changeset 37947 22235e4dbe5f
parent 37938 f6164be9280d
equal deleted inserted replaced
37946:a28b5fc129b7 37947:22235e4dbe5f
     1 (*Stefan K.*)
     3 (*protokoll 14.3.02 --------------------------------------------------
     4 val ct = parse thy "(a + #1)//(#2*a^^^#2 - #2)";
     5 val t = (term_of o the) ct;
     6 atomt t;
     7 val ct = parse thy "not (#1+a)"; (*HOL.thy ?*)
     8 val t = (term_of o the) ct;
     9 atomt t;
    10 val ct = parse thy "x"; (*momentan ist alles 'real'*)
    11 val t = (term_of o the) ct;
    12 atomty t;
    13 val ct = parse thy "(x::int)"; (* !!! *)
    14 val t = (term_of o the) ct;
    15 atomty t;
    17 val ct = parse thy "(x::int)*(y::real)"; (*momentan ist alles 'real'*)
    19 val Const ("RatArith.cancel",_) $ zaehler $ nenner = t;
    20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------*)
    23 (*diese vvv funktionen kommen nach src/Isa99/term_G.sml -------------*)
    24 fun term2str t =
    25     let fun ato (Const(a,T))     n = 
    26 	    "\n"^indent n^"Const ( "^a^")"
    27 	  | ato (Free (a,T))     n =  
    28 	    "\n"^indent n^"Free ( "^a^", "^")"
    29 	  | ato (Var ((a,ix),T)) n =
    30 	    "\n"^indent n^"Var (("^a^", "^string_of_int ix^"), "^")"
    31 	  | ato (Bound ix)       n = 
    32 	    "\n"^indent n^"Bound "^string_of_int ix
    33 	  | ato (Abs(a,T,body))  n = 
    34 	    "\n"^indent n^"Abs( "^a^",.."^ato body (n+1)
    35 	  | ato (f$t')           n = ato f n^ato t' (n+1)
    36     in "\n-------------"^ato t 0^"\n" end;
    37 fun free2int (t as Free (s, _)) = (((the o int_of_str) s)
    38     handle _ => raise error ("free2int: "^term2str t))
    39   | free2int t = raise error ("free2int: "^term2str t);
    40 (*diese ^^^ funktionen kommen nach src/Isa99/term_G.sml -------------*)
    43 (* remark on exceptions: 'error' is implemented by Isabelle 
    44    as the typical system error                             *)
    47 type poly = int list;
    49 (* transform a Isabelle-term t into internal polynomial format
    50    preconditions for t: 
    51      a-b  -> a+(-b)
    52      x^1 -> x
    53      term ordered ascending
    54      parentheses right side (caused by 'ordered rewriting')
    55      variable as power (not as product) *)
    57 fun mono (Const ("RatArith.pow",_) $ t1 $ t2) v g =
    58     if t1 = v then ((replicate ((free2int t2) - g) 0) @ [1]) : poly 
    59     else raise error ("term2poly.1 "^term2str t1)
    60   | mono (t as Const ("op *",_) $ t1 $ 
    61 	    (Const ("RatArith.pow",_) $ t2 $ t3)) v g =
    62     if t2 = v then (replicate ((free2int t3) - g) 0) @ [free2int t1] 
    63     else raise error ("term2poly.2 "^term2str t)
    64   | mono t _ _ = raise error ("term2poly.3 "^term2str t);
    66 fun poly (Const ("op +",_) $ t1 $ t2) v g = 
    67     let val l = mono t1 v g
    68     in (l @ (poly t2 v ((length l) + g))) end
    69   | poly t v g = mono t v g;
    71 fun term2poly (t as Free (s, _)) v =
    72     if t = v then SOME ([0,1] : poly) else (SOME [(the o int_of_str) s]
    73 				  handle _ => NONE)
    74   | term2poly (Const ("op *",_) $ (Free (s1,_)) $ (t as Free (s2,_))) v =
    75     if t = v then SOME [0, (the o int_of_str) s1] else NONE
    76   | term2poly (Const ("op +",_) $ (Free (s1,_)) $ t) v = 
    77     SOME ([(the o int_of_str) s1] @ (poly t v 1))
    78   | term2poly t v = 
    79     SOME (poly t v 0) handle _ => NONE;
    81 (*tests*)
    82 val v = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x::real";
    83 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#-1::real";
    84 term2poly t v;
    85 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x::real";
    86 term2poly t v;
    87 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#1 * x::real"; (*FIXME: drop it*)
    88 term2poly t v;
    89 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x^^^#1";       (*FIXME: drop it*)
    90 term2poly t v;
    91 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "x^^^#3";
    92 term2poly t v;
    93 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#3 * x^^^#3";
    94 term2poly t v;
    95 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#-1 + #3 * x^^^#3";
    96 term2poly t v;
    97 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) "#-1 + (#3 * x^^^#3 + #5 * x^^^#5)";
    98 term2poly t v;
    99 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   100 	    "#-1 + (#3 * x^^^#3 + (#5 * x^^^#5 + #7 * x^^^#7))";
   101 term2poly t v;
   102 val t = (term_of o the o (parse thy)) 
   103 	    "#3 * x^^^#3 + (#5 * x^^^#5 + #7 * x^^^#7)";
   104 term2poly t v;
   107 fun is_polynomial_in t v =
   108     case term2poly t v of SOME _ => true | NONE => false;
   110 (* transform the internal polynomial p into an Isabelle term t
   111    where t meets the preconditions of term2poly
   112 val mk_mono = 
   113     fn : typ ->     of the coefficients
   114 	 typ ->     of the unknown
   115 	 typ ->     of the monomial and polynomial
   116 	 typ ->     of the exponent of the unknown
   117 	 int ->     the coefficient <> 0
   118 	 string ->  the unknown
   119 	 int ->     the degree, i.e. the value of the exponent
   120 	 term 
   121 remark: all the typs above are "RealDef.real" due to the typs of * + ^
   122 which may change in the future
   123 *)
   124 fun mk_mono cT vT pT eT c v g = 
   125     case g of
   126 	0 => Free (str_of_int c, cT) (*will cause problems with diff.typs*)
   127       | 1 => if c = 1 then Free (v, vT)
   128 	     else Const ("op *", [cT, vT]--->pT) $
   129 			Free (str_of_int c, cT) $ Free (v, vT)
   130       | n => if c = 1 then (Const ("RatArith.pow", [vT, eT]--->pT) $ 
   131 			  Free (v, vT) $ Free (str_of_int g, eT))
   132 	     else Const ("op *", [cT, vT]--->pT) $ 
   133 			Free (str_of_int c, cT) $ 
   134 			(Const ("RatArith.pow", [vT, eT]--->pT) $ 
   135 			       Free (v, vT) $ Free (str_of_int g, eT));
   136 (*tests*)
   137 val cT = HOLogic.realT; val vT = HOLogic.realT; val pT = HOLogic.realT;
   138 val eT = HOLogic.realT;
   139 val t = mk_mono cT vT pT eT ~5 "x" 5;
   140 (cterm_of thy) t;
   141 val t = mk_mono cT vT pT eT ~1 "x" 0;
   142 (cterm_of thy) t;
   143 val t = mk_mono cT vT pT eT 1 "x" 1;
   144 (cterm_of thy) t;
   147 fun mk_sum pT t1 t2 = Const ("op +", [pT, pT]--->pT) $ t1 $ t2;
   150 fun poly2term cT vT pT eT ([p]:poly) v = mk_mono cT vT pT eT p v 0
   151   | poly2term cT vT pT eT (p:poly) v = 
   152   let 
   153     fun mk_poly cT vT pT eT [] t v g = t
   154       | mk_poly cT vT pT eT [p] t v g = 
   155 	if p = 0 then t
   156 	else mk_sum pT (mk_mono cT vT pT eT p v g) t
   157       | mk_poly cT vT pT eT (p::ps) t v g =
   158 	if p = 0 then mk_poly cT vT pT eT ps t v (g-1)
   159 	else mk_poly cT vT pT eT ps 
   160 		     (mk_sum pT (mk_mono cT vT pT eT p v g) t) v (g-1)
   161     val (p'::ps') = rev p
   162     val g = (length p) - 1
   163     in mk_poly cT vT pT eT ps' (mk_mono cT vT pT eT p' v g) v (g-1) end;
   165 (*tests*)    
   166 val t = poly2term cT vT pT eT [~1] "x";
   167 (cterm_of thy) t;
   168 val t = poly2term cT vT pT eT [0,1] "x";
   169 (cterm_of thy) t;
   170 val t = poly2term cT vT pT eT [0,0,0,1] "x";
   171 (cterm_of thy) t;
   172 val t = poly2term cT vT pT eT [0,0,0,3] "x";
   173 (cterm_of thy) t;
   174 val t = poly2term cT vT pT eT [~1,0,0,3] "x";
   175 (cterm_of thy) t;
   176 val t = poly2term cT vT pT eT [~1,0,0,3,0,5] "x";
   177 (cterm_of thy) t;
   178 val t = poly2term cT vT pT eT [~1,0,0,3,0,5,0,7] "x";
   179 (cterm_of thy) t;
   180 val t = poly2term cT vT pT eT [0,0,0,3,0,5,0,7] "x";
   181 (cterm_of thy) t;
   183 "***************************************************************************";
   184 "*                            reverse-rewriting 12.8.02                    *";
   185 "***************************************************************************";
   186 fun rewrite_set_' thy rls put_asm ruless ct =
   187     case ruless of
   188 	Rrls _ => raise error "rewrite_set_' not for Rrls"
   189       | Rls _ =>
   190   let
   191     datatype switch = Appl | Noap;
   192     fun rew_once ruls asm ct Noap [] = (ct,asm)
   193       | rew_once ruls asm ct Appl [] = rew_once ruls asm ct Noap ruls
   194       | rew_once ruls asm ct apno (rul::thms) =
   195       case rul of
   196 	Thm (thmid, thm) =>
   197 	  (case rewrite_ thy ((snd o #rew_ord o rep_rls) ruless) 
   198 	     rls put_asm (thm_of_thm rul) ct of
   199 	     NONE => rew_once ruls asm ct apno thms
   200 	   | SOME (ct',asm') => 
   201 	     rew_once ruls (asm union asm') ct' Appl (rul::thms))
   202       | Calc (cc as (op_,_)) => 
   203 	  (case get_calculation_ thy cc ct of
   204 	       NONE => rew_once ruls asm ct apno thms
   205 	   | SOME (thmid, thm') => 
   206 	       let 
   207 		 val pairopt = 
   208 		   rewrite_ thy ((snd o #rew_ord o rep_rls) ruless) 
   209 		   rls put_asm thm' ct;
   210 		 val _ = if pairopt <> NONE then () 
   211 			 else raise error("rewrite_set_, rewrite_ \""^
   212 			 (string_of_thmI thm')^"\" \""^
   213 			 (Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) ct)^"\" = NONE")
   214 	       in rew_once ruls asm ((fst o the) pairopt) Appl(rul::thms) end);
   215     val ruls = (#rules o rep_rls) ruless;
   216     val (ct',asm') = rew_once ruls [] ct Noap ruls;
   217   in if ct = ct' then NONE else SOME (ct',asm') end;
   219 (*
   220 fun reverse_rewrite t1 t2 rls =
   221 *)
   222 fun rewrite_set_' thy rls put_asm ruless ct =
   223     case ruless of
   224 	Rrls _ => raise error "rewrite_set_' not for Rrls"
   225       | Rls _ =>
   226   let
   227     datatype switch = Appl | Noap;
   228     fun rew_once ruls asm ct Noap [] = (ct,asm)
   229       | rew_once ruls asm ct Appl [] = rew_once ruls asm ct Noap ruls
   230       | rew_once ruls asm ct apno (rul::thms) =
   231       case rul of
   232 	Thm (thmid, thm) =>
   233 	  (case rewrite_ thy ((snd o #rew_ord o rep_rls) ruless) 
   234 	     rls put_asm (thm_of_thm rul) ct of
   235 	     NONE => rew_once ruls asm ct apno thms
   236 	   | SOME (ct',asm') => 
   237 	     rew_once ruls (asm union asm') ct' Appl (rul::thms))
   238       | Calc (cc as (op_,_)) => 
   239 	  (case get_calculation_ thy cc ct of
   240 	       NONE => rew_once ruls asm ct apno thms
   241 	   | SOME (thmid, thm') => 
   242 	       let 
   243 		 val pairopt = 
   244 		   rewrite_ thy ((snd o #rew_ord o rep_rls) ruless) 
   245 		   rls put_asm thm' ct;
   246 		 val _ = if pairopt <> NONE then () 
   247 			 else raise error("rewrite_set_, rewrite_ \""^
   248 			 (string_of_thmI thm')^"\" \""^
   249 			 (Syntax.string_of_term (thy2ctxt thy) ct)^"\" = NONE")
   250 	       in rew_once ruls asm ((fst o the) pairopt) Appl(rul::thms) end);
   251     val ruls = (#rules o rep_rls) ruless;
   252     val (ct',asm') = rew_once ruls [] ct Noap ruls;
   253   in if ct = ct' then NONE else SOME (ct',asm') end;
   255  realpow_two;
   256  real_mult_div_cancel1;