changeset 45963 054a9ac0d7ef
parent 45962 305f83b6da54
child 46068 1f1897ac7877
equal deleted inserted replaced
45962:305f83b6da54 45963:054a9ac0d7ef
     1 (* Author: Tobias Nipkow *)
     3 theory Abs_Int_den1
     4 imports Abs_Int_den0_const
     5 begin
     7 subsection "Backward Analysis of Expressions"
     9 class L_top_bot = SL_top +
    10 fixes meet :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a" (infixl "\<sqinter>" 65)
    11 and Bot :: "'a"
    12 assumes meet_le1 [simp]: "x \<sqinter> y \<sqsubseteq> x"
    13 and meet_le2 [simp]: "x \<sqinter> y \<sqsubseteq> y"
    14 and meet_greatest: "x \<sqsubseteq> y \<Longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> z \<Longrightarrow> x \<sqsubseteq> y \<sqinter> z"
    15 assumes bot[simp]: "Bot \<sqsubseteq> x"
    17 locale Rep1 = Rep rep for rep :: "'a::L_top_bot \<Rightarrow> 'b set" +
    18 assumes inter_rep_subset_rep_meet: "rep a1 \<inter> rep a2 \<subseteq> rep(a1 \<sqinter> a2)"
    19 and rep_Bot: "rep Bot = {}"
    20 begin
    22 lemma in_rep_meet: "x <: a1 \<Longrightarrow> x <: a2 \<Longrightarrow> x <: a1 \<sqinter> a2"
    23 by (metis IntI inter_rep_subset_rep_meet set_mp)
    25 lemma rep_meet[simp]: "rep(a1 \<sqinter> a2) = rep a1 \<inter> rep a2"
    26 by (metis equalityI inter_rep_subset_rep_meet le_inf_iff le_rep meet_le1 meet_le2)
    28 end
    31 locale Val_abs1 = Val_abs rep num' plus' + Rep1 rep
    32   for rep :: "'a::L_top_bot \<Rightarrow> int set" and num' plus' +
    33 fixes filter_plus' :: "'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a * 'a"
    34 and filter_less' :: "bool \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a * 'a"
    35 assumes filter_plus': "filter_plus' a a1 a2 = (a1',a2') \<Longrightarrow>
    36   n1 <: a1 \<Longrightarrow> n2 <: a2 \<Longrightarrow> n1+n2 <: a \<Longrightarrow> n1 <: a1' \<and> n2 <: a2'"
    37 and filter_less': "filter_less' (n1<n2) a1 a2 = (a1',a2') \<Longrightarrow>
    38   n1 <: a1 \<Longrightarrow> n2 <: a2 \<Longrightarrow> n1 <: a1' \<and> n2 <: a2'"
    40 datatype 'a up = bot | Up 'a
    42 instantiation up :: (SL_top)SL_top
    43 begin
    45 fun le_up where
    46 "Up x \<sqsubseteq> Up y = (x \<sqsubseteq> y)" |
    47 "bot \<sqsubseteq> y = True" |
    48 "Up _ \<sqsubseteq> bot = False"
    50 lemma [simp]: "(x \<sqsubseteq> bot) = (x = bot)"
    51 by (cases x) simp_all
    53 lemma [simp]: "(Up x \<sqsubseteq> u) = (EX y. u = Up y & x \<sqsubseteq> y)"
    54 by (cases u) auto
    56 fun join_up where
    57 "Up x \<squnion> Up y = Up(x \<squnion> y)" |
    58 "bot \<squnion> y = y" |
    59 "x \<squnion> bot = x"
    61 lemma [simp]: "x \<squnion> bot = x"
    62 by (cases x) simp_all
    65 definition "Top = Up Top"
    67 instance proof
    68   case goal1 show ?case by(cases x, simp_all)
    69 next
    70   case goal2 thus ?case
    71     by(cases z, simp, cases y, simp, cases x, auto intro: le_trans)
    72 next
    73   case goal3 thus ?case by(cases x, simp, cases y, simp_all)
    74 next
    75   case goal4 thus ?case by(cases y, simp, cases x, simp_all)
    76 next
    77   case goal5 thus ?case by(cases z, simp, cases y, simp, cases x, simp_all)
    78 next
    79   case goal6 thus ?case by(cases x, simp_all add: Top_up_def)
    80 qed
    82 end
    85 locale Abs_Int1 = Val_abs1 +
    86 fixes pfp :: "('a astate up \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up) \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up"
    87 assumes pfp: "f(pfp f x0) \<sqsubseteq> pfp f x0"
    88 assumes above: "x0 \<sqsubseteq> pfp f x0"
    89 begin
    91 (* FIXME avoid duplicating this defn *)
    92 abbreviation astate_in_rep (infix "<:" 50) where
    93 "s <: S == ALL x. s x <: lookup S x"
    95 abbreviation in_rep_up :: "state \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up \<Rightarrow> bool"  (infix "<::" 50) where
    96 "s <:: S == EX S0. S = Up S0 \<and> s <: S0"
    98 lemma in_rep_up_trans: "(s::state) <:: S \<Longrightarrow> S \<sqsubseteq> T \<Longrightarrow> s <:: T"
    99 apply auto
   100 by (metis in_mono le_astate_def le_rep lookup_def top)
   102 lemma in_rep_join_UpI: "s <:: S1 | s <:: S2 \<Longrightarrow> s <:: S1 \<squnion> S2"
   103 by (metis in_rep_up_trans SL_top_class.join_ge1 SL_top_class.join_ge2)
   105 fun aval' :: "aexp \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up \<Rightarrow> 'a" ("aval\<^isup>#") where
   106 "aval' _ bot = Bot" |
   107 "aval' (N n) _ = num' n" |
   108 "aval' (V x) (Up S) = lookup S x" |
   109 "aval' (Plus a1 a2) S = plus' (aval' a1 S) (aval' a2 S)"
   111 lemma aval'_sound: "s <:: S \<Longrightarrow> aval a s <: aval' a S"
   112 by (induct a) (auto simp: rep_num' rep_plus')
   114 fun afilter :: "aexp \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up" where
   115 "afilter (N n) a S = (if n <: a then S else bot)" |
   116 "afilter (V x) a S = (case S of bot \<Rightarrow> bot | Up S \<Rightarrow>
   117   let a' = lookup S x \<sqinter> a in
   118   if a' \<sqsubseteq> Bot then bot else Up(update S x a'))" |
   119 "afilter (Plus e1 e2) a S =
   120  (let (a1,a2) = filter_plus' a (aval' e1 S) (aval' e2 S)
   121   in afilter e1 a1 (afilter e2 a2 S))"
   123 text{* The test for @{const Bot} in the @{const V}-case is important: @{const
   124 Bot} indicates that a variable has no possible values, i.e.\ that the current
   125 program point is unreachable. But then the abstract state should collapse to
   126 @{const bot}. Put differently, we maintain the invariant that in an abstract
   127 state all variables are mapped to non-@{const Bot} values. Otherwise the
   128 (pointwise) join of two abstract states, one of which contains @{const Bot}
   129 values, may produce too large a result, thus making the analysis less
   130 precise. *}
   133 fun bfilter :: "bexp \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up" where
   134 "bfilter (B bv) res S = (if bv=res then S else bot)" |
   135 "bfilter (Not b) res S = bfilter b (\<not> res) S" |
   136 "bfilter (And b1 b2) res S =
   137   (if res then bfilter b1 True (bfilter b2 True S)
   138    else bfilter b1 False S \<squnion> bfilter b2 False S)" |
   139 "bfilter (Less e1 e2) res S =
   140   (let (res1,res2) = filter_less' res (aval' e1 S) (aval' e2 S)
   141    in afilter e1 res1 (afilter e2 res2 S))"
   143 lemma afilter_sound: "s <:: S \<Longrightarrow> aval e s <: a \<Longrightarrow> s <:: afilter e a S"
   144 proof(induction e arbitrary: a S)
   145   case N thus ?case by simp
   146 next
   147   case (V x)
   148   obtain S' where "S = Up S'" and "s <: S'" using `s <:: S` by auto
   149   moreover hence "s x <: lookup S' x" by(simp)
   150   moreover have "s x <: a" using V by simp
   151   ultimately show ?case using V(1)
   152     by(simp add: lookup_update Let_def)
   153        (metis le_rep emptyE in_rep_meet rep_Bot subset_empty)
   154 next
   155   case (Plus e1 e2) thus ?case
   156     using filter_plus'[OF _ aval'_sound[OF Plus(3)] aval'_sound[OF Plus(3)]]
   157     by (auto split: prod.split)
   158 qed
   160 lemma bfilter_sound: "s <:: S \<Longrightarrow> bv = bval b s \<Longrightarrow> s <:: bfilter b bv S"
   161 proof(induction b arbitrary: S bv)
   162   case B thus ?case by simp
   163 next
   164   case (Not b) thus ?case by simp
   165 next
   166   case (And b1 b2) thus ?case by (auto simp: in_rep_join_UpI)
   167 next
   168   case (Less e1 e2) thus ?case
   169     by (auto split: prod.split)
   170        (metis afilter_sound filter_less' aval'_sound Less)
   171 qed
   173 fun AI :: "com \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up \<Rightarrow> 'a astate up" where
   174 "AI SKIP S = S" |
   175 "AI (x ::= a) S =
   176   (case S of bot \<Rightarrow> bot | Up S \<Rightarrow> Up(update S x (aval' a (Up S))))" |
   177 "AI (c1;c2) S = AI c2 (AI c1 S)" |
   178 "AI (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2) S =
   179   AI c1 (bfilter b True S) \<squnion> AI c2 (bfilter b False S)" |
   180 "AI (WHILE b DO c) S =
   181   bfilter b False (pfp (\<lambda>S. AI c (bfilter b True S)) S)"
   183 lemma AI_sound: "(c,s) \<Rightarrow> t \<Longrightarrow> s <:: S \<Longrightarrow> t <:: AI c S"
   184 proof(induction c arbitrary: s t S)
   185   case SKIP thus ?case by fastforce
   186 next
   187   case Assign thus ?case
   188     by (auto simp: lookup_update aval'_sound)
   189 next
   190   case Semi thus ?case by fastforce
   191 next
   192   case If thus ?case by (auto simp: in_rep_join_UpI bfilter_sound)
   193 next
   194   case (While b c)
   195   let ?P = "pfp (\<lambda>S. AI c (bfilter b True S)) S"
   196   { fix s t
   197     have "(WHILE b DO c,s) \<Rightarrow> t \<Longrightarrow> s <:: ?P \<Longrightarrow>
   198           t <:: bfilter b False ?P"
   199     proof(induction "WHILE b DO c" s t rule: big_step_induct)
   200       case WhileFalse thus ?case by(metis bfilter_sound)
   201     next
   202       case WhileTrue show ?case
   203         by(rule WhileTrue, rule in_rep_up_trans[OF _ pfp],
   204            rule While.IH[OF WhileTrue(2)],
   205            rule bfilter_sound[OF WhileTrue.prems], simp add: WhileTrue(1))
   206     qed
   207   }
   208   with in_rep_up_trans[OF `s <:: S` above] While(2,3) AI.simps(5)
   209   show ?case by simp
   210 qed
   212 end
   214 end