changeset 55466 55c2d2ee3f92
parent 55404 ab97437e021a
child 55476 8e3f73e1e3a3
equal deleted inserted replaced
55465:eaa7d67b78d0 55466:55c2d2ee3f92
     1 \chapter{Code Samples and Comments}
     2 \label{app:code}
     4 \section{Fibonacci Implementations}
     5 \label{sec:fib-imp}
     6 The Fibonacci numbers are an integer sequence given by
     7 \begin{equation}
     8   F_n = F_{n-1} + F_{n-2}
     9 \end{equation}
    10 and
    11 \begin{equation}
    12   F_0 = 0, F_1 = 1\;.
    13 \end{equation}
    14 Because this is a very simple, recursive definition, it was chosen for the demonstration of certain concepts in this thesis. However, it is very important to note that the straight forward implementation
    15 \imlcode{~~\=fu\=n fib 0 = 0\\
    16 \>\>| fib 1 = 1\\
    17 \>\>| fib x = fib (x - 1) + fib (x - 2)\textrm{,}}
    18 \noindent
    19 which we presented as an example for pattern matching in \textit{Standard ML} (page \pageref{alg:patmatch}, section \ref{sec:patmatch}), is very inefficient because it has a runtime behavior of $O(F_n)$. An efficient version of the function,
    20 \imlcode{~~\=fu\=n \=fi\=b' 0 = (0, 1)\\
    21 \>\>| fib' n = let\\
    22 \>\>\>\>val (x1, x2) = fib' (n - 1)\\
    23 \>\>\>in\\
    24 \>\>\>\>(x2, x1 + x2)\\
    25 \>\>\>end;\\
    26 \>(*gets 2nd element of touple*)\\
    27 \>fun fib n = fib' (n - 1) |> snd \textrm{,}}
    28 \noindent
    29 shows linear runtime behavior. Annotations (section \ref{sec:annot}) were demonstrated using the Fibonacci function (page \pageref{alg:parannot}):
    30 \imlcode{~~\=fu\=n fib 0 = 1\\
    31 \>\>| fib 1 = 1\\
    32 \>\>| fib x = fib (x - 1) + par (fib (x - 2))}
    33 \noindent
    34 In practice, the gain from parallelism in this example would not just be marginal, the overhead for managing parallel execution would most likely result in a performance worse than the sequential version. Note that annotations of this kind can only work in a programming language following a lazy evaluation strategy because in an eager language like \textit{Standard ML} the annotated expression would be evaluated before being passed to the hypothetical {\tt par} evaluation.
    35 Futures have been discussed in detail throughout this thesis (sections \ref{sec:futurespro}, \ref{sec:actors_scala}, \ref{sec:csp}, \ref{sec:isafut}). The example on page \pageref{alg:futures} redefined {\tt fib} with a future:
    36 \imlcode{\label{alg:fib-futures}
    37 ~~\=fu\=n \=fi\=b \=0 = 1\\
    38 \>\>| fib 1 = 1\\
    39 \>\>| fib x = let\\
    40 \>\>\>\>\>fun fib' () = fib (x - 2)\\
    41 \>\>\>\>\>val fibf = Future.fork fib'\\
    42 \>\>\>\>in fib (x - 1) + (Future.join fibf) end}
    43 This code does work in {\em Isabelle/ML} (section \ref{sec:isabelleml}). The performance concerns we saw with the previous example also apply here: in practice, parallelising the evaluation of the Fibonacci function in this way makes no sense.
    46 \section{{\tt merge\_lists} implementation}
    47 \label{app:merge-lists}
    48 In the \texttt{Theory\_Data} implementation on page \pageref{alg:thydata-functor} (section \ref{ssec:parall-thy}) we omitted the definitions of the functions {\tt merge\_lists} and {\tt merge\_lists'} for simplicity reasons. They have been added here (program \ref{alg:merge-lists}). Please note that they require that their input lists of type {\tt int list} are already ordered. The difference is that {\tt merge\_lists} accepts the two lists in a touple and {\tt merge\_lists'} as two separate arguments.
    49 \begin{program}
    50 \caption{{\tt merge\_lists} implementation.}
    51 \label{alg:merge-lists}
    52 \begin{MLCode}
    53 fun merge out [] xs = (rev out) @ xs
    54   | merge out xs [] = (rev out) @ xs
    55   | merge out (xs' as x::xs) (ys' as y::ys) =
    56       if x = y then
    57         merge (x::out) xs ys
    58       else if x < y then
    59         merge (x::out) xs ys'
    60       else
    61         merge (y::out) xs' ys;
    62 val merge_lists' = merge [];
    63 fun merge_lists (xs, ys) = merge_lists' xs ys;
    64 \end{MLCode}
    65 \end{program}
    68 \section{Irrationality of \texorpdfstring{$\sqrt{2}$}{the square root of 2} in \textit{Isar}}
    69 \label{app:sqrt2-isar}
    71 Program \ref{alg:isar-sqrt2} is a simple proof in \textit{Isar}, showing that the square root of 2 is an irrational number\footnote{\tt \textasciitilde\textasciitilde/src/HOL/ex/Sqrt.thy}.
    74 \begin{program}
    75 \caption{\textit{Isabelle/Isar} proof of the irrationality of $\sqrt{2}$.}
    76 \label{alg:isar-sqrt2}
    77 \vspace{\medskipamount}
    78 \noindent
    79 \colorbox{color5}{\texttt{\small
    80 \begin{minipage}{.98\textwidth}
    81 \setlength{\parindent}{1pc}
    82 \noindent
    83 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 1~}~{\bfseries\color{color1} lemma} {\color{color3} "$\exists$a b::real. a $\notin$ $\mathbb{Q}$ $\land$ b $\notin$ $\mathbb{Q}$ $\land$ a powr b $\in$ $\mathbb{Q}$"}\\
    84 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 2~}~{\indent({\bfseries\color{color1} is} {\color{color3} "EX a b. ?P a b"})}\\
    85 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 3~}~{\bfseries\color{color1} proof} cases\\
    86 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 4~}~{\indent\bfseries\color{color1} assume} {\color{color3} "sqrt 2 powr sqrt 2 $\in$ $\mathbb{Q}$"}\\
    87 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 5~}~{\indent\bfseries\color{color1} then have} {\color{color3} "?P (sqrt 2) (sqrt 2)"}\\
    88 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 6~}~{\indent\indent\bfseries\color{color1} by} (metis sqrt\_2\_not\_rat)\\
    89 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 7~}~{\indent\bfseries\color{color1} then show} {\color{color2} ?thesis} {\bfseries\color{color1} by} blast\\
    90 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 8~}~{\bfseries\color{color1} next}\\
    91 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 9~}~{\indent\bfseries\color{color1} assume} 1: {\color{color3} "sqrt 2 powr sqrt 2 $\notin$ $\mathbb{Q}$"}\\
    92 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 10}~{\indent\bfseries\color{color1} have} {\color{color3} "(sqrt 2 powr sqrt 2) powr sqrt 2 = 2"}\\
    93 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 11}~{\indent\indent\bfseries\color{color1} using} powr\_realpow [of \_ 2]\\
    94 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 12}~{\indent\indent\bfseries\color{color1} by} (simp add: powr\_powr power2\_eq\_square [symmetric])\\
    95 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 13}~{\indent\bfseries\color{color1} then have} {\color{color3} "?P (sqrt 2 powr sqrt 2) (sqrt 2)"}\\
    96 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 14}~{\indent\indent{\bfseries\color{color1} by} (metis 1 Rats\_number\_of sqrt\_2\_not\_rat)}\\
    97 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 15}~{\indent\bfseries\color{color1} then show} {\color{color2} ?thesis} {\bfseries\color{color1} by} blast\\
    98 {\tiny\ttfamily\color{color6} 16}~{\bfseries\color{color1} qed}
    99 \end{minipage}}}
   100 \end{program}