changeset 59979 8c4142718e45
parent 59977 e635534c5f63
equal deleted inserted replaced
59978:660ed21464d2 59979:8c4142718e45
     1 (* Title:  Specify/input-calchead.sml
     2    Author: Walther Neuper
     3    (c) due to copyright terms
     5 This will be dropped at switch to Isabelle/PIDE.
     6 *)
     8 signature INPUT_SPECIFICATION =
     9 sig
    10   datatype iitem =
    11       Find of TermC.as_string list
    12     | Given of TermC.as_string list
    13     | Relate of TermC.as_string list
    14   type imodel = iitem list
    15   type icalhd = Pos.pos' * TermC.as_string * imodel * Pos.pos_ * References.T
    16   val input_icalhd : Ctree.ctree -> icalhd -> Ctree.ctree * Specification.T
    17   val cas_input : term -> (Ctree.ctree * Specification.T) option
    18 (* ---- for tests only: shifted from below to remove the Warning "unused" at fun.def. --------- *)
    19   (*  NONE *)
    20 (*/-------------------------------------------------------- ! aktivate for Test_Isac BEGIN ---\* )
    21   val appl_add': -> O_Model.T -> I_Model.T -> Model_Pattern.T ->
    22     string * TermC.as_string -> I_Model.single
    23   val appl_adds: -> O_Model.T -> I_Model.T -> Model_Pattern.T ->
    24     (string * TermC.as_string) list -> I_Model.T
    25   val cas_input_: References.T -> (term * term list) list ->
    26 * I_Model.T * * I_Model.T * Pre_Conds.T * Proof.context
    27   val dtss2itm_: Model_Pattern.single list -> term * term list ->
    28     int list * bool * string * (*I_Model.single'*)
    29   val e_icalhd: icalhd
    30   val eq7: ''a * ''b -> ''a * (''b * 'c) -> bool
    31   val filter_sep: ('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
    32   val flattup2: 'a * ('b * 'c * 'd * 'e) -> 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * 'e
    33   val fstr2itm_: theory -> (''a * (term * term)) list -> ''a * string ->
    34     int list * bool * ''a * (*I_Model.single'*)
    35   val imodel2fstr: iitem list -> (string * TermC.as_string) list
    36   val is_Par: 'a * 'b * 'c * 'd * -> bool (*I_Model.T?*)
    37   val is_casinput: TermC.as_string -> Formalise.T -> bool
    38   val is_e_ts: term list -> bool
    39   val itms2fstr: I_Model.single -> string * string
    40   val par2fstr: I_Model.single -> string * TermC.as_string
    41   val parsitm: theory -> I_Model.single -> I_Model.single
    42   val unknown_expl: -> (''a * (term * term)) list -> (*Model_Pattern.T?*)
    43     (''a * string) list ->
    44       (int * int list * bool * ''a * Model_Def.i_model_feedback) list (*I_Model.T?*)
    45 ( *\--- ! aktivate for Test_Isac END ----------------------------------------------------------/*)
    46 end
    48 (**)
    49 structure Input_Spec(**): INPUT_SPECIFICATION(**) =
    50 struct
    51 (**)
    53 (** handle input **)
    55 fun dtss2itm_ ppc (d, ts) =
    56   let
    57     val (f, (d, id)) = the (find_first ((curry op= d) o 
    58   		(#1: (term * term) -> term) o
    59   		(#2: Model_Pattern.single -> (term * term))) ppc)
    60   in
    61     ([1], true, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, ts), (id, ts)))
    62   end
    64 fun flattup2 (a, (b ,c, d, e)) = (a, b, c, d, e)
    66 fun cas_input_ ((dI, pI, mI): References.T) dtss = (*WN110515 reconsider thy..ctxt*)
    67   let
    68     val thy = ThyC.get_theory dI
    69 	  val {ppc, ...} = Problem.from_store pI
    70 	  val its_ = map (dtss2itm_ ppc) dtss (*([1],true,"#Given",Cor (...))*)
    71 	  val its = O_Model.add_id its_
    72 	  val pits = map flattup2 its
    73 	  val (pI, mI) =
    74       if mI <> ["no_met"]
    75       then (pI, mI)
    76 		  else
    77         case Refine.problem thy pI pits of
    78 			    SOME (pI,_) => (pI, (hd o #met o Problem.from_store) pI)
    79 			  | NONE => (pI, (hd o #met o Problem.from_store) pI)
    80 	  val {ppc, pre, prls, ...} = Method.from_store mI
    81 	  val its_ = map (dtss2itm_ ppc) dtss (*([1],true,"#Given",Cor (...))*)
    82 	  val its = O_Model.add_id its_
    83 	  val mits = map flattup2 its
    84 	  val pre = Pre_Conds.check' thy prls pre mits
    85     val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
    86   in (pI, pits, mI, mits, pre, ctxt) end;
    89 (* check if the input term is a CAScmd and return a ctree with a _complete_ calchead *)
    90 fun cas_input hdt =
    91   let
    92     val (h, argl) = strip_comb hdt
    93   in
    94     case assoc_cas (ThyC.get_theory "Isac_Knowledge") h of
    95       NONE => NONE
    96     | SOME (spec as (dI,_,_), argl2dtss) =>
    97 	      let
    98           val dtss = argl2dtss argl
    99 	        val (pI, pits, mI, mits, pre, ctxt) = cas_input_ spec dtss
   100 	        val spec = (dI, pI, mI)
   101 	        val (pt,_) = Ctree.cappend_problem Ctree.e_ctree [] (Istate_Def.empty, ContextC.empty)
   102 		        ([], References.empty) ([], References.empty, hdt, ctxt)
   103 	        val pt = Ctree.update_spec pt [] spec
   104 	        val pt = Ctree.update_pbl pt [] pits
   105 	        val pt = Ctree.update_met pt [] mits
   106 	      in
   107 	        SOME (pt, (true, Pos.Met, hdt, mits, pre, spec) : Specification.T)
   108 	      end
   109   end
   112 (** handle an input calc-head **)
   114 datatype iitem = 
   115   Given of TermC.as_string list
   116 (*Where is still not input*) 
   117 | Find  of TermC.as_string list
   118 | Relate  of TermC.as_string list
   120 type imodel = iitem list
   122 type icalhd =
   123   Pos.pos' *         (* the position in Ctree              *) 
   124   TermC.as_string *  (* the headline shown on Calc.T       *)
   125   imodel *           (* the model                          *)
   126   Pos.pos_ *         (* model belongs to Problem or Method *)
   127   References.T;      (* into Know_Store                    *)
   128 val e_icalhd = (Pos.e_pos', "", [Given [""]], Pos.Pbl, References.empty)
   130 fun is_casinput (hdf : TermC.as_string) ((fmz_, spec) : Formalise.T) =
   131   hdf <> "" andalso fmz_ = [] andalso spec = References.empty
   133 (* re-parse itms with a new thy and prepare for checking with ori list *)
   134 fun parsitm dI (itm as (i, v, _, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, ts), _))) =
   135     (let val t = Input_Descript.join (d, ts)
   136      val _ = (UnparseC.term_in_thy dI t)
   137      (*t his ^^^^^^^^^^^^ should raise the exn on unability of re-parsing dts *)
   138     in itm end
   139     handle _ => (i, v, false, f, I_Model.Syn (UnparseC.term TermC.empty (*t  ..(t) has not been declared*))))
   140   | parsitm dI (i, v, b, f, I_Model.Syn str) =
   141     (let val _ = (Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse dI)) str
   142     in (i, v, b ,f, I_Model.Par str) end
   143     handle _ => (i, v, b, f, I_Model.Syn str))
   144   | parsitm dI (i, v, b, f, I_Model.Typ str) =
   145     (let val _ = (Thm.term_of o the o (TermC.parse dI)) str
   146      in (i, v, b, f, I_Model.Par str) end
   147      handle _ => (i, v, b, f, I_Model.Syn str))
   148   | parsitm dI (itm as (i, v, _, f, I_Model.Inc ((d, ts), _))) =
   149     (let val t = Input_Descript.join (d,ts);
   150 	       val _ = UnparseC.term_in_thy dI t;
   151      (*this    ^ should raise the exn on unability of re-parsing dts*)
   152      in itm end
   153      handle _ => (i, v, false, f, I_Model.Syn (UnparseC.term TermC.empty (*t  ..(t) has not been declared*))))
   154   | parsitm dI (itm as (i, v, _, f, I_Model.Sup (d, ts))) =
   155     (let val t = Input_Descript.join (d,ts);
   156 	       val _ = UnparseC.term_in_thy dI t;
   157      (*this    ^ should raise the exn on unability of re-parsing dts*)
   158     in itm end
   159     handle _ => (i, v, false, f, I_Model.Syn (UnparseC.term TermC.empty (*t  ..(t) has not been declared*))))
   160   | parsitm dI (itm as (i, v, _, f, I_Model.Mis (d, t'))) =
   161     (let val t = d $ t';
   162 	       val _ = UnparseC.term_in_thy dI t;
   163      (*this    ^ should raise the exn on unability of re-parsing dts*)
   164     in itm end
   165     handle _ => (i, v, false, f, I_Model.Syn (UnparseC.term TermC.empty (*t  ..(t) has not been declared*))))
   166   | parsitm dI (itm as (_, _, _, _, I_Model.Par _)) = 
   167     raise ERROR ("parsitm (" ^ I_Model.single_to_string (ThyC.to_ctxt dI) itm ^ "): Par should be internal");
   169 (*separate a list to a pair of elements that do NOT satisfy the predicate,
   170  and of elements that satisfy the predicate, i.e. (false, true)*)
   171 fun filter_sep pred xs =
   172   let
   173     fun filt ab [] = ab
   174       | filt (a, b) (x :: xs) =
   175         if pred x 
   176 			  then filt (a, b @ [x]) xs 
   177 			  else filt (a @ [x], b) xs
   178   in filt ([], []) xs end;
   179 fun is_Par (_, _, _, _, I_Model.Par _) = true
   180   | is_Par _ = false;
   182 fun is_e_ts [] = true
   183   | is_e_ts [Const ("List.list.Nil", _)] = true
   184   | is_e_ts _ = false;
   186 (* WN.9.11.03 copied from fun appl_add *)
   187 fun appl_add' dI oris ppc pbt (sel, ct) = 
   188   let 
   189      val ctxt = ThyC.get_theory dI |> ThyC.to_ctxt;
   190   in
   191     case TermC.parseNEW ctxt ct of
   192 	    NONE => (0, [], false, sel, I_Model.Syn ct)
   193 	  | SOME t =>
   194 	    (case I_Model.is_known ctxt sel oris t of
   195         ("", ori', all) =>
   196           (case I_Model.is_notyet_input ctxt ppc all ori' pbt of
   197             ("",itm)  => itm
   198           | (msg,_) => raise ERROR ("appl_add': " ^ msg))
   199       | (_, (i, v, _, d, ts), _) =>
   200         if is_e_ts ts
   201         then (i, v, false, sel, I_Model.Inc ((d, ts), (TermC.empty, [])))
   202         else (i, v, false, sel, I_Model.Sup (d, ts)))
   203    end
   205 (* generate preliminary itm_ from a strin (with field "#Given" etc.) *)
   206 fun eq7 (f, d) (f', (d', _)) = f = f' andalso d = d';
   207 fun fstr2itm_ thy pbt (f, str) =
   208   let
   209     val topt = TermC.parse thy str
   210   in
   211     case topt of
   212       NONE => ([], false, f, I_Model.Syn str)
   213     | SOME ct => 
   214 	    let
   215 	      val (d, ts) = (Input_Descript.split o Thm.term_of) ct
   216 	      val popt = find_first (eq7 (f, d)) pbt
   217 	    in
   218 	      case popt of
   219 	        NONE => ([1](*??*), true(*??*), f, I_Model.Sup (d, ts))
   220 	      | SOME (f, (d, id)) => ([1], true, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, ts), (id, ts))) 
   221 	    end
   222   end
   224 (*.input into empty PblObj, i.e. empty fmz+origin (unknown example).*)
   225 fun unknown_expl dI pbt selcts =
   226   let
   227     val thy = ThyC.get_theory dI
   228     val its_ = map (fstr2itm_ thy pbt) selcts (*([1],true,"#Given",Cor (...))*)
   229     val its = O_Model.add_id its_ 
   230   in map flattup2 its end
   232 (* WN.11.03 for input_icalhd, ~ specify_additem for Add_Given/_Find/_Relation
   233    appl_add': generate 1 item 
   234    appl_add' . is_known: parse, get data from oris (vats, all (elems if list)..)
   235    appl_add' . is_notyet_input: compare with items in model already input
   236    insert_ppc': insert this 1 item*)
   237 fun appl_adds dI [] _ pbt selcts = unknown_expl dI pbt selcts
   238     (*already present itms in model are being overwritten*)
   239   | appl_adds _ _ ppc _ [] = ppc
   240   | appl_adds dI oris ppc pbt (selct :: ss) =
   241     let val itm = appl_add' dI oris ppc pbt selct;
   242     in appl_adds dI oris (Specification.insert_ppc' itm ppc) pbt ss end
   244 fun par2fstr (_, _, _, f, I_Model.Par s) = (f, s)
   245   | par2fstr itm = raise ERROR ("par2fstr: called with " ^ I_Model.single_to_string (ThyC.id_to_ctxt "Isac_Knowledge") itm)
   246 fun itms2fstr (_, _, _, f, I_Model.Cor ((d, ts), _)) = (f, Input_Descript.join''' (d, ts))
   247   | itms2fstr (_, _, _, f, I_Model.Syn str) = (f, str)
   248   | itms2fstr (_, _, _, f, I_Model.Typ str) = (f, str)
   249   | itms2fstr (_, _, _, f, I_Model.Inc ((d, ts), _)) = (f, Input_Descript.join''' (d,ts))
   250   | itms2fstr (_, _, _, f, I_Model.Sup (d, ts)) = (f, Input_Descript.join''' (d, ts))
   251   | itms2fstr (_, _, _, f, I_Model.Mis (d, t)) = (f, UnparseC.term (d $ t))
   252   | itms2fstr (itm as (_, _, _, _, I_Model.Par _)) = 
   253     raise ERROR ("parsitm (" ^ I_Model.single_to_string (ThyC.id_to_ctxt "Isac_Knowledge") itm ^ "): Par should be internal");
   255 fun imodel2fstr iitems = 
   256   let 
   257     fun xxx is [] = is
   258 	    | xxx is ((Given strs)::iis) = xxx (is @ (map (pair "#Given") strs)) iis
   259 	    | xxx is ((Find strs)::iis) = xxx (is @ (map (pair "#Find") strs)) iis
   260 	    | xxx is ((Relate strs)::iis) = xxx (is @ (map (pair "#Relate") strs)) iis
   261   in xxx [] iitems end;
   263 (* input a calchead, WN110505 "prep_oris -> (_, ctxt)" not handled properly *)
   264 fun input_icalhd pt (((p, _), hdf, imodel, Pos.Pbl, spec as (dI, pI, mI)) : icalhd) =
   265     let
   266 		  val (fmz, fmz_, oris, ospec, hdf', sspec, sdI, spI, smI, probl, meth) = case Ctree.get_obj I pt p of
   267 		    Ctree.PblObj {fmz = fmz as (fmz_,_), origin = (oris, ospec, hdf'), 
   268 		      spec = sspec as (sdI, spI, smI), probl, meth, ...}
   269         => (fmz, fmz_, oris, ospec, hdf', sspec, sdI, spI, smI, probl, meth)
   270       | _ => raise ERROR "input_icalhd: uncovered case of get_obj I pt p"
   271     in if is_casinput hdf fmz then the (cas_input (TermC.str2term hdf)) 
   272        else        (*hacked WN0602 ~~~            ~~~~~~~~~,   ..dropped !*)
   273          let val (pos_, pits, mits) = 
   274 	         if dI <> sdI
   275 	         then let val its = map (parsitm (ThyC.get_theory dI)) probl;
   276 			            val (its, trms) = filter_sep is_Par its;
   277 			            val pbt = (#ppc o Problem.from_store) (#2 (Specification.some_spec ospec sspec))
   278 		            in (Pos.Pbl, appl_adds dI oris its pbt  (map par2fstr trms), meth) end 
   279            else
   280              if pI <> spI 
   281 	           then if pI = snd3 ospec then (Pos.Pbl, probl, meth) 
   282                   else
   283 		                let val pbt = (#ppc o Problem.from_store) pI
   284 			                val dI' = #1 (Specification.some_spec ospec spec)
   285 			                val oris = if pI = #2 ospec then oris 
   286 				                         else O_Model.init fmz_(ThyC.get_theory"Isac_Knowledge") pbt(* |> #1*);
   287 		                in (Pos.Pbl, appl_adds dI' oris probl pbt 
   288 				              (map itms2fstr probl), meth) end 
   289              else if mI <> smI (*FIXME.WN0311: what if probl is incomplete?!*)
   290 	                then let val met = (#ppc o Method.from_store) mI
   291 		                     val mits = Specification.complete_metitms oris probl meth met
   292 		                   in if foldl and_ (true, map #3 mits)
   293 		                      then (Pos.Pbl, probl, mits) else (Pos.Met, probl, mits) 
   294 		                   end 
   295                   else (Pos.Pbl, appl_adds (#1 (Specification.some_spec ospec spec)) oris [(*!!!*)]
   296 			                  ((#ppc o Problem.from_store) (#2 (Specification.some_spec ospec spec)))
   297 			                  (imodel2fstr imodel), meth)
   298 	         val pt = Ctree.update_spec pt p spec;
   299          in if pos_ = Pos.Pbl
   300 	          then let val {prls,where_,...} = Problem.from_store (#2 (Specification.some_spec ospec spec))
   301 		               val pre = Pre_Conds.check' (ThyC.get_theory"Isac_Knowledge") prls where_ pits
   302 	               in (Ctree.update_pbl pt p pits,
   303 		                 (Specification.ocalhd_complete pits pre spec, Pos.Pbl, hdf', pits, pre, spec): Specification.T) 
   304                  end
   305 	           else let val {prls,pre,...} = Method.from_store (#3 (Specification.some_spec ospec spec))
   306 		                val pre = Pre_Conds.check' (ThyC.get_theory"Isac_Knowledge") prls pre mits
   307 	                in (Ctree.update_met pt p mits,
   308 		                  (Specification.ocalhd_complete mits pre spec, Pos.Met, hdf', mits, pre, spec) : Specification.T)
   309                   end
   310          end 
   311     end
   312   | input_icalhd _ (_, _, _, _(*Met*), _) = raise ERROR "input_icalhd Met not impl."
   314 (**)end (**)