changeset 52058 83aff4cb984a
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child 52059 881c06ffff5c
     1.1 --- a/doc-src/isac/jrocnik/jrocnik_present2.tex	Sun Jul 14 15:02:09 2013 +0200
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    1.68 -\institute[IST, SPSC]{Institute for Software Technology\\Institute of Signal Processing and Speech Communication\\Graz University of Technology}
    1.69 -\title[ISAC for Signal Processing]{Interactive Course Material for\\ Signal Processing based on\\ Isabelle/\isac}
    1.70 -\subtitle{Baccalaureate Thesis}
    1.71 -\author{Jan Rocnik}
    1.72 -\date{\today}
    1.73 -
    1.74 -% Subject and Keywords for PDF
    1.75 -\subject{Final presentation of Baccalaureate Thesis}
    1.76 -\keywords{Isac, Isabelle, ist, spsc, thesis, course material}
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    1.92 -  \frametitle{Contents}
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    1.94 -        \tableofcontents[hideallsubsections %
    1.95 -                        % ,pausesections
    1.96 -                        ] % erzeugt Inhaltsverzeichnis
    1.97 -  \end{spacing}
    1.98 -\end{frame}
    1.99 -
   1.100 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.101 -\section{Introduction}
   1.102 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.103 -
   1.104 -\subsection{isabelle}
   1.105 -\begin{frame}
   1.106 -	\frametitle{What is Isabelle?}
   1.107 -	\begin{spacing}{1.5}
   1.108 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.109 -			\item Generic Proof Assistant
   1.110 -			\item Formula proofing in logical calculus
   1.111 -			\item Developed in Cambridge, Muenchen and Paris
   1.112 -		\end{itemize}
   1.113 -	\end{spacing}
   1.114 -\end{frame}
   1.115 -
   1.116 -\subsection{isac}
   1.117 -\begin{frame}
   1.118 -	\frametitle{What is {\isac}?}
   1.119 -	\begin{spacing}{1.5}
   1.120 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.121 -			\item \textcolor{tug}{${\cal I}\mkern-2mu{\cal S}\mkern-5mu{\cal A}$}belle for~{}\textcolor{tug}{${\cal C}$}alculations
   1.122 -			\item Interactive Course Material
   1.123 -			\item Learning Coach
   1.124 -			\item Developed at Austrian Universities
   1.125 -		\end{itemize}
   1.126 -	\end{spacing}
   1.127 -\end{frame}
   1.128 -
   1.129 -\subsection{motivation}
   1.130 -\begin{frame}
   1.131 -	\frametitle{Motivation - {\isac{}}'s~Potential}
   1.132 -	\begin{itemize}
   1.133 -		\item Stepwise solving of engineering problems\\
   1.134 -					{\small $\rightarrow$ \textcolor{tug}{Consistent Framework}}
   1.135 -		\item Explaining underlying knowledge\\
   1.136 -					{\small $\rightarrow$  \textcolor{tug}{Transparent Content, Access to Multimedia Content}}
   1.137 -		\item Checking steps input by the student\\
   1.138 -					{\small $\rightarrow$ \textcolor{tug}{Proof Situation}}
   1.139 -		\item Assessing stepwise problem solving\\
   1.140 -					{\small $\rightarrow$ \textcolor{tug}{One system for tutoring and assessment}}
   1.141 -	\end{itemize}
   1.142 -\end{frame}
   1.143 -
   1.144 -
   1.145 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.146 -\section{Thesis Definition}
   1.147 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.148 -
   1.149 -\begin{frame}
   1.150 -	\frametitle{Thesis Definition}
   1.151 -	%---> Follow up thesis abstract! <---%
   1.152 -	\begin{spacing}{1.2}
   1.153 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.154 -			\item Creation of interactive course material\\
   1.155 -						{\small Based on problems given by SPSC}
   1.156 -			\item Content should be usable\ldots
   1.157 -			\begin{itemize}
   1.158 -				\item in Signalprocessing Problem Classes
   1.159 -				\item in \emph{STEOP}
   1.160 -			\end{itemize}
   1.161 -			\item Guideline for upcoming TP-Programmers.
   1.162 -			\item Feedback of usability\\
   1.163 -			      {\small (TP-Programming-Language)}
   1.164 -		\end{itemize}
   1.165 -	\end{spacing}
   1.166 -\end{frame}
   1.167 -
   1.168 -\subsection{issues}
   1.169 -\begin{frame}
   1.170 -	\frametitle{Issues to Accomplish I}
   1.171 -	\begin{spacing}{1.4}
   1.172 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.173 -			\item What knowledge is mechanized in Isabelle?\\
   1.174 -						{\small How about new?}
   1.175 -			\item What problems are implemented in {\sisac{}}?\\
   1.176 -						{\small How about new?}
   1.177 -			\item What is the effort?
   1.178 -		\end{itemize}
   1.179 -	\end{spacing}
   1.180 -\end{frame}
   1.181 -
   1.182 -\begin{frame}
   1.183 -	\frametitle{Issues to Accomplish II}
   1.184 -\begin{spacing}{1.4}
   1.185 -\begin{itemize}
   1.186 -	\item How look calculations like?\\
   1.187 -				{\small Ansatzs, Subproblems?}
   1.188 -	\item How are problems specified?\\
   1.189 -				{\small Given, Pre-/Postcondition, Find?}
   1.190 -	\item What is the contents of the interactive course material?\\
   1.191 -				{\small Figures, Explanations,\ldots}
   1.192 -\end{itemize}
   1.193 -\end{spacing}
   1.194 -\end{frame}
   1.195 -
   1.196 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.197 -\section{Details}
   1.198 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.199 -
   1.200 -\subsection{Technical Survey}
   1.201 -\begin{frame}
   1.202 -	\frametitle{Technical Survey I {\normalsize Mechanizing Knowledge}}
   1.203 -	\begin{spacing}{1.5}
   1.204 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.205 -			\item Not enough knowledge is mechanized\\
   1.206 -						{\small Equation Solving, Integrals,\ldots}
   1.207 -			\item Computer Mathematicians required!\\
   1.208 -						{\small Mathematics: Equation solving, Engineer: Z-Transform}
   1.209 -			\item RISC Linz, Mathematics TU Graz
   1.210 -		\end{itemize}
   1.211 -	\end{spacing}
   1.212 -\end{frame}
   1.213 -
   1.214 -\begin{frame}
   1.215 -	\frametitle{Technical Survey II {\normalsize Notation Problems} }
   1.216 -	\begin{spacing}{1.5}
   1.217 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.218 -			\item Different brackets have different meanings\\
   1.219 -						{\small $u[n] \neq u(n)$\ldots in Math; but also in the source code}
   1.220 -			\item Simplification, tricks and beauty\\
   1.221 -						{\small $X\cdot(a+b)+Y\cdot(c+d)=aX+bX+cY+dY$}\\
   1.222 -						{\small $\frac{1}{j\omega}\cdot\left(e^{-j\omega}-e^{j3\omega}\right)=\frac{1}{j\omega}\cdot e^{-j2\omega}\cdot\left(e^{j\omega}-e^{-j\omega}\right)=$}\\
   1.223 -						{\small $=\frac{1}{\omega}\, e^{-j2\omega}\cdot\colorbox{lgray}{$\frac{1}{j}\,\left(e^{j\omega}-e^{-j\omega}\right)$}=\frac{1}{\omega}\,e^{-j2\omega}\cdot\colorbox{lgray}{$2\, sin(\omega)$} $}
   1.224 -		\end{itemize}
   1.225 -	\end{spacing}
   1.226 -\end{frame}
   1.227 -
   1.228 -\subsection{Demonstration}
   1.229 -\begin{frame}
   1.230 -	\frametitle{Demonstration of {\isac}}
   1.231 -	\begin{spacing}{1.5}
   1.232 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.233 -			\item {\Large Development Environment} (Backend)
   1.234 -			\vspace{15mm}
   1.235 -			\item {\Large Math Assistant} (Frontend)
   1.236 -		\end{itemize}
   1.237 -	\end{spacing}
   1.238 -\end{frame}
   1.239 -
   1.240 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.241 -\section{Summary}
   1.242 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.243 -
   1.244 -\subsection{Accomplished Work}
   1.245 -\begin{frame}
   1.246 -	\frametitle{Accomplished Work}
   1.247 -	\begin{itemize}
   1.248 -      \item Partial Fractions\\ {\small Theorems, Specification, Program}
   1.249 -      \item Inverse Z-Transform with Partial Fractions\\ {\small Theorems, Specification, Program}
   1.250 -      \item Isabelle Theory indicating issues\\ {\small Preparation for {\sisac{}}-developers}
   1.251 -	\end{itemize}
   1.252 -\end{frame}
   1.253 -
   1.254 -\subsection{Partially Accomplished}
   1.255 -\begin{frame}
   1.256 -	\frametitle{Partially Accomplished}
   1.257 -	\begin{spacing}{1.4}
   1.258 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.259 -	     \item Guidelines for Upcoming TP-Programmers\\
   1.260 -	           {\small \textbf{Note:} Development environment and languages changes} 
   1.261 -	     \item Examples
   1.262 -		\end{itemize}
   1.263 -	\end{spacing}
   1.264 -\end{frame}
   1.265 -
   1.266 -\subsection{Not Accomplished}
   1.267 -\begin{frame}
   1.268 -	\frametitle{Not Accomplished}
   1.269 -	\begin{spacing}{1.2}
   1.270 -		\begin{itemize}
   1.271 -	    \item Content of interactive course material\\
   1.272 -	    			{\small Figures, Explanations,\ldots}
   1.273 -	    \item A sufficient count of implementations
   1.274 -	    \item No support of labs and lectures atm
   1.275 -	    \item No material for \emph{STEOP} atm
   1.276 -		\end{itemize}
   1.277 -	\end{spacing}
   1.278 -\end{frame}
   1.279 -
   1.280 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.281 -\section{Conclusion}
   1.282 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.283 -
   1.284 -\begin{frame}
   1.285 -	\frametitle{Conclusion}
   1.286 -	\begin{spacing}{1.2}
   1.287 -	    \begin{itemize}
   1.288 -				\item TP-based language not ready
   1.289 -				\item Programming guideline not yet sufficient
   1.290 -				\item Hope for usability in enginieering studies
   1.291 -				\vspace{5mm}
   1.292 -				\item Hard to spend 200h on 1 programm
   1.293 -				\item \isac{} pointed at my own error
   1.294 -			\end{itemize}
   1.295 -		\end{spacing}
   1.296 -\end{frame}
   1.297 -
   1.298 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.299 -\end{document}
   1.300 -%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   1.301 -
   1.302 -%% EOF
   1.303 \ No newline at end of file