changeset 59827 168abe8dd1e3
child 59866 3b194392ea71
equal deleted inserted replaced
59826:fac2f374d001 59827:168abe8dd1e3
     1 (*<*)
     2 (*%:wrap=soft:maxLineLen=78:*)
     3 (*partially copied from
     4   ~/material/texts/emat/lucin-isa/paper-isabisac/Lucin_Isa_IJCAR.thy *)
     5 theory Lucas_Interpreter
     6   imports "~~/src/Tools/isac/Interpret/Interpret"
     7 begin
     8 ML \<open>
     9   open LI
    10   open Istate
    11   open TermC
    12 \<close>
    13 (*>*)
    15 text \<open>
    16 \section{Lucas--Interpretation (\LI)}\label{lucin}
    17 %=============================================================================
    18 The interpreter is named after the inventor of top-down-parsing in the ALGOL 
    19 project~\cite{pl:formal-lang-hist}, Peter Lucas. As a dedicated expert in 
    20 programming languages he initially objected ``yet another programming 
    21 language'' (in analogy to ``Yacc'' \cite{Yacc-1975}), but then he helped to 
    22 clarify the unusual requirements for a novel programming language in the 
    23 \sisac-project, which later led to the notion of \LI. 
    25 \LI{} is the most prominent component in a prototype developed in the 
    26 \sisac-project, there embedded in a mathematics-engine, which interacts with a 
    27 dialogue-module in a Java-based front-end managing interaction with students 
    28 (out of scope of this paper).
    30 \subsection{The Concept of \LI}\label{concept-LI}
    31 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 The concept of \LI{} is simple: \LI{} \emph{acts as a debugger on functional 
    33 programs with hard-coded breakpoints, where control is handed over to a 
    34 student; a student, however, does \emph{not} interact with the software 
    35 presenting the program, but with the software presenting steps of forward 
    36 reasoning, where the steps are rigorously constructed by tactics acting as the 
    37 break-points mentioned}. Following the \LI{} terminology, we will call 
    38 ``programs'' the functions defined with the function package and refer to 
    39 their evaluation as ``execution''.
    41 \paragraph{Types occurring in the signatures} of \LI{} are as follows. Besides 
    42 the program of type @{ML_type Program.T} there is an interpreter state 
    43 @{ML_type Istate.T}, a record type passing data from one step of execution to 
    44 the next step, in particular a location in the program, where the next step 
    45 will be read off, and an environment for evaluating the step.
    46 As invisible in the program language as the interpreter state is @{ML_type 
    47 Calc.T}, a ``calculation'' as a sequence of steps in forward reasoning, a 
    48 variant of ``structured derivations'' \cite{back-SD-2010}. Visible in the 
    49 language and in the signature, however, are the tactics @{ML_type Tactic.T}, 
    50 which create steps in a calculation.
    52 Novel in connection with calculations is the idea to maintain a logical 
    53 context in order to provide automated provers with data required for checking 
    54 input by the student. Isabelle's @{ML_type Proof.context}, as is, turned out 
    55 perfect for this task~\cite{mlehnf:bakk-11}.
    57 \paragraph{The signatures of the main functions,} the functions @{term 
    58 find_next_step}, \\@{term locate_input_tactic} and @{term locate_input_term}, 
    59 are as follows:\label{sig-lucin}
    60 \<close>
    61 (*<*)ML(*>*) \<open>
    62 signature LUCAS_INTERPRETER =
    63 sig
    64   datatype next_step_result =
    65       Next_Step of Istate.T * Proof.context * Tactic.T
    66     | Helpless | End_Program of Istate.T * Tactic.T
    67   val find_next_step: Program.T -> Calc.T -> Istate.T -> Proof.context
    68     -> next_step_result
    70   datatype input_tactic_result =
    71       Safe_Step of Istate.T * Proof.context * Tactic.T
    72     | Unsafe_Step of Istate.T * Proof.context * Tactic.T
    73     | Not_Locatable of message
    74   val locate_input_tactic: Program.T -> Calc.T -> Istate.T -> Proof.context
    75       -> Tactic.T -> input_tactic_result
    77   datatype input_term_result =
    78     Found_Step of Calc.T | Not_Derivable
    79   val locate_input_term: Calc.T -> term -> input_term_result
    80 end
    81 \<close>
    82 text \<open>
    83 \begin{description}
    84 \item[@{term find_next_step}] accomplishes what usually is expected from a 
    85 @{ML_type Program.T}: find a @{term Next_Step} to be executed, in the case of 
    86 \LI{} to be inserted into a \texttt{\small Calc.T} under construction. This 
    87 step can be a @{ML_type Tactic.T}, directly found in @{term next_step_result}, 
    88 or a @{ML_type term} produced by applying the tactic. If such a step cannot be 
    89 found (due to previous student interaction), \LI{} is @{term Helpless}.
    91 \item[@{term locate_input_tactic}] gets a  @{ML_type Tactic.T} as argument 
    92 (which has been input and checked applicable in  @{ML_type  Calc.T}) and tries 
    93 to locate it in the \texttt{Prog.T} such that a @{term Next_Step} can be 
    94 generated from the subsequent location in the @{ML_type Program.T}. A step can 
    95 be an @{term Unsafe_Step}, if the input @{ML_type Tactic.T} cannot safely be 
    96 associated with any tactic in the @{ML_type Program.T}. This function has a 
    97 signature similar to @{term find_next_step} (here the respective input 
    98 @{ML_type Tactic.T} and the one in the result are the same) in order to unify 
    99 internal technicalities of \LI{}.
   101 \item[@{term locate_input_term}] tries to find a derivation from the current 
   102 @{ML_type Proof.context} for the term input to @{ML_type Calc.T} and to locate 
   103 a \texttt{Tactic.T} in the @{ML_type Program.T}, which as @{term Found_Step} 
   104 allows to find a next step later. Such a @{term Found_Step} can be located in 
   105 another program (a sub-program or a calling program); thus @{ML_type 
   106 Program.T}, @{ML_type Istate.T} and @{ML_type Proof.context} are packed into 
   107 @{ML_type Calc.T} at appropriate positions and do not show up in the 
   108 signature.
   109 \end{description}
   111 Automated reasoning is concern of the third function @{term 
   112 locate_input_term}, actually a typical application case for Isabelle's 
   113 Sledgehammer~\cite{sledgehammer-tutorial}, but not yet realised and 
   114 preliminarily substituted by \sisac's simplifier. @{term locate_input_term} is 
   115 the function used predominantly in interaction with students: these input term 
   116 by term into the calculation under construction (as familiar from 
   117 paper\&pencil work) and \LI{} checks for correctness automatically.
   118 \<close>
   119 text \<open>
   120 \subsection{Examples for \LI}\label{expl-lucin}
   121 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   122 \LI's novel concept relating program execution with construction of 
   123 calculations is best demonstrated by examples. The first one is from 
   124 structural engineering given by the following problem statement:\\
   125 \medskip
   127 % first column
   128 \begin{minipage}{0.55\textwidth}
   129 \textit{Determine the bending line of a beam of length $L$,
   130 which consists of homogeneous material, which is clamped on one side
   131 and which is under constant line load $q_0$; see the Figure right.}\\
   132 \end{minipage}
   133 \hfill
   134 %second column
   135 \begin{minipage}{0.42\textwidth}
   136   \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{bend-7-70-en.png}\\
   137 \end{minipage}
   139 \medskip
   140 This problem is solved by the following program, which is shown by a 
   141 screen-shot\footnote{The corresponding code is at 
   142 \url{\#l174}.
   143 %When inner syntax double-quotes are discontinued eventually, the inner syntax 
   144 of the HOL library may use double quotes for char/string literals, instead of 
   145 slightly odd double single-quotes.
   146 }
   147 in order to demonstrate the colouring helpful for programmers (compare the old 
   148 bare string version in \cite[p.~92]{wn:proto-sys}).
   149 \begin{figure} [htb]
   150   \centering
   151   \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fun-pack-biegelinie-2.png}
   152   \caption{The program implemented by the function package}
   153   \label{fig:fun-pack-biegelinie}
   154 \end{figure}
   155 The program is implemented as a @{theory_text partial_function}: it calculates 
   156 results for a whole class of problems and termination cannot be proven in such 
   157 generality, although preconditions guard execution.
   158 %
   159 The program reflects a ``divide \& conquer'' strategy by calling three @{term 
   160 SubProblem}s. It was implemented for field-tests in German-speaking countries, 
   161 so arguments of the @{term SubProblem}s are in German, because they appear in 
   162 the calculation as well. The third @{term SubProblem} adopts the format from 
   163 Computer Algebra. The calculation, if finished successfully, looks as follows 
   164 (a screen-shot of intermediate steps on the prototype's front-end is shown in 
   165 \cite[p.~97]{wn:proto-sys}):\label{biegel_calc}
   166 {\footnotesize\begin{tabbing}
   167 123\=12\=12\=12\=12\=12\=12\=123\=123\=123\=123\=\kill
   168 01\> Problem (Biegelinie, [Biegelinien]) \\
   169 02\>\> Specification: \\
   170 03\>\> Solution: \\
   171 04\>\>\> Problem (Biegelinie, [vonBelastungZu, Biegelinien]) \\
   172 05\>\>\> $[$\>$V\,x = c + -1\cdot q_0\cdot x, $\\
   173 06\>\>\>    \>$M_b\,x = c_2 + c\cdot x + \frac{-1\cdot q_0}{2\cdot x ^ 2}, $\\
   174 07\>\>\>    \>$\frac{d}{dx}y\,x =  c_3 + \frac{-1}{EI} \cdot (c_2\cdot x + 
   175 \frac{c}{2\cdot x ^ 2} + \frac{-1\cdot q_0}{6\cdot x ^ 3}, $\\
   176 08\>\>\>    \>$y\,x =  c_4 + c_3\cdot x +  \frac{-1}{EI} \cdot  
   177 (\frac{c_2}{2}\cdot x ^ 2 + \frac{c}{6}\cdot x ^ 3 + \frac{-1\cdot 
   178 q_0}{24}\cdot x ^ 4)\;\;]$ \\
   179 09\>\>\> Problem (Biegelinie, [setzeRandbedingungen, Biegelinien])\\
   180 10\>\>\> $[$\>$L \cdot q_0 = c,\; 0 = \frac{2 \cdot c_2 + 2 \cdot L \cdot c + 
   181 -1 \dot L ^ 2 \cdot q_0}{2},\; 0 = c_4,\; 0 = c_3\;\;]$\\
   182 11\>\>\> solveSystem $(L \cdot q_0 = c,\; 0 = \frac{2 \cdot c_2 + 2 \cdot L 
   183 \cdot c + -1 \cdot L ^ 2 \cdot q_0}{2},\; 0 = c_4,\; 0 = c_3\;\;],\; [c, c_2, 
   184 c_3, c_4])$\\
   185 12\>\>\> $[$\>$c = L \cdot q_0 ,\; c_2 = \frac{-1 \cdot L ^ 2 \cdot q_0}{2},\; 
   186 c_3 = 0,\; c_4 = 0]$\\
   187 13  \` Take $y\,x =  c_4 + c_3\cdot x +  \frac{-1}{EI} \cdot  
   188 (\frac{c_2}{2}\cdot x ^ 2 + \frac{c}{6}\cdot x ^ 3 + \frac{-1\cdot 
   189 q_0}{24}\cdot x ^ 4)$ \\
   191 14\>\>\> $y\,x = c_4 + c_3 \cdot x + \frac{-1}{EI} \cdot (\frac{c_2}{2} \cdot 
   192 x ^ 2 + \frac{c}{6} \cdot x ^ 3 + \frac{-1 \cdot q_0}{24} \cdot x ^ 4)$\\
   193 15  \` Substitute $[c,c_2,c_3,c_4]$ \\
   195 16\>\>\> $y\,x = 0 + 0 \cdot x + \frac{-1}{EI} \cdot (\frac{\frac{-1 \cdot L ^ 
   196 2 \cdot q_0}{2}}{2} \cdot x ^ 2 + \frac{L \cdot q_0}{6} \cdot x ^ 3 + \frac{-1 
   197 \cdot q_0}{24} \cdot x ^ 4)$\label{exp-biegel-Substitute}\\
   198 17  \` Rewrite\_Set\_Inst $([({\it bdv},x)], {\it make\_ratpoly\_in})$ \\
   200 18\>\>\> $y\;x = \frac{q_0 \cdot L ^ 2}{4 \cdot EI} \cdot x ^ 2 + \frac{L 
   201 \cdot q_0 }{6 \cdot EI} \cdot x ^ 3 + \frac{q_0}{24 \cdot EI} \cdot x ^ 4$\\
   202 19\> $y\;x = \frac{q_0 \cdot L ^ 2}{4 \cdot EI} \cdot x ^ 2 + \frac{L \cdot 
   203 q_0 }{6 \cdot EI} \cdot x ^ 3 + \frac{q_0}{24 \cdot EI} \cdot x ^ 4$
   204 \end{tabbing}}
   205 The calculation is what a student interacts with. Above the \texttt{\small 
   206 Specification} is folded in, the specification phase and respective user 
   207 interaction is skipped here. The \texttt{\small Solution} must be constructed 
   208 step-wise line by line (while the line numbers do not belong to the 
   209 calculation) in forward reasoning. 
   210 \label{1-2-3}A student inputs either (1) a term (displayed on the left above 
   211 with indentations) or (2) a tactic (shifted to the right margin). If the 
   212 student gets stuck (3) a next step (as a term or a tactic) is suggested by 
   213 \LI{}, which works behind the scenes; the corresponding functions have been 
   214 introduced in \S\ref{concept-LI} (for (1) @{term locate_input_term}, (2) 
   215 @{term locate_input_tactic} and for (3) @{term find_next_step}).
   217 \medskip
   218 This example hopefully clarifies the relation between program and calculation 
   219 in \LI{}: execution of the program stops at tactics (above called  
   220 break-points), displays the tactic or the result produced by the tactic (as 
   221 decided by the dialogue-module) in the calculation under construction, hands 
   222 over control to the student working on the calculation and resumes checking 
   223 user input.
   225 \paragraph{A typical example from Computer Algebra}\label{expl-rewrite} shall 
   226 shed light on a notions introduced later, on tacticals. The program in 
   227 Fig.\ref{fig:fun-pack-diff} %on p.\pageref{fig:fun-pack-diff}
   228 simplifies rational terms (typed as ``real'' due to limited development 
   229 resources):
   230 \begin{figure} [htb]
   231   \centering
   232   \includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth]{fun-pack-simplify.png}
   233  %\includegraphics[width=0.85\textwidth]{fig/scrshot/fun-pack/fun-pack-diff.png}
   234   \caption{Simplification implemented by the function package}
   235   \label{fig:fun-pack-diff}
   236 \end{figure}
   238 The program executes the tactic @{const Rewrite'_Set}\footnote{Isabelle's 
   239 document preparation system preserves the apostroph from the definition, while 
   240 Isabelle's pretty printer drops it in the presentation of the program as 
   241 above.}
   242 with different canonical term rewriting systems (called ``rule sets'' in 
   243 \sisac) guided by tacticals. The output (disregarding user interaction) is a 
   244 calculation with steps of simplification, where the steps are created by  
   245 @{const Rewrite'_Set}.
   247 Chained functions (by \texttt{\small \#>}) %TODO which antiquot?
   248 are applied curried to @{ML_type term}. The initial part of the chain, from 
   249 \texttt{\small ''discard\_minus''} to \texttt{\small ''cancel''} does 
   250 preprocessing, for instance replaces $\;a - b\;$ by $\;a + (-b)\;$ in 
   251 \texttt{\small ''discard\_minus''} for reducing 
   252 the number of theorems to be used in simplification.
   253 %
   254 The second chain of @{const Rewrite'_Set} is @{const Repeat}ed until no 
   255 further rewrites are possible; this is necessary in case of nested fractions.
   257 In cases like the one above, a confluent and terminating term rewrite system, 
   258 not only \emph{all} correct input terms are accepted, but also \emph{all} 
   259 incorrect input is rejected as @{term Not_Derivable} by the function  @{term 
   260 locate_input_term}.
   263 \section{Adaptation of Isabelle's Functions}\label{lucin-funpack}
   264 %=============================================================================
   265 Isabelle's function package presents functions in ``inner syntax'' to users, 
   266 i.e. as terms in Isabelle/HOL. The \LI{} design recognised these terms 
   267 suitable for parse trees of programs, Isabelle realised the same idea in a 
   268 more general way with the function package a few years later --- so migration 
   269 from \sisac's programs to Isabelle's functions was surprisingly easy. The main 
   270 features required were tactics, tacticals and program expressions as described 
   271 below.
   273 \subsection{Tactics Creating Steps in Calculations}\label{tactics}
   274 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   275 The examples in the previous section showed how tactics in programs create 
   276 steps in calculations. Tactics in programs are defined as follows\footnote{
   277 \url{\#l36}}
   278 :
   279 \<close>
   280 consts
   281   Calculate          :: "[char list, 'a] => 'a"
   282   Rewrite            :: "[char list, 'a] => 'a"
   283   Rewrite'_Inst      :: "[(char list * 'a) list, char list, 'a] => 'a"   
   284   Rewrite'_Set       :: "[char list, 'a] => 'a"
   285   Rewrite'_Set'_Inst :: "[((char list) * 'a) list, char list, 'a] => 'a"
   286   Or'_to'_List       :: "bool => 'a list"
   287   SubProblem         ::
   288     "[char list * char list list * char list list, arg list] => 'a"
   289   Substitute         :: "[bool list, 'a] => 'a"
   290   Take               :: "'a => 'a"
   292 text \<open>
   293 These tactics transform a term of some type @{typ "'a"} to a resulting term of 
   294 the same type.  @{const[names_short] Calculate} applies operators like $+,-,*$ 
   295 as @{typ "char list"} (i.e. a string in inner syntax) to numerals of type  
   296 @{typ "'a"}. The tactics beginning with @{const[names_short] Rewrite} do 
   297 exactly what they indicate by applying a theorem (in the program given by type 
   298 @{typ "char list"}) or a list of theorems, called  ``rule-set''. The 
   299 corresponding \texttt{\small \_Inst} variants instantiate bound variables with 
   300 respective constants before rewriting (this is due to the user requirement, 
   301 that terms in calculations are close to traditional notation, which excludes 
   302 $\lambda$-terms), for instance modelling bound variables in equation solving. 
   303 @{const[names_short] Or'_to'_List} is due to a similar requirement: logically 
   304 appropriate for describing solution sets in equation solving are equalities 
   305 connected by $\land,\lor$, but traditional notation uses sets (and these are 
   306 still lists for convenience). @{const[names_short] SubProblem}s not only take 
   307 arguments (@{typ "arg list"} like any (sub-)program, but also three references 
   308 into \sisac's knowledge base  (theory, formal specification, method) for 
   309 guided interaction in the specification phase.
   311 Tactics appear simple: they operate on terms adhering to one type --- 
   312 different types are handled by different tactics and (sub-) programs; and they 
   313 cover only basic functionality --- but they operate on terms, which are well 
   314 tooled by Isabelle and which can contain functions evaluated as program 
   315 expressions introduced in the next but one subsection.
   317 Section \S\ref{expl-lucin} showed how tactics can be input by students. So 
   318 tactics in programs have analogies for user input with type @{ML_type 
   319 Tactic.input} defined at\footnote{
   320 \url{\#l122}}. These tactics also cover the specification phase (wich is out of scope of the 
   321 paper). And there is another @{ML_type Tactic.T} defined at\footnote{
   322 \url{\#l241}} for internal use by the mathematics-engine, which already appeared in the 
   323 signature of Lucas-Interpretation on p.\pageref{sig-lucin}.
   325 \subsection{Tacticals Guiding Flow of Execution}\label{tacticals}
   326 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 The example on p.\pageref{expl-rewrite} for canonical rewriting showed, how 
   328 tacticals guide the flow of execution. The complete list of tacticals is as 
   329 follows.
   330 \<close>
   331 consts
   332   Chain    :: "['a => 'a, 'a => 'a, 'a] => 'a" (infixr "#>" 10)
   333   If       :: "[bool, 'a => 'a, 'a => 'a, 'a] => 'a"
   334   Or       :: "['a => 'a, 'a => 'a, 'a] => 'a" (infixr "Or" 10)
   335   Repeat   :: "['a => 'a, 'a] => 'a" 
   336   Try      :: "['a => 'a, 'a] => 'a"
   337   While    :: "[bool, 'a => 'a, 'a] => 'a" ("((While (_) Do)//(_))" 9)
   339 text \<open>
   340 \texttt{\small Chain}  is forward application of functions and made an infix 
   341 operator @{const[names_short] Chain}; @{const[names_short] If} decides by 
   342 @{typ bool}en expression for execution of one of two arguments of type @{typ 
   343 "'a => 'a"} (which can be combinations of tacticals or tactics); 
   344 @{const[names_short] Or} decides on execution of one of the arguments 
   345 depending of applicability of tactics; @{const[names_short] Repeat} is a one 
   346 way loop which terminates, if the argument is not applicable (e.g. 
   347 applicability of a theorem for rewriting on a term) any more; 
   348 @{const[names_short] Try} skips the argument if not applicable and 
   349 @{const[names_short] While} is a zero way loop as usual.
   351 \subsection{Program Expressions to be Evaluated}\label{prog-expr}
   352 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   353 Some tacticals, \texttt{If} and \texttt{While}, involve boolean expressions, 
   354 which need to be evaluated: such expressions denote another element of 
   355 programs. This kind of element has been shown in the example on 
   356 p.\pageref{fig:fun-pack-biegelinie} as argument of  @{const[names_short] 
   357 Take}: sometimes it is necessary to pick parts of elements of a calculation, 
   358 for instance the last element from a list. So Isabelle's @{theory_text List} 
   359 is adapted for \sisac's purposes in @{theory_text ListC}\footnote{
   360 \url{}}.
   361 %
   362 Such expressions are substituted from the environment in @{ML_type Istate.T}, 
   363 evaluated to terms by rewriting (and for that purpose using the same rewrite 
   364 engine as for the tactics @{const[names_short] Rewrite}*) and marked by the 
   365 constructor @{term Term_Val} which is introduced below.
   368 \section{Implementation of \LI}\label{LI-impl}
   369 %=============================================================================
   370 The implementation of the interpreter is as experimental as is the respective 
   371 programming language introduced in the previous section. So below there will 
   372 be particularly such implementation details, which are required for discussing 
   373 open design \& implementation issues.
   375 All of the function package's syntactic part plus semantic markup is perfect 
   376 for \LI. The evaluation part of the function package, however, implements 
   377 automated evaluation in one go and automated 
   378 code-generation~\cite{code-gen-tutorial} --- both goals are not compatible 
   379 with \sisac's goal to feature step-wise construction of calculations, so this 
   380 part had to be done from scratch.
   383 \subsection{Scanning the Parse Tree}\label{scanning}
   384 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   385 Isabelle's function package parses the program body from function definitions 
   386 to terms, the data structure of simply typed $\lambda$ terms, which also 
   387 encode the objects of proofs. Thus there is a remarkable collection of tools, 
   388 readily available in Isabelle; but this collection does not accommodate the 
   389 requirement of scanning a term to a certain location, remembering the location 
   390 and returning there later, as required by \LI. So this has been introduced
   391 \<close> 
   392 (*<*)ML(*>*) \<open>
   393 datatype lrd = L | R | D
   394 type path = lrd list
   395 \<close> 
   396 (*<*)ML \<open>
   397 open TermC (*avoids type clashes below from the new typ above*)
   398 \<close> 
   399     ML(*>*) \<open>
   400 fun at_location [] t = t
   401   | at_location (D :: p) (Abs(_, _, body)) = at_location p body
   402   | at_location (L :: p) (t1 $ _) = at_location p t1
   403   | at_location (R :: p) (_ $ t2) = at_location p t2
   404   | at_location l t =
   405     raise TERM ("at_location: no " ^ string_of_path l ^ " for ", [t]);
   406 \<close>
   407 text \<open>
   408 with a @{term path} to a location according to the term constructors 
   409 \texttt{\small \$} and @{term Abs}. This is an implementation detail; an 
   410 abstract, denotational view starts with this datatype
   411 \<close> 
   412 (*<*)ML(*>*) \<open>
   413 datatype expr_val =
   414     Term_Val of term  | Reject_Tac
   415   | Accept_Tac of Istate.pstate * Proof.context * Tactic.T
   416 \<close>
   417 text \<open>
   418 which models the meaning of an expression in the parse-tree: this is either a  
   419 @{term Term_Val}ue  (introduced in \S\ref{prog-expr}) or a tactic (introduced 
   420 in \S\ref{tactics}); the latter is either accepted by  @{term Accept_Tac} or 
   421 rejected by  @{term Reject_Tac}; an error value is still missing.
   422 %
   423 The arguments of the above constant @{term Accept_Tac} are the same as 
   424 introduced for \LI{} in \S\ref{concept-LI}. Thus @{ML_type expr_val} is the 
   425 return value for functions scanning the parse-tree for an acceptable tactic:
   426 \<close> 
   427 (*<*)ML \<open>
   428 open LI (*avoids type clashes below from the new typ above*)
   429 \<close> 
   430     ML(*>*) \<open>
   431 scan_to_tactic: term * (Calc.T * Proof.context) -> Istate.T -> expr_val;
   432 scan_dn: Calc.T * Proof.context -> Istate.pstate -> term -> expr_val;
   433 go_scan_up: term * (Calc.T * Proof.context) -> Istate.pstate -> expr_val;
   434 scan_up: term * (Calc.T * Proof.context) -> Istate.pstate -> term -> expr_val;
   435 check_tac: Calc.T * Proof.context -> Istate.pstate -> term * term option -> 
   436 expr_val;
   437 \<close>
   438 text \<open>
   439 The first argument of each function above, if of type  @{ML_type term}, is the 
   440 whole program. It is not required by @{term scan_dn}, simple top-down 
   441 scanning, and by @{term check_tac}, if a tactic has been reached. The 
   442 rightmost argument, if of type  @{ML_type term}, serves matching as shown 
   443 later. @{term scan_to_tactic} recognises, whether interpretation is just 
   444 starting a new program (@{term "path = []"}) or interpretation resumes at a 
   445 certain location:
   446 \<close> 
   447 (*<*)ML \<open>
   448 open Celem
   449 open LI
   450 \<close> 
   451     ML(*>*) \<open>
   452 fun scan_to_tactic (prog, cc) (Pstate (ist as {path, ...})) =
   453     if path = []
   454     then scan_dn cc (ist |> set_path [R]) (Program.body_of prog)
   455     else go_scan_up (prog, cc) ist
   456   | scan_to_tactic _ _ =
   457     raise ERROR "scan_to_tactic1: uncovered pattern in fun.def"
   458 \<close>
   459     text \<open>
   460 @{term scan_dn} sets the path in the interpreter state @{term ist} to @{term 
   461 R}, the program body, while @{term go_scan_up} goes one level up the path in 
   462 order to call @{term go_scan_up}. Both functions, scanning down and up, are 
   463 shown below\footnote{
   464 Referring to the example in Fig.\ref{fig:fun-pack-diff} on 
   465 p.\pageref{fig:fun-pack-diff} we show the interpreter code only for tacticals 
   466 @{const[names_short] Try}, @{const[names_short] Repeat} and chaining 
   467 \texttt{\small \#>} (which is \texttt{\small "Tactical.Chain"} in the code). 
   468 We also omit the cases for uncurried application, which only occurs once (in 
   469 the first, i.e. the out-most @{const[names_short] Try}) in the example.
   470 }:
   471 \<close> 
   472 (*<*)ML(*>*) \<open>
   473 fun scan_dn cc (ist as {act_arg, ...}) (Const ("Tactical.Try", _) $ e) =
   474     (case scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [R]) e of
   475       Reject_Tac => Term_Val act_arg
   476     | goback => goback)
   477   | scan_dn cc ist (Const ("Tactical.Repeat", _) $ e) =
   478     scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [R]) e
   479   | scan_dn cc ist (Const ("Tactical.Chain"(*2*), _) $ e1 $ e2) =
   480     (case scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [L, R]) e1 of
   481 	    Term_Val v => scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [R] |> set_act v) e2
   482     | goback => goback)
   483 (*|*)
   484   | scan_dn (cc as (_, ctxt)) (ist as {eval, ...}) t =
   485     if Tactical.contained_in t
   486     then raise TERM ("scan_dn expects Prog_Tac or Prog_Expr", [t])
   487     else
   488       case LItool.check_leaf "next  " ctxt eval (get_subst ist) t of
   489   	    (Program.Expr s, _) => Term_Val s
   490       | (Program.Tac prog_tac, form_arg) =>
   491           check_tac cc ist (prog_tac, form_arg)
   492 \<close>
   493     text \<open>
   494 The last case of @{term scan_dn} must have reached a leaf. @{term check_leaf} 
   495 distinguishes between @{term Expr} and @{term Tac}; the former returns a 
   496 @{term Term_Val}, the latter returns the result of @{term check_tac} called by 
   497 @{term scan_dn}, where the result is either @{term Accept_Tac} or @{term 
   498 Reject_Tac}. In case of  @{term Accept_Tac} scanning is stalled (in 
   499 \S\ref{expl-lucin} such a tactic has been called a beak-point), the respective 
   500 tactic is returned (together with corresponding @{ML_type Istate.T} and 
   501 @{ML_type Proof.context}) to the mathematics-engine. 
   502 In case of @{term Reject_Tac} an explicit back tracking by @{term scan_up} 
   503 tries other branches with @{term scan_dn}.
   505 \medskip
   506 @{term scan_up} is as simple as @{term scan_dn}; an essential difference is, 
   507 that the former requires the whole program for @{term go_scan_up} as follows:
   508 \<close> 
   509 (*<*)ML(*>*) \<open>
   510 fun go_scan_up (pcc as (sc, _)) (ist as {path, act_arg, found_accept,...})=
   511     if path = [R]
   512     then
   513       if found_accept then Term_Val act_arg else Reject_Tac
   514     else 
   515       scan_up pcc (ist |> path_up) (go_up path sc)
   516 and scan_up pcc ist (Const ("Tactical.Try"(*2*), _) $ _) = go_scan_up pcc ist
   517   | scan_up (pcc as (_, cc)) ist (Const ("Tactical.Repeat"(*2*), _) $ e) =
   518     (case scan_dn cc (ist |> path_down [R]) e of
   519       Accept_Tac ict => Accept_Tac ict
   520     | Reject_Tac => go_scan_up pcc ist
   521     | Term_Val v => go_scan_up pcc (ist |> set_act v |> set_found))
   522   | scan_up pcc ist (Const ("Tactical.Chain"(*2*), _) $ _ $ _) =
   523     go_scan_up pcc ist
   524   | scan_up (pcc as (sc, cc)) ist (Const ("Tactical.Chain"(*3*), _) $ _) =
   525       let 
   526         val e2 = check_Seq_up ist sc
   527       in
   528         case scan_dn cc (ist |> path_up_down [R]) e2 of
   529           Accept_Tac ict => Accept_Tac ict
   530         | Reject_Tac => go_scan_up pcc (ist |> path_up)
   531         | Term_Val v => go_scan_up pcc (ist |> path_up |> set_act v |> 
   532 set_found)
   533       end
   534 (*|*)
   535 \<close>
   536 text \<open>
   537 \subsection{Use of Isabelle's Contexts}\label{ctxt}
   538 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   539 Isabelle's \textit{``logical context represents the background that is 
   540 required for formulating statements and composing proofs. It acts as a medium 
   541 to produce formal content, depending on earlier material (declarations, 
   542 results etc.).''} \cite{implem-tutorial}. The \sisac-prototype introduced 
   543 Isabelle's @{ML_structure Context} in collaboration with a 
   544 student~\cite{mlehnf:bakk-11}, now uses them throughout construction of 
   545 problem solutions and implements a specific structure @{ML_structure 
   546 ContextC}\footnote{A closing ``C'' indicates an \sisac{} extension, see 
   547 {\url{}}}.
   549 At the beginning of the specification phase (briefly touched by tactic 
   550 @{term[names_short] SubProblem} in \S\ref{expl-lucin} and explained in little 
   551 more detail in the subsequent section) an Isabelle theory must be specified, 
   552 this is followed by \texttt{\small Proof\_Context.init\_global} in the 
   553 specification module. Then \texttt{\small Proof\_Context.initialise'} takes a 
   554 formalisation of the problem as strings, which are parsed by \texttt{\small  
   555\_term} using the context, and finally the resulting term's types 
   556 are recorded in the context by \texttt{\small Variable.declare\_constraints}. 
   557 The latter relieves students from type constraints for input terms. Finally, 
   558 as soon as a problem type is specified, the respective preconditions are 
   559 stored by \texttt{\small ContextC.insert\_assumptions}.
   561 \medskip
   562 During \LI{} the context is updated with assumptions generated by conditional 
   563 rewriting and by switching to and from sub-programs. An example for the former 
   564 is tactic  @{term[names_short] SubProblem} applied with theorem $x \ne 0 
   565 \Rightarrow (\frac{a}{x} = b) = (a = b\cdot x)$ during equation solving.
   567 A still not completely solved issue is switching to and from 
   568 @{term[names_short] SubProblem}s; the scope of an interpreter's environment is 
   569 different from a logical context's scope. When calling a sub-program, \sisac{} 
   570 uses \texttt{\small Proof\_Context.initialise}, but returning execution from a 
   571 @{term[names_short] SubProblem} is not so clear. For instance, if such a 
   572 sub-program determined the solutions $[x=0,\;x=\sqrt{2}]$, while the calling 
   573 program maintains the assumption $x\not=0$ from above, then the solution $x=0$ 
   574 must be dropped, this is clear. But how determine in full generality, which 
   575 context data to consider when returning execution to a calling program? 
   576 Presently the decision in \texttt{\small 
   577 ContextC.subpbl\_to\_caller}\footnote{
   578 \url{\#l73}} 
   579 is, to transfer all content data which contain at least one variable of the 
   580 calling program and drop them on contradiction.
   582 \subsection{Guarding and Embedding Execution}\label{embedding}
   583 %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   584 Guardin
   586 @{theory_text partial_function}s as used by \LI{} are alien to HOL for 
   587 fundamental reasons. And when the \sisac-project started with the aim to 
   588 support learning mathematics as taught at engineering faculties, it was clear, 
   589 that formal specifications should guard execution of programs under \LI{} 
   590 (i.e. execution only starts, when the specification's preconditions evaluate 
   591 to true).
   593 So formal specification is required for technical reasons \emph{and} for 
   594 educational reasons in engineering education. The \sisac-project designed a 
   595 separate specification phase, where input to a problem and corresponding 
   596 output as well as preconditions and post-condition are handled explicitly by 
   597 students; example in  Fig.\ref{fig:fun-pack-biegelinie} shows several 
   598 @{term[names_short] SubProblem}s, which lead to mutual recursion between 
   599 specification phase and phases creating a solution (supported by \LI).
   601 \paragraph{Embedding} \LI{} into a dialogue-module is required in order to 
   602 meet user requirements in educational settings. Looking at the calculation 
   603 shown on p.\pageref{biegel_calc} and considering the power of the three 
   604 mainfunction (1)\dots(3) mentioned in the respective comment on 
   605 p.\pageref{1-2-3}, it is clear, that in particular @{term[names_short] 
   606 find_next_step} needs control: The dialogue-module hands over control to a 
   607 student at each step of \LI, but students should also be warned against using 
   608 a button creating the next step too frequently. A careful reduction of help 
   609 from \LI{} might make the learning system also usable for written exams.
   611 \<close>
   613 (*<*)
   614 end
   615 (*>*)