changeset 59250 727dff4f6b2c
parent 59249 12dffe6c0a8b
child 59252 7d3dbc1171ff
     1.1 --- a/src/Tools/isac/xmlsrc/datatypes.sml	Thu Oct 06 17:03:44 2016 +0200
     1.2 +++ b/src/Tools/isac/xmlsrc/datatypes.sml	Mon Oct 10 18:24:14 2016 +0200
     1.3 @@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
     1.4 -(* convert sml-datatypes to xml
     1.5 -   authors: Walther Neuper 2003
     1.6 +(* convert sml-datatypes to xml for libisabelle and for kbase.
     1.7 +   authors: Walther Neuper 2003, 2016
     1.8     (c) due to copyright terms
     1.9 -
    1.10 -use"xmlsrc/datatypes.sml";
    1.11 -use"datatypes.sml";
    1.12  *)
    1.14 -
    1.15  signature DATATYPES = (*TODO: redo with xml_of/to *)
    1.16    sig
    1.17      val authors2xml : int -> string -> string list -> xml
    1.18 @@ -59,14 +55,239 @@
    1.19      val thmstr2xml : int -> string -> xml
    1.20    end
    1.22 -
    1.23 -
    1.24  (*------------------------------------------------------------------
    1.25  structure datatypes:DATATYPES =
    1.26  (*structure datatypes =*)
    1.27  struct
    1.28  ------------------------------------------------------------------*)
    1.30 +(*** convert sml-datatypes to xml for kbase ***)
    1.31 +(* NOTE: funs with siblings in xml_of_* are together with them in 'xml for libisabelle' *)
    1.32 +
    1.33 +val i = indentation;
    1.34 +
    1.35 +fun id2xml j ids =
    1.36 +    let fun id2x _ [] = ""
    1.37 +	  | id2x j (s::ss) = (indt j) ^ "<STRING> " ^ s ^ " </STRING>\n" ^ 
    1.38 +			     (id2x j ss)
    1.39 +    in (indt j) ^ "<STRINGLIST>\n" ^ 
    1.40 +       (id2x (j + indentation) ids) ^ 
    1.41 +       (indt j) ^ "</STRINGLIST>\n" end;
    1.42 +(* writeln(id2xml 8 ["linear","univariate","equation"]);
    1.43 +        <STRINGLIST>
    1.44 +          <STRING>linear</STRING>
    1.45 +          <STRING>univariate</STRING>
    1.46 +          <STRING>equation</STRING>
    1.47 +        </STRINGLIST>*)
    1.48 +fun calc2xml j (thyID:thyID, (scrop, (rewop, _)):calc) =
    1.49 +    indt j ^ "<CALC>\n" ^
    1.50 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING>\n" ^ scrop ^ "</STRING>\n" ^
    1.51 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH>\n" ^ cal2guh ("IsacKnowledge", 
    1.52 +				      thyID) scrop  ^ "</GUH>\n" ^
    1.53 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<TERMOP>\n" ^ rewop ^ "</TERMOP>\n" ^
    1.54 +    indt j ^ "</CALC>\n" : xml;
    1.55 +(*replace by 'fun calc2xml' as developed for thy in 0607*)
    1.56 +fun calc2xmlOLD _ ((scr_op, (isa_op, _)):calc) =
    1.57 +    indt i ^ "<CALCULATE> (" ^ scr_op ^ ", (" ^ isa_op ^ ")) </CALCULATE>\n";
    1.58 +fun calcs2xmlOLD _ [] = ("":xml) (*TODO replace with 'strs2xml'*)
    1.59 +  | calcs2xmlOLD j (r::rs) = calc2xmlOLD j r ^ calcs2xmlOLD j rs;
    1.60 +
    1.61 +(*.for creating a href for a rule within an rls's rule list;
    1.62 +   the guh points to the thy of definition of the rule, NOT of use in rls.*)
    1.63 +fun rule2xml _ (_ : thyID) Erule =
    1.64 +      error "rule2xml called with 'Erule'"
    1.65 +  | rule2xml j _ (Thm (thmDeriv, _)) =
    1.66 +      indt j ^ "<RULE>\n" ^
    1.67 +      indt (j+i) ^ "<TAG> Theorem </TAG>\n" ^
    1.68 +      indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ thmID_of_derivation_name thmDeriv ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
    1.69 +      indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ 
    1.70 +        thm2guh (thy_containing_thm thmDeriv) (thmID_of_derivation_name thmDeriv) ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
    1.71 +        indt j ^ "</RULE>\n" : xml
    1.72 +  | rule2xml _ _ (Calc (_(*termop*), _)) = ""
    1.73 +(*FIXXXXXXXME.WN060714 in rls make Calc : calc -> rule [add scriptop!]
    1.74 +  see smltest/../datatypes.sml !
    1.75 +    indt j ^ "<RULE>\n" ^
    1.76 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ termop ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
    1.77 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ cal2guh (thy_containing_cal thyID termop) 
    1.78 +				    termop ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
    1.79 +    indt j ^ "</RULE>\n"
    1.80 +*)
    1.81 +  | rule2xml _ _ (Cal1 (_(*termop*), _)) = ""
    1.82 +  | rule2xml j thyID (Rls_ rls) =
    1.83 +      let val rls' = (#id o rep_rls) rls
    1.84 +      in
    1.85 +        indt j ^ "<RULE>\n" ^
    1.86 +        indt (j+i) ^ "<TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
    1.87 +        indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ rls' ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
    1.88 +        indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls2guh (thy_containing_rls thyID rls') rls' ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
    1.89 +        indt j ^ "</RULE>\n"
    1.90 +      end;
    1.91 +fun rules2xml _ _ [] = ("":xml)                    
    1.92 +  | rules2xml j thyID (r::rs) = rule2xml j thyID r ^ rules2xml j thyID rs;
    1.93 +
    1.94 +fun filterpbl str =
    1.95 +  let fun filt [] = []
    1.96 +        | filt ((s, (t1, t2)) :: ps) = 
    1.97 +	  if str = s then (t1 $ t2) :: filt ps else filt ps
    1.98 +  in filt end;
    1.99 +fun pattern2xml j p where_ =
   1.100 +    (case filterpbl "#Given" p of
   1.101 +	[] =>  (indt j) ^ "<GIVEN>  </GIVEN>\n"
   1.102 +(* val gis = filterpbl "#Given" p;
   1.103 +   *)
   1.104 +      | gis => (indt j) ^ "<GIVEN>\n" ^ terms2xml' j gis ^
   1.105 +	       (indt j) ^ "</GIVEN>\n")
   1.106 +    ^ 
   1.107 +    (case where_ of
   1.108 +	 [] =>  (indt j) ^ "<WHERE>  </WHERE>\n"
   1.109 +       | whs => (indt j) ^ "<WHERE>\n" ^ terms2xml' j whs ^
   1.110 +		(indt j) ^ "</WHERE>\n")
   1.111 +    ^ 
   1.112 +    (case filterpbl "#Find" p of
   1.113 +	 [] =>  (indt j) ^ "<FIND>  </FIND>\n"
   1.114 +       | fis => (indt j) ^ "<FIND>\n" ^ terms2xml' j fis ^
   1.115 +		(indt j) ^ "</FIND>\n")
   1.116 +    ^ 
   1.117 +    (case filterpbl "#Relate" p of
   1.118 +	 [] =>  (indt j) ^ "<RELATE>  </RELATE>\n"
   1.119 +       | res => (indt j) ^ "<RELATE>\n" ^ terms2xml' j res ^
   1.120 +		(indt j) ^ "</RELATE>\n");
   1.121 +(*
   1.122 +writeln(pattern2xml 3 ((#ppc o get_pbt)
   1.123 +			 ["squareroot","univariate","equation","test"]) []);
   1.124 +  *)
   1.125 +
   1.126 +(*url to a source external to isac*)
   1.127 +fun extref2xml j linktext url =
   1.128 +    indt j ^ "<EXTREF>\n" ^
   1.129 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<TEXT> " ^ linktext ^ " </TEXT>\n" ^
   1.130 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<URL> " ^ url ^ " </URL>\n" ^
   1.131 +    indt j ^ "</EXTREF>\n" : xml;
   1.132 +fun theref2xml j (thyID:thyID) typ (xstring:xstring) =
   1.133 +    let val guh = theID2guh ["IsacKnowledge", thyID, typ, xstring]
   1.134 +	val typ' = (implode o (drop_last_n 1) o Symbol.explode) typ
   1.135 +    in indt j ^ "<KESTOREREF>\n" ^
   1.136 +       indt (j+i) ^ "<TAG> " ^ typ' ^ " </TAG>\n" ^
   1.137 +       indt (j+i) ^ "<ID> " ^ xstring ^ " </ID>\n" ^
   1.138 +       indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ guh ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   1.139 +       indt j ^ "</KESTOREREF>\n" : xml
   1.140 +    end;
   1.141 +fun keref2xml j typ (kestoreID:kestoreID) =
   1.142 +    let val id = strs2str' kestoreID
   1.143 +	val guh = kestoreID2guh typ kestoreID
   1.144 +    in indt j ^ "<KESTOREREF>\n" ^
   1.145 +       indt (j+i) ^ "<TAG> " ^ ketype2str' typ ^ "</TAG>\n" ^
   1.146 +       indt (j+i) ^ "<ID> " ^ id ^ " </ID>\n" ^
   1.147 +       indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ guh ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   1.148 +       indt j ^ "</KESTOREREF>\n" : xml
   1.149 +    end;
   1.150 +fun authors2xml j str auts = 
   1.151 +    let fun autx _ [] = ""
   1.152 +	  | autx j (s::ss) = (indt j) ^ "<STRING> " ^ s ^ " </STRING>\n" ^ 
   1.153 +			     (autx j ss)
   1.154 +    in indt j ^ "<"^str^">\n" ^
   1.155 +       autx (j + i) auts ^ 
   1.156 +       indt j ^ "</"^str^">\n" : xml
   1.157 +    end;
   1.158 +(* writeln(authors2xml 2 "MATHAUTHORS" []);
   1.159 +   writeln(authors2xml 2 "MATHAUTHORS" 
   1.160 +		       ["isac-team 2001", "Richard Lang 2003"]);
   1.161 +   *)
   1.162 +fun scr2xml j EmptyScr =
   1.163 +    indt j ^"<SCRIPT>  </SCRIPT>\n" : xml
   1.164 +  | scr2xml j (Prog term) =
   1.165 +    if term = e_term 
   1.166 +    then indt j ^"<SCRIPT>  </SCRIPT>\n"
   1.167 +    else indt j ^"<SCRIPT>\n"^ 
   1.168 +	 term2xml j (inst_abs (assoc_thy "Isac") term) ^ "\n" ^
   1.169 +	 indt j ^"</SCRIPT>\n"
   1.170 +  | scr2xml j (Rfuns _) =
   1.171 +    indt j ^"<REVERSREWRITE> reverse rewrite functions </REVERSREWRITE>\n";
   1.172 +
   1.173 +fun calcref2xml j (thyID:thyID, (scrop, (_(*rewop*), _)):calc) =
   1.174 +    indt j ^ "<CALCREF>\n" ^
   1.175 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ scrop ^ "</STRING>\n" ^
   1.176 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ cal2guh ("IsacKnowledge", 
   1.177 +				      thyID) scrop  ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   1.178 +    indt j ^ "</CALCREF>\n" : xml;
   1.179 +fun calcrefs2xml _ (_,[]) = "":xml
   1.180 +  | calcrefs2xml j (thyID, cal::cs) = 
   1.181 +    calcref2xml j (thyID, cal) ^ calcrefs2xml j (thyID, cs);
   1.182 +
   1.183 +fun prepa12xml j (terms, term) =
   1.184 +    indt j ^"<PREPAT>\n"^
   1.185 +    indt (j+i) ^"<PRECONDS>\n"^
   1.186 +    terms2xml (j+2*i) terms ^
   1.187 +    indt (j+i) ^"</PRECONDS>\n"^
   1.188 +    indt (j+i) ^"<PATTERN>\n"^
   1.189 +    term2xml (j+2*i) term ^
   1.190 +    indt (j+i) ^"</PATTERN>\n"^
   1.191 +    indt j ^"</PREPAT>\n" : xml;
   1.192 +fun prepat2xml _ [] = ""
   1.193 +  | prepat2xml j (p::ps) = prepa12xml j p ^ prepat2xml j ps : xml;
   1.194 +
   1.195 +fun rls2xm j (thyID, seqrls, {id, preconds, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls,
   1.196 +		      srls, calc, rules, errpatts, scr}) =
   1.197 +    indt j ^"<RULESET>\n"^
   1.198 +    indt (j+i) ^"<ID> "^ id ^" </ID>\n"^
   1.199 +    indt (j+i) ^"<TYPE> "^ seqrls ^" </TYPE>\n"^
   1.200 +    indt (j+i) ^"<RULES>\n" ^
   1.201 +    rules2xml (j+2*i) thyID rules ^
   1.202 +    indt (j+i) ^"</RULES>\n" ^
   1.203 +    indt (j+i) ^"<PRECONDS> " ^
   1.204 +    terms2xml' (j+2*i) preconds ^
   1.205 +    indt (j+i) ^"</PRECONDS>\n" ^
   1.206 +    indt (j+i) ^"<ORDER>\n" ^
   1.207 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ ord ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   1.208 +(*WN060714 thy_isac_*-ord-*.xml not yet generated ................
   1.209 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ ord2guh ("IsacKnowledge", 
   1.210 +				      thyID) ord ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   1.211 +..................................................................*)
   1.212 +    indt (j+i) ^"</ORDER>\n" ^
   1.213 +    indt (j+i) ^"<ERLS>\n" ^
   1.214 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   1.215 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ id_rls erls ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   1.216 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls2guh ("IsacKnowledge", thyID) 
   1.217 +				     (id_rls erls) ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   1.218 +    indt (j+i) ^"</ERLS>\n" ^
   1.219 +    indt (j+i) ^"<SRLS>\n" ^
   1.220 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   1.221 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ id_rls erls ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   1.222 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls2guh ("IsacKnowledge", thyID) 
   1.223 +				     (id_rls srls) ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   1.224 +    indt (j+i) ^"</SRLS>\n" ^
   1.225 +    calcrefs2xml (j+i) (thyID, calc) ^
   1.226 +    scr2xml (j+i) scr ^
   1.227 +    indt j ^"</RULESET>\n" : xml;
   1.228 +fun rls2xml j (thyID, Erls) = rls2xml j (thyID, e_rls)
   1.229 +  | rls2xml j (thyID, Rls data) = rls2xm j (thyID, "Rls", data)
   1.230 +  | rls2xml j (thyID, Seq data) = rls2xm j (thyID, "Seq", data)
   1.231 +  | rls2xml j (thyID, Rrls {id, prepat, rew_ord=(ord,_), erls, calc, errpatts, scr}) = 
   1.232 +    indt j ^"<RULESET>\n"^
   1.233 +    indt (j+i) ^"<ID> "^ id ^" </ID>\n"^
   1.234 +    indt (j+i) ^"<TYPE> Rrls </TYPE>\n"^
   1.235 +    prepat2xml (j+i) prepat ^
   1.236 +    indt (j+i) ^"<ORDER> " ^
   1.237 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<TAG> Rewrite order </TAG>\n" ^
   1.238 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ ord ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   1.239 +(*WN060714 thy_isac_*-ord-*.xml not yet generated ................
   1.240 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ ord2guh ("IsacKnowledge", 
   1.241 +				      thyID) ord ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   1.242 +.................................................................*)
   1.243 +    indt (j+i) ^"</ORDER>\n" ^
   1.244 +    indt (j+i) ^"<ERLS> " ^
   1.245 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<TAG> Ruleset </TAG>\n" ^
   1.246 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<STRING> " ^ id_rls erls ^ " </STRING>\n" ^
   1.247 +    indt (j+2*i) ^ "<GUH> " ^ rls2guh ("IsacKnowledge", thyID) (id_rls erls) ^ " </GUH>\n" ^
   1.248 +    indt (j+i) ^"</ERLS>\n" ^
   1.249 +    calcrefs2xml (j+i) (thyID, calc) ^
   1.250 +    indt (j+i) ^"<SCRIPT>\n"^ 
   1.251 +    scr2xml (j+2*i) scr ^
   1.252 +    indt (j+i) ^" </SCRIPT>\n"^
   1.253 +    indt j ^"</RULESET>\n" : xml;
   1.254 +
   1.255 +(*** convert sml-datatypes to xml for libisabelle ***)
   1.256 +
   1.257  (** general types: lists,  **)
   1.259  fun xml_of_bool b = XML.Elem (("BOOL", []), [XML.Text (bool2str b)])
   1.260 @@ -85,7 +306,7 @@
   1.261    | xml_to_strs tree = raise ERROR ("xml_to_strs: wrong XML.tree \n" ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   1.263  fun xml_of_int i = XML.Elem (("INT", []), [XML.Text (string_of_int i)])
   1.264 -fun xml_of_ints is = (*xml/datatypes.sml: fun ints2xml*)
   1.265 +fun xml_of_ints is =
   1.266    XML.Elem (("INTLIST", []), map xml_of_int is)
   1.268  fun xml_to_int (XML.Elem (("INT", []), [XML.Text i])) = 
   1.269 @@ -94,7 +315,6 @@
   1.270  fun xml_to_ints (XML.Elem (("INTLIST", []), is)) = map xml_to_int is
   1.271    | xml_to_ints tree = raise ERROR ("xml_to_ints: wrong XML.tree \n" ^ xmlstr 0 tree)
   1.273 -
   1.274  (** isac datatypes **)
   1.275  fun xml_of_pos tag (is, pp) =
   1.276    XML.Elem ((tag, []), [
   1.277 @@ -140,7 +360,7 @@
   1.278      XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", "superfluous")]), [xml_of_term (comp_dts' dts)])
   1.279    | xml_of_itm_ (Mis (d, pid)) = 
   1.280      XML.Elem (("ITEM", [("status", "missing")]), [xml_of_term (d $ pid)])
   1.281 -
   1.282 +  | xml_of_itm_ _ = error "xml_of_itm_: wrong argument"
   1.283  fun xml_of_itms itms =
   1.284    let 
   1.285      fun extract (_, _, _, _, itm_) = itm_
   1.286 @@ -247,22 +467,33 @@
   1.287        xml_var_val_pairs)) = subst2sube (map xml_to_sub xml_var_val_pairs)
   1.288    | xml_to_sube x = raise ERROR ("xml_to_sube wrong arg: " ^ xmlstr 0 x)
   1.290 +fun thm''2xml j (thm : thm) =
   1.291 +    indt j ^ "<THEOREM>\n" ^
   1.292 +    indt (j+i) ^ "<ID> " ^ thmID_of_derivation_name' thm ^ " </ID>\n"^
   1.293 +    term2xml j (Thm.prop_of thm) ^ "\n" ^
   1.294 +    indt j ^ "</THEOREM>\n" : xml;
   1.295  fun xml_of_thm' ((ID, form) : thm') =
   1.296    XML.Elem (("THEOREM", []), [
   1.297      XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text ID]),
   1.298      XML.Elem (("FORMULA", []), [
   1.299        XML.Text form])])           (* repair for MathML: use term instead String *)
   1.300 +(* at the front-end theorems can be shown by their term, so term is transported isac-java <--- ME *)
   1.301 +fun xml_of_thm'' ((ID, term) : thm'') =
   1.302 +  XML.Elem (("THEOREM", []), [
   1.303 +    XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text ID]),
   1.304 +    xml_of_term_NEW term])
   1.305  fun xml_to_thm'
   1.306      (XML.Elem (("THEOREM", []), [
   1.307        XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text ID]),
   1.308        XML.Elem (("FORMULA", []), [(* repair for MathML: use term instead String *)
   1.309          XML.Text form])])) = ((ID, form) : thm')
   1.310    | xml_to_thm' x = raise ERROR ("xml_of_thm' wrong arg:" ^ xmlstr 0 x)
   1.311 -
   1.312 -fun xml_of_thm (thm : thm) =
   1.313 -  XML.Elem (("THEOREM", []), [
   1.314 -    XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text (thmID_of_derivation_name' thm)]),
   1.315 -    xml_of_term (Thm.prop_of thm)])
   1.316 +(* at the front-end theorems are identified only by their name, so NO isac-java \<longrightarrow> ME *)
   1.317 +fun xml_to_thm''
   1.318 +    (XML.Elem (("THEOREM", []), [
   1.319 +      XML.Elem (("ID", []), [XML.Text ID])])) =
   1.320 +    (ID, Thm.prop_of (Global_Theory.get_thm (Isac ()) ID)) : thm''
   1.321 +  | xml_to_thm'' x = raise ERROR ("xml_to_thm'' wrong arg:" ^ xmlstr 0 x)
   1.323  fun xml_of_src EmptyScr =
   1.324      XML.Elem (("NOCODE", []), [XML.Text "empty"])
   1.325 @@ -282,12 +513,12 @@
   1.326      (*Substitute: sube -> tac; e_sube: cterm' list; UNCLEAR HOW TO INPUT ON FRONTEND*)
   1.327      XML.Elem (("STRINGLISTTACTIC", [("name", "Substitute")]), [xml_of_sube cterms])
   1.328      (*----- Rewrite* -----------------------------------------------------*)
   1.329 -  | xml_of_tac (Rewrite thm') =
   1.330 -    XML.Elem (("REWRITETACTIC", [("name", "Rewrite")]), [xml_of_thm' thm'])
   1.331 -  | xml_of_tac (Rewrite_Inst (subs, thm')) =
   1.332 +  | xml_of_tac (Rewrite thm'') =
   1.333 +    XML.Elem (("REWRITETACTIC", [("name", "Rewrite")]), [xml_of_thm'' thm''])
   1.334 +  | xml_of_tac (Rewrite_Inst (subs, thm'')) =
   1.335      XML.Elem (("REWRITEINSTTACTIC", [("name", "Rewrite_Inst")]), (
   1.336        xml_of_subs subs ::
   1.337 -      xml_of_thm' thm' :: []))
   1.338 +      xml_of_thm'' thm'' :: []))
   1.339    | xml_of_tac (Rewrite_Set rls') =
   1.340      XML.Elem (("REWRITESETTACTIC", [("name", "Rewrite_Set")]), [XML.Text rls'])
   1.341    | xml_of_tac (Rewrite_Set_Inst (subs, rls')) =
   1.342 @@ -338,11 +569,11 @@
   1.343      (*----- Rewrite* -----------------------------------------------------*)
   1.344    | xml_to_tac
   1.345      (XML.Elem (("REWRITETACTIC", [
   1.346 -      ("name", "Rewrite")]), [thm'])) = Rewrite (xml_to_thm' thm')
   1.347 +      ("name", "Rewrite")]), [thm])) = Rewrite (xml_to_thm'' thm)
   1.348    | xml_to_tac
   1.349      (XML.Elem (("REWRITEINSTTACTIC", [
   1.350        ("name", "Rewrite_Inst")]), [
   1.351 -        subs, thm'])) = Rewrite_Inst (xml_to_subs subs, xml_to_thm' thm')
   1.352 +        subs, thm])) = Rewrite_Inst (xml_to_subs subs, xml_to_thm'' thm)
   1.353    | xml_to_tac
   1.354      (XML.Elem (("REWRITESETTACTIC", [
   1.355        ("name", "Rewrite_Set")]), [XML.Text rls'])) = Rewrite_Set (rls')