map fst fs1 = map fst fs2 then
    1.57 -        match_list (map snd fs1) (map snd fs2) env
    1.58 -      else
    1.59 -        NONE
    1.60 -  | match _ _ _ = NONE
    1.61 -and match_list [] [] env = SOME env
    1.62 -  | match_list (t :: ts) (u :: us) env =Option.mapPartial (match t u) (match_list ts us env)
    1.63 -  | match_list _ _ _ = NONE
    1.64 -
    1.65 -fun strip_fun (Fun (x, y)) = let val (args, res) = strip_fun y in (x :: args, res) end
    1.66 -  | strip_fun t = ([], t)
    1.67 -
    1.68 -fun canonicalize (Var name) = Var name
    1.69 -  | canonicalize (Con (name, ts)) = Con (name, map canonicalize ts)
    1.70 -  | canonicalize (Tuple []) = unit
    1.71 -  | canonicalize (Tuple [t]) = canonicalize t
    1.72 -  | canonicalize (Tuple ts) = Tuple (map canonicalize ts)
    1.73 -  | canonicalize (Fun (t, u)) = Fun (canonicalize t, canonicalize u)
    1.74 -  | canonicalize (Record []) = unit
    1.75 -  | canonicalize (Record es) = Record (sort_wrt fst (map (apsnd canonicalize) es))
    1.76 -
    1.77 -val pretty =
    1.78 -  let
    1.79 -    datatype shape = SVar | SCon | STuple | SFun_Left | SRoot
    1.80 -
    1.81 -    fun prec SVar _ = error "impossible"
    1.82 -      | prec SRoot _ = true
    1.83 -      | prec _ (Var _) = true
    1.84 -      | prec _ (Record _) = true
    1.85 -      | prec STuple (Con _) = true
    1.86 -      | prec STuple _ = false
    1.87 -      | prec SFun_Left (Con _) = true
    1.88 -      | prec SFun_Left (Tuple _) = true
    1.89 -      | prec SFun_Left (Fun _) = false
    1.90 -      | prec SCon (Con _) = true
    1.91 -      | prec SCon _ = false
    1.92 -
    1.93 -    fun par n t p = if prec n t then p else Pretty.block [Pretty.str "(", p, Pretty.str ")"]
    1.94 -
    1.95 -    fun aux s t =
    1.96 -      (case t of
    1.97 -        Var id => [Pretty.str id]
    1.98 -      | Tuple ts => Pretty.separate " *" (map (aux STuple) ts)
    1.99 -      | Fun (arg, res) => 
   1.100 -          [aux SFun_Left arg, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str "->", Pretty.brk 1, aux SRoot res]
   1.101 -      | Con (id, [t]) =>
   1.102 -          [aux SCon t, Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str id]
   1.103 -      | Con (id, []) =>
   1.104 -          [Pretty.str id]
   1.105 -      | Con (id, ts) =>
   1.106 -          [Pretty.block (Pretty.str "(" :: Pretty.separate "," (map (aux SRoot) ts) @ [Pretty.str ")"]), Pretty.brk 1, Pretty.str id]
   1.107 -      | Record es =>
   1.108 -          Pretty.str "{" :: Pretty.separate "," (map (fn (name, t) => Pretty.block [Pretty.str name, Pretty.str ":", Pretty.brk 1, aux SRoot t]) es) @ [Pretty.str "}"])
   1.109 -      |> Pretty.block |> par s t
   1.110 -  in
   1.111 -    aux SRoot o canonicalize
   1.112 -  end
   1.113 -
   1.114 -type token = ML_Lex.token_kind * string
   1.115 -
   1.116 -type 'a parser = token list -> 'a * token list
   1.117 -
   1.118 -fun kind k: string parser = (equal k o fst) >> snd
   1.119 -fun tok t: unit parser = (equal t) >> K ()
   1.120 -fun keyword k: unit parser = tok (ML_Lex.Keyword, k)
   1.121 -val open_parenthesis: unit parser = keyword "("
   1.122 -val closed_parenthesis: unit parser = keyword ")"
   1.123 -val open_brace: unit parser = keyword "{"
   1.124 -val closed_brace: unit parser = keyword "}"
   1.125 -val colon: unit parser = keyword ":"
   1.126 -val comma: unit parser = keyword ","
   1.127 -val arrow: unit parser = keyword "->"
   1.128 -val asterisk: unit parser = tok (ML_Lex.Ident, "*")
   1.129 -
   1.130 -val ident: string parser =
   1.131 -  kind ML_Lex.Long_Ident ||
   1.132 - (fn (k, c) => k = ML_Lex.Ident andalso c <> "*") >> snd
   1.133 -
   1.134 -fun intersep p sep =
   1.135 -  (p ::: Scan.repeat (sep |-- p)) || Scan.succeed []
   1.136 -
   1.137 -val typ =
   1.138 -  let
   1.139 -    (* code partly lifted from Spec_Check *)
   1.140 -    fun make_con [] = raise Empty
   1.141 -      | make_con [c] = c
   1.142 -      | make_con (Con (s, _) :: cl) = Con (s, [make_con cl]);
   1.143 -
   1.144 -    fun typ s = (func || tuple || typ_single) s
   1.145 -    and typ_arg s = (tuple || typ_single) s
   1.146 -    and typ_single s = (con || typ_basic) s
   1.147 -    and typ_basic s =
   1.148 -      (var
   1.149 -      || open_brace |-- record --| closed_brace
   1.150 -      || open_parenthesis |-- typ --| closed_parenthesis) s
   1.151 -    and list s = (open_parenthesis |-- typ -- Scan.repeat1 (comma |-- typ) --| closed_parenthesis >> op ::) s
   1.152 -    and var s = (kind ML_Lex.Type_Var >> Var) s
   1.153 -    and con s = ((con_nest
   1.154 -      || typ_basic -- con_nest >> (fn (b, Con (t, _) :: tl) => Con (t, [b]) :: tl)
   1.155 -      || list -- con_nest >> (fn (l, Con (t, _) :: tl) => Con (t, l) :: tl))
   1.156 -      >> (make_con o rev)) s
   1.157 -    and con_nest s = Scan.unless var (Scan.repeat1 (ident >> (Con o rpair []))) s
   1.158 -    and func s = (typ_arg --| arrow -- typ >> Fun) s
   1.159 -    and record s = (intersep (kind ML_Lex.Ident -- (colon |-- typ)) comma >> Record) s
   1.160 -    and tuple s = (typ_single -- Scan.repeat1 (asterisk |-- typ_single)
   1.161 -      >> (fn (t, tl) => Tuple (t :: tl))) s
   1.162 -  in typ end
   1.163 -
   1.164 -fun read_binding s =
   1.165 -  let
   1.166 -    val colon = (ML_Lex.Keyword, ":")
   1.167 -    val semicolon = (ML_Lex.Keyword, ";")
   1.168 -    fun unpack_tok tok = (ML_Lex.kind_of tok, ML_Lex.content_of tok)
   1.169 -    val toks = filter (not o equal ML_Lex.Space o fst) (map unpack_tok (ML_Lex.tokenize s))
   1.170 -    val junk = (Scan.many (not o equal colon) -- tok colon) >> K ()
   1.171 -    val stopper = Scan.stopper (K semicolon) (equal semicolon)
   1.172 -    val all = junk |-- Scan.finite stopper typ
   1.173 -    val (typ, rest) = all toks
   1.174 -  in
   1.175 -    if null rest then
   1.176 -      typ
   1.177 -    else
   1.178 -      error "Could not fully parse type"
   1.179 -  end
   1.180 -
   1.181 -fun read_ml_type s =
   1.182 -  let
   1.183 -    (* FIXME deduplicate *)
   1.184 -    val semicolon = (ML_Lex.Keyword, ";")
   1.185 -    fun unpack_tok tok = (ML_Lex.kind_of tok, ML_Lex.content_of tok)
   1.186 -    val toks = filter (not o equal ML_Lex.Space o fst) (map unpack_tok (ML_Lex.tokenize s))
   1.187 -    val stopper = Scan.stopper (K semicolon) (equal semicolon)
   1.188 -    val all = Scan.finite stopper typ
   1.189 -    val (typ, rest) = all toks
   1.190 -  in
   1.191 -    if null rest then
   1.192 -      typ
   1.193 -    else
   1.194 -      error "Could not fully parse type"
   1.195 -  end
   1.196 -
   1.197 -fun ml_type_of ctxt s =
   1.198 -  let
   1.199 -    (* code partly lifted from Spec_Check *)
   1.200 -    val return = Unsynchronized.ref NONE
   1.201 -    val s = "(fn () => (" ^ s ^ "))"
   1.202 -    val use_context: use_context =
   1.203 -     {tune_source = #tune_source ML_Env.local_context,
   1.204 -      name_space = #name_space ML_Env.local_context,
   1.205 -      str_of_pos = #str_of_pos ML_Env.local_context,
   1.206 -      print = fn r => return := SOME r,
   1.207 -      error = #error ML_Env.local_context}
   1.208 -    val _ =
   1.209 -      Context.setmp_thread_data (SOME (Context.Proof ctxt))
   1.210 -        (fn () => Secure.use_text use_context (0, "generated code") true s) ()
   1.211 -    val (Fun (Con ("unit", []), typ)) = read_binding (the (! return))
   1.212 -  in
   1.213 -    typ
   1.214 -  end
   1.215 -
   1.216 -end
   1.217 -
   1.218 -type ml_type = ML_Types.ml_type