changeset 37947 22235e4dbe5f
parent 37933 b65c6037eb6d
child 38014 3e11e3c2dc42
equal deleted inserted replaced
37946:a28b5fc129b7 37947:22235e4dbe5f
     1 (* calculate values for function constants
     2    (c) Walther Neuper 000106
     4 use"ProgLang/calculate.sml";
     5 *)
     8 (* dirty type-conversion 30.1.00 for "fixed_values [R=R]" *)
    10 val aT = Type ("'a", []);
    11 (* isas types for Free, parseold: (1) "R=R" or (2) "R=(R::real)": 
    12 (1)
    13 > val (TFree(ss2,TT2)) = T2;
    14 val ss2 = "'a" : string
    15 val TT2 = ["term"] : sort
    16 (2)
    17 > val (Type(ss2',TT2')) = T2';
    18 val ss2' = "RealDef.real" : string
    19 val TT2' = [] : typ list
    20 (3)
    21 val realType = TFree ("RealDef.real", HOLogic.termS);
    22 is different internally, too;
    24 (1) .. (3) are displayed equally !!!
    25 *)
    29 (* 30.1.00: generating special terms for ME:
    30    (1) binary numerals reconverted to Free ("#num",...) 
    31        by libarary_G.num_str: called from parse (below) and 
    32        interface_ME_ISA for all thms used
    33        (compare HOLogic.dest_binum)
    34    (2) 'a types converted to RealDef.real by typ_a2real
    35        in parse below
    36    (3) binary operators fixed to type real in RatArith.thy
    37        (trick by Markus Wenzel)
    38 *)
    43 (** calculate numerals **)
    45 (*27.3.00: problems with patterns below:
    46 "Vars (a // #2 = r * xxxxx b)" doesn't work, but 
    47 "Vars (a // #2 = r * sqrt b)" works
    48 *)
    50 fun popt2str (SOME (str, term)) = "SOME "^term2str term
    51   | popt2str NONE = "NONE";
    53 (* scan a term for applying eval_fn ef 
    54 args
    55   thy:
    56   op_: operator (as string) selecting the root of the pair
    57   ef : fn : (string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option)
    58              ^^^^^^... for creating the string for the resulting theorem
    59   t  : term to be scanned
    60 result:
    61   (string * term) option: found by the eval_* -function of type
    62        fn : string -> string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option
    63             ^^^^^^... the selecting operator op_ (variable for eval_binop)
    64 *)
    65 fun get_pair thy op_ (ef:string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option) 
    66     (t as (Const(op0,t0) $ arg)) =                      (* unary fns *)
    67 (* val (thy, op_, (ef),    (t as (Const(op0,t0) $ arg))) = 
    68        (thy, op_, eval_fn, ct);
    69    *)
    70     if op_ = op0 then 
    71 	let val popt = ef op_ t thy
    72 	in case popt of
    73 	       SOME _ => popt
    74 	     | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef arg end
    75     else get_pair thy op_ ef arg
    77   | get_pair thy "Atools.ident" ef (t as (Const("Atools.ident",t0) $ _ $ _ )) =
    78 (* val (thy, "Atools.ident", ef,      t as (Const(op0,_) $ t1 $ t2)) =
    79        (thy, op_,            eval_fn, ct);
    80    *)
    81     ef "Atools.ident" t thy                                 (* not nested *)
    83   | get_pair thy op_ ef (t as (Const(op0,_) $ t1 $ t2)) =  (* binary funs*)
    84 (* val (thy, op_, ef,      (t as (Const(op0,_) $ t1 $ t2))) = 
    85        (thy, op_, eval_fn, ct);
    86    *)
    87     ((*writeln("1.. get_pair: binop = "^op_);*)
    88      if op_ = op0 then 
    89 	 let val popt = ef op_ t thy
    90 	 (*val _ = writeln("2.. get_pair: "^term2str t^" -> "^popt2str popt)*)
    91 	 in case popt of 
    92 		SOME (id,_) => popt
    93 	      | NONE => 
    94 		let val popt = get_pair thy op_ ef t1
    95 		    (*val _ = writeln("3.. get_pair: "^term2str t1^
    96 				    " -> "^popt2str popt)*)
    97 		in case popt of 
    98 		       SOME (id,_) => popt
    99 		     | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef t2
   100 		end
   101 	 end
   102      else (*search subterms*)
   103 	 let val popt = get_pair thy op_ ef t1
   104 	 (*val _ = writeln("4.. get_pair: "^term2str t^" -> "^popt2str popt)*)
   105 	 in case popt of 
   106 		SOME (id,_) => popt
   107 	      | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef t2
   108 	 end)
   109   | get_pair thy op_ ef (t as (Const(op0,_) $ t1 $ t2 $ t3)) =(* trinary funs*)
   110     ((*writeln("### get_pair 4a: t= "^term2str t);
   111      writeln("### get_pair 4a: op_= "^op_);
   112      writeln("### get_pair 4a: op0= "^op0);*)
   113      if op_ = op0 then 
   114 	case ef op_ t thy of
   115 	    SOME tt => SOME tt
   116 	  | NONE => (case get_pair thy op_ ef t2 of
   117 			 SOME tt => SOME tt
   118 		       | NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef t3)
   119     else (case get_pair thy op_ ef t1 of
   120 	     SOME tt => SOME tt
   121 	   | NONE => (case get_pair thy op_ ef t2 of
   122 			  SOME tt => SOME tt
   123 			| NONE => get_pair thy op_ ef t3)))
   124   | get_pair thy op_ ef (Const _) = NONE
   125   | get_pair thy op_ ef (Free _) = NONE
   126   | get_pair thy op_ ef (Var _) = NONE
   127   | get_pair thy op_ ef (Bound _) = NONE
   128   | get_pair thy op_ ef (Abs(a,T,body)) = get_pair thy op_ ef body
   129   | get_pair thy op_ ef (t1$t2) = 
   130     let(*val _= writeln("5.. get_pair t1 $ t2: "^term2str t1^" 
   131 						   $ "^term2str t2)*)
   132 	val popt = get_pair thy op_ ef t1
   133     in case popt of 
   134 	   SOME _ => popt
   135 	 | NONE => ((*writeln"### get_pair: t1 $ t2 -> NONE";*)
   136 		    get_pair thy op_ ef t2) 
   137     end;
   138  (*
   139 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#3 + #4";
   140 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "op +"));
   141 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "op +" eval_fn t;
   142 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   143 >  atomty t';
   144 > 
   145 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "(a + #3) + #4";
   146 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "op +" eval_fn t;
   147 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   148 > 
   149 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#3 + (#4 + (a::real))";
   150 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "op +" eval_fn t;
   151 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   152 > 
   153 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x = #5 * (#3 + (#4 + a))";
   154 >  atomty t;
   155 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "op +" eval_fn t;
   156 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   157 >  val it = "#3 + (#4 + a) = #7 + a" : string
   158 >
   159 >
   160 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#-4//#-2";
   161 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "cancel"));
   162 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "cancel" eval_fn t;
   163 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   164 > 
   165 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#2^^^#3";
   166 >  eval_binop "xxx" "pow" t thy;
   167 >  val eval_fn = (eval_binop "xxx")
   168 >		 : string -> term -> theory -> (string * term) option;
   169 >  val SOME (id,t') = get_pair thy "pow" eval_fn t;
   170 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   171 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "pow"));
   172 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "pow" eval_fn t;
   173 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   174 > 
   175 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x = #0 + #-1 * #-4";
   176 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "op *"));
   177 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "op *" eval_fn t;
   178 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   179 > 
   180 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#0 < #4";
   181 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "op <"));
   182 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "op <" eval_fn t;
   183 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   184 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#0 < #-4";
   185 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "op <" eval_fn t;
   186 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   187 > 
   188 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#3 is_const";
   189 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "is'_const"));
   190 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "is'_const" eval_fn t;
   191 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   192 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "a is_const";
   193 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "is'_const" eval_fn t;
   194 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   195 > 
   196 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#6//(#8::real)";
   197 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "cancel"));
   198 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "cancel" eval_fn t;
   199 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   200 > 
   201 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "sqrt #12";
   202 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "SqRoot.sqrt"));
   203 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "SqRoot.sqrt" eval_fn t;
   204 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   205 >  val it = "sqrt #12 = #2 * sqrt #3 " : string
   206 >
   207 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "sqrt #9";
   208 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "SqRoot.sqrt" eval_fn t;
   209 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   210 >
   211 >  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "Nth #2 [#11,#22,#33]";
   212 >  val eval_fn = the (assoc (!eval_list, "Tools.Nth"));
   213 >  val (SOME (id,t')) = get_pair thy "Tools.Nth" eval_fn t;
   214 >  Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) t';
   215 *)
   217 (* val ((op_, eval_fn),ct)=(cc,pre);
   218    (get_calculation_ Isac.thy (op_, eval_fn) ct) handle e => print_exn e;
   219    parse thy ""
   220    *)
   221 (*.get a thm from an op_ somewhere in the term;
   222    apply ONLY to (uminus_to_string term), uminus_to_string (- 4711) --> (-4711).*)
   223 fun get_calculation_ thy (op_, eval_fn) ct =
   224 (* val (thy, (op_, eval_fn),                           ct) = 
   225        (thy, (the (assoc(!calclist',"order_system"))), t);
   226    *)
   227   case get_pair thy op_ eval_fn ct of
   228 	 NONE => ((*writeln("@@@ get_calculation: NONE, op_="^op_);
   229 		  writeln("@@@ get_calculation: ct= ");atomty ct;*)
   230 		  NONE)
   231        | SOME (thmid,t) =>
   232 	   ((*writeln("@@@ get_calculation: NONE, op_="^op_);
   233 	    writeln("@@@ get_calculation: ct= ");atomty ct;*)
   234 	    SOME (thmid, (make_thm o (cterm_of thy)) t));
   235 (*
   236 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "#9 is_const";
   237 > get_calculation_ thy ("is'_const",the (assoc(!eval_list,"is'_const"))) ct;
   238 val it = SOME ("is_const9_","(is_const 9 ) = True  [(is_const 9 ) = True]")
   240 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "sqrt #9";
   241 > get_calculation_ thy ("sqrt",the (assoc(!eval_list,"sqrt"))) ct;
   242 val it = SOME ("sqrt_9_","sqrt 9  = 3  [sqrt 9  = 3]") : (string * thm) option
   244 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "#4<#4";
   245 > get_calculation_ thy ("op <",the (assoc(!eval_list,"op <"))) ct;fun is_no str = (hd o explode) str = "#";
   247 val it = SOME ("less_5_4","(5 < 4) = False  [(5 < 4) = False]")
   249 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "a<#4";
   250 > get_calculation_ thy ("op <",the (assoc(!eval_list,"op <"))) ct;
   251 val it = NONE : (string * thm) option
   253 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "#5<=#4";
   254 > get_calculation_ thy ("op <=",the (assoc(!eval_list,"op <="))) ct;
   255 val it = SOME ("less_equal_5_4","(5 <= 4) = False  [(5 <= 4) = False]")
   257 -------------------------------------------------------------------6.8.02:
   258  val thy = SqRoot.thy;
   259  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "1+2";
   260  get_calculation_ thy (the(assoc(!calc_list,"PLUS"))) t;
   261  val it = SOME ("add_3_4","3 + 4 = 7  [3 + 4 = 7]") : (string * thm) option
   262 -------------------------------------------------------------------6.8.02:
   263  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "-1";
   264  atomty t;
   265  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "0";
   266  atomty t;
   267  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "1";
   268  atomty t;
   269  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "2";
   270  atomty t;
   271  val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "999999999";
   272  atomty t;
   273 -------------------------------------------------------------------6.8.02:
   275 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "a+#3+#4";
   276 > get_calculation_ thy ("op +",the (assoc(!eval_list,"op +"))) ct;
   277 val it = SOME ("add_3_4","a + 3 + 4 = a + 7  [a + 3 + 4 = a + 7]")
   279 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "#3+(#4+a)";
   280 > get_calculation_ thy ("op +",the (assoc(!eval_list,"op +"))) ct;
   281 val it = SOME ("add_3_4","3 + (4 + a) = 7 + a  [3 + (4 + a) = 7 + a]")
   283 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "a+(#3+#4)+#5";
   284 > get_calculation_ thy ("op +",the (assoc(!eval_list,"op +"))) ct;
   285 val it = SOME ("add_3_4","3 + 4 = 7  [3 + 4 = 7]") : (string * thm) option
   287 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "#3*(#4*a)";
   288 > get_calculation_ thy ("op *",the (assoc(!eval_list,"op *"))) ct;
   289 val it = SOME ("mult_3_4","3 * (4 * a) = 12 * a  [3 * (4 * a) = 12 * a]")
   291 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "#3 + #4^^^#2 + #5";
   292 > get_calculation_ thy ("pow",the (assoc(!eval_list,"pow"))) ct;
   293 val it = SOME ("4_(+2)","4 ^ 2 = 16  [4 ^ 2 = 16]") : (string * thm) option
   295 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "#-4//#-2";
   296 > get_calculation_ thy ("cancel",the (assoc(!eval_list,"cancel"))) ct;
   297 val it = SOME ("cancel_(-4)_(-2)","(-4) // (-2) = (+2)  [(-4) // (-2) = (+2)]")
   299 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "#6//#-8";
   300 > get_calculation_ thy ("cancel",the (assoc(!eval_list,"cancel"))) ct;
   301 val it = SOME ("cancel_6_(-8)","6 // (-8) = (-3) // 4  [6 // (-8) = (-3) // 4]")
   303 *) 
   306 (*
   307 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "a + 3*4";
   308 > applicable "calculate" (Calc("op *", "mult_")) ct;
   309 val it = SOME "3 * 4 = 12  [3 * 4 = 12]" : thm option
   311 --------------------------
   312 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "3 =!= 3";
   313 > val (thmid, thm) = the (get_calculation_ thy "Atools.ident" ct);
   314 val thm = "(3 =!= 3) = True  [(3 =!= 3) = True]" : thm
   316 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "~ (3 =!= 3)";
   317 > val (thmid, thm) = the (get_calculation_ thy "Atools.ident" ct);
   318 val thm = "(3 =!= 3) = True  [(3 =!= 3) = True]" : thm
   320 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "3 =!= 4";
   321 > val (thmid, thm) = the (get_calculation_ thy "Atools.ident" ct);
   322 val thm = "(3 =!= 4) = False  [(3 =!= 4) = False]" : thm
   324 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "( 4 + (4 * x + x ^ 2) =!= (+0))";
   325 > val (thmid, thm) = the (get_calculation_ thy "Atools.ident" ct);
   326   "(4 + (4 * x + x ^ 2) =!= (+0)) = False"
   328 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "~ ( 4 + (4 * x + x ^ 2) =!= (+0))";
   329 > val (thmid, thm) = the (get_calculation_ thy "Atools.ident" ct);
   330   "(4 + (4 * x + x ^ 2) =!= (+0)) = False"
   332 > val ct = (the o (parse thy)) "~ ( 4 + (4 * x + x ^ 2) =!= (+0))";
   333 > val rls = eval_rls;
   334 > val (ct,_) = the (rewrite_set_ thy false rls ct);
   335 val ct = "True" : cterm
   336 --------------------------
   337 *)
   340 (*.get a thm applying an op_ to a term;
   341    apply ONLY to (numbers_to_string term), numbers_to_string (- 4711) --> (-4711).*)
   342 (* val (thy, (op_, eval_fn), ct) = 
   343        (thy, ("Integrate.add'_new'_c", eval_add_new_c "add_new_c_"), term);
   344    *)
   345 fun get_calculation1_ thy ((op_, eval_fn):cal) ct =
   346     case eval_fn op_ ct thy of
   347 	NONE => NONE
   348       | SOME (thmid,t) =>
   349 	SOME (thmid, (make_thm o (cterm_of thy)) t);
   355 (*.substitute bdv in an rls and leave Calc as they are.(*28.10.02*)
   356 fun inst_thm' subs (Thm (id, thm)) = 
   357     Thm (id, (*read_instantiate throws: *** No such variable in term: ?bdv*)
   358 	 (read_instantiate subs thm) handle _ => thm)
   359   | inst_thm' _ calc = calc; 
   360 fun inst_thm' (subs as (bdv,_)::_) (Thm (id, thm)) = 
   361     Thm (id, (writeln("@@@ inst_thm': thm= "^(string_of_thmI thm));
   362 	      if bdv mem (vars_str o #prop o rep_thm) thm
   363 	     then (writeln("@@@ inst_thm': read_instantiate, thm="^((string_of_thmI thm)));
   364 		   read_instantiate subs thm)
   365 	     else (writeln("@@@ inst_thm': not mem.. "^bdv);
   366 		   thm)))
   367   | inst_thm' _ calc = calc; 
   369 fun instantiate_rls subs 
   370   (Rls{preconds=preconds,rew_ord=rew_ord,erls=ev,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   371        asm_thm=at,rules=rules,scr=scr}:rls) =
   372   (Rls{preconds=preconds,rew_ord=rew_ord,erls=ev,srls=sr,calc=ca,
   373        asm_thm=at,scr=scr,
   374    rules = map (inst_thm' subs) rules}:rls);---------------------------*)
   378 (** rewriting: ordered, conditional **)
   380 fun mk_rule (prems,l,r) = 
   381     Trueprop $ (list_implies (prems, mk_equality (l,r)));
   383 (* 'norms' a rule, e.g.
   384 (*1*) a = 1 ==> a*(b+c) = b+c 
   385                 =>  a = 1 ==> a*(b+c) = b+c          no change
   386 (*2*) t = t     =>  (t=t) = True                        !!
   387 (*3*) [| k < l; m + l = k + n |] ==> m < n
   388 	        =>  [| k<l; m+l=k+n |] ==> m < n = True !! *)
   389 (* val it = fn : term -> term *)
   390 fun norm rule =
   391   let
   392     val (prems,concl)=(map strip_trueprop(Logic.strip_imp_prems rule),
   393 		       (strip_trueprop o  Logic.strip_imp_concl)rule)
   394   in if is_equality concl then 
   395       let val (l,r) = dest_equals' concl
   396       in if l = r then 
   397 	 (*2*) mk_rule(prems,concl,true_as_term)
   398 	 else (*1*) rule end
   399      else (*3*) mk_rule(prems,concl,true_as_term)
   400   end;